
The unknown other world

Licia_Ogbeta · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: Pretty new student

*I sincerely apologize for not posting any new chapters until now,I had some personal issues to deal with*

Noelle had been talking to Zane but he only replied with simple words like 'okay', ' yes', 'no', and 'is that so?'.

It's not that he hadn't noticed she liked him,he wasn't an Idiot but he just decided to ignore it not because he was trying to be a jerk but because, firstly, He did not reciprocate her feelings for him. Secondly, he didn't believe in love it was overrated to him and thirdly he didn't want her to get her hopes up that he would one day feel the same way for her. so he concluded it was better she didn't know he knew.

" there's a new girl" Noelle said

" Really? is she pretty?"Ronnie asked which made Zuri roll her eyes

" you're hopeless Ronnie " Zuri said

Zane had not said anything,he was actually a quiet guy though he did some reckless things,he was after all a guy right?

Stepping into the class it was quiet mostly because most of the girls in class looked angry while the guys surrounded someone.

Zane walked over to where the boys were not because he was curious but whoever it was,was sitting on his seat and the boys where crowding that seat

" Don't mean to interrupt whatever this is" Zane said as he made way through the boys crowding "but...." he stopped when he finally pass through the guys only to see a girl seated on his seat.she was definitely pretty,she had black long hair, brown eyes and a beautiful skin. her dressing was simple,she wore a blue gown a little bit above her knees with blue Snickers, diamond earrings and a necklace with a diamond . the diamond Sparkled as the ray of the morning sun shinned on it

" Excuse me,this is my spot" Zane said calmly.

The girl looked at him,she had a gentle look on her face"Find somewhere else to sit" she simply said then turned her face away from him. 'Did that just happen?' Zane asked within himself

Although she looked gentle she made that simple statement so arrogantly it made him want to kick her off the seat but she was a girl.

" what's your name?" Zane asked trying to keep his cool,there was something special about this seat to him,it was the back seat and it was close to the window so he could enjoy the breeze and plus no one would disturb him,no one except Noelle since she was trying to spend more time with him but honestly he didn't even know what she liked in him.

" Am not obligated to answer you" a girl said " And besides isn't it common courtesy to give your name before asking another's?" She looked at him this time with arrogance in her eyes.

" Zane Blake"

She gracefully stood up,she was shorter than Zane and only got to his shoulders,when she told up,she had the aura of royalty like she owned the world" Lexi... Lexi snow" she said In a polite manner" now if you'd excuse me,I was in the middle of a discussion before you interrupted me.. twice" she went back to that arrogant little brat.


" Let it be dude, she's new isn't she?" Ronnie said to Zane " you can sit with me" he said.

" you're right" Zane said walking over to Ronnie 's seat that was far away from the window,well good bye blue sky,cool breeze and beautiful birds.

When the teacher came, she introduced Lexi and said she was new in town and was staying with Roger the guy who owned an Antique shop in town. Mrs Jenny advice them to be hospitable to Lexi and show her around town since she had never been to Willows before.

During class Zane kept staring at her not because she was attractive which she was but because he was curious .

During lunch Lexi went to the bathroom and a girl was there, standing looking at her.

"How was your first day princess?" the girl asked

Lexi frowned " I told you not to call me that while we're here on earth"

the girl slightly bowed her head"Am sorry"

"So?" Lexi asked

" I managed to divert the Queen's men, they're searching another planet but the diversion won't last for long" the girl said

" But would it last long enough for Roger to cast the spell?" Lexi asked

"It should"

"Good" she replied calmly and the next thing that followed was silence before she said" I was mean today... arrogant to be precise " she said remorsefully.

" whatever you did you had to,to conceal your Identity. You might be in a different world but you still need to be careful and be a different person " The girl said trying to console her princess who was actually kind hearted in reality.

" can I apologize?" Lexi asked looking at the girl

" Prin...Lexi,you know...." She said

" I know,just this once to just this person" Lexi looked with a pleading look in her eyes

" okay " the girl let out a sigh

" Thank you"Lexi said. Lexi washed her hands and was about to leave when she stopped and turned to the girl"Thank you Amy, I wouldn't be here without you. Thank you for everything" She said before walking away from the bathroom.

"It's my pleasure,My lady" Amy said after Lexi had left.

Zane was swimming in the school's swimming pool, although he was not on the swimming team,he was a great swimmer and it helped him think more clearly. Zane comes out of the pool only to find Lexi standing holding a towel stretching it to him with both her hands.

"I've been looking for you, you're pretty hard to find" Lexi said with a soft chuckle.

Zane who was still in the pool was in shock,was this the same girl he had met in class? she had a totally different demeanor.