

Chapter 1

The annoying noise from the early morning busy street woke up Sapphire from her beautiful slumber.'' Mommy, I don't want to go to school today '' she told her mother. Mrs, Ruby looked at her confused and asked her sternly ''Give me a reason''. Sapphire groaned and mumbled softly'' another day of endless pestering from that bastard whatever they call him''. ''I don't even understand the girls in my school always scream when they see him. I sometimes pity them for only caring about his outlook and not his personality. I will not discriminate but he is handsome. His amorous gray eyes seem to make him otherworldly. Oh sh*t, Sapphire exclaimed,'' I am going to be late from the morning mental class again''. The female mental teacher who always embarrasses students who are late for class is even much of a headache for her. She hurriedly had her breakfast and went for the bus to school with her younger twin siblings.

Sapphire, should we help you today again to deal with that boy who always bugs you in school? asked Jessi. I will count on the two of you today again, ok? You have not settled us with our money the last time, stated Jessica. Don't worry I will double the payment to you after school. Then it's a deal, Jessi said. Ok, agreed on Sapphire. The two mischievous siblings skipped over to Damien's side.

Later, the bus arrived and they got on. Sapphire had a scowl on her face after seeing the so-called Damien who had a teasing smile on his lips. Hey, do you have a surprise for Sapphire today? asked Jessica. Yes, replied Damien. Is that the reason you took the bus with us today? Sapphire who was eavesdropping secretly thought," Another spoilt young master of a rich family''. Don't mind Sapphire we will help you win her over, ok? whispered Jessi. Why do you want to help me? Damien asked. Because you are handsome, Jessica teased making him laugh out loud.