

  Downstairs, Damien sat down and waited patiently with his sister on the dining table. After Mrs. Ruby came to the dining table, they all picked up their cutlery ready to dig in. Wait, I have something to ask you Damien. You mentioned something about your penthouse, when in this world did you own that? Mom, please can you take a bite so we can eat? I am starving to death. Brother Damien is already drooling all over himself, Michelle teased after she saw her brother being absent-minded and more focus on his favorite dish. Ok, let's eat after we are done I will talk to you.

After lunch, Damien hurriedly left for his room in the main mansion. I should hurry before Mom begins to question me again I am not ready now, he thought to himself. After he sneaked out of his Mom's villa to his room. He took out his phone and called.

  Hello, have u gotten any lead in the investigation? Damien asked in his usual cold voice. Yes, sir, the person on the other side of the line answered respectfully. Ok, wait for me at 12:00 PM in the base. I will come over, and wait for me at the usual place. Ok sir. After the call, he took out brown envelope from the nightstand and went through. Brother, I can finally find some leads in this investigation, was your death planned or is it that you died naturally? I have investigated this secretly for a very long time. From the day I heard of your death, I knew in my heart that your death is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

  I am the one who knows your best and I knew your power from the beginning and influence in the mafia. I will get justice for you. I would find out all those involved and I will not let them go scot-free. I have always admired you since our childhood and I have not been able to get over your death. I will not stop until I get to the bottom of this, Damien who was lost in his thoughts of grieving over his brother death missed the light knock on his door.

He slept off silently on his bed. Nooo!! Damien jump up from his bed. This nightmare has always been the cause of his insomnia. He has been haunted in his dream, everyone is blaming him for something he didn't even know about. I will surely uncover everything to the end, he thought decisively. Damien took a glance at the clock and found out that it's almost time for dinner. Wow, I had enough rest though. I think I should wash up and get ready for the night.