
The unknown other world

Licia_Ogbeta · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: Apology

Zane looked at Lexi in surprise," Are you fine" he asked

"Am perfect" she smiled

" Okie dokie" he said coming out of the pool and picking up another towel to dry his hair.

" That was certainly rude of you" she said

" You're one to talk aren't you?" he said turning his back on her to leave when she said " I actually came here to apologize" she said,he could see her gripping onto the towel tightly.

"Okay, apologize then" he said,this time they were looking at each other face to face.

Lexi didn't say anything for about a minute then she took two steps forward " Am a great swimmer,Race me" she finally said

" why would I race you" He asked,he thought she came here to apologize not race him.

" If I win you'll show me around town,as you know am new and know no where" she spoke a little demanding and Excited.

" And if I win?" Zane asked,he loved bets and he was sure going to win this pompous proud newbee.

" you'll choose of course" she said

" You get out of my spot in class and stay out of my way" He said,he didn't hate her but neither did he like her

" Deal" she simply said and dropped the towel she was holding and got ready to undress. She bent town and took off her shoes,the earrings, necklace and finally...

" Wait, you're going to undress right in front of me?" he asked panicking,he had never seen a girl naked before.

" I can't swim in my dress can I?" she smiled realizing how nervous he'd become. Zane turned around while she undressed. When she was done,Zane turned around and she was in only her bra and panties, she was definitely gorgeous but no way he would say it out loud.

" You ready?" she asked

' she looks pretty confident,am going to enjoy defeating her' Zane thought inside him.

" I was born ready" he said.

" make this competition interesting okay" Lexi said then winked at him.

"we are swimming to the end of the pool and swim back here the beginning... twice. Got it?" he asked

"I got it"she replied

"on the count of three then ..1"


"3...." they both said and Jumped into the water. They swam fast. Lexi was certain she wouldn't lose after all,she was from the water tribe.

As they kept swimming,Lexi had a flash back of a woman then she slowed down with Zane over taking her.

By the time Lexi got to the end she saw that Zane was already half way towards the beginning,her eyes turned blue and back to normal

" No way..."

She dived backed into the water and she was faster than before.

When Lexi got to the beginning her eyes were totally blue and Zane was swimming to the end again. She dived back in the pool, swimming with all her might, inside the water her eyes glowed blue.

Getting to the end of the pool again,Lexi swam so fast that she surpassed Zane and Got to the beginning of the pool again first.

Zane got to the beginning three seconds after she did.

"I win" Lexi exclaimed in Joy.

" Apparently" Zane said " If this is your way of apologizing,it stinks" He said taking a towel to dry his own head again.

"I'm sorry" she said softly " I didn't mean to be like that,I just had to, nothing everything is as they seem. I asked you to Race me so that we could get kill what ever bad blood was there between us" she Just stood still as she apologized gripping the towel again.

Zane just looked at her in shock,he took a bigger towel walked over to her and put it over her shoulders covering her body down to her toes.

" You won the bet,so am your town tourist,for a week " he said

"but I didn't say a week" She whined

" stop whining and Just take it okay " He said

Zane kept looking at her, her hair was wet, there was a hair sticking to her face so he moved closer to her and tucked the hair sticking on her behind her ear. " You can have your spot back,I shouldn't have been rude" She felt timid towards this boy. was this how humans were? she asked herself, even after talking rudely to him, he still offered to show her around.

" You should dry up quickly,you might catch a cold" Zane cautioned her. " Hmm.." she nodded in agreement.

Zane turned around then said " I'll come pick you up from Roger's by 4pm. is that okay for you?" He asked

" you know him?" she looked confused.

" It's a small town Snow, everybody knows him" He simply stated

" Right... why didn't you call me Lexi?" she shyly asked

" What?" he turned around to look at her

" Why didn't you call me by my name?" she asked again

" I don't know,it just came out " he raised a brow " Do you want me to call you Lexi?" he asked. " yes, back at home no one called me that,it was my mother's name. my dad was the only person who called me that,then my sister never called me that name but only addressed me as' you' or 'sister', so it wouldn't hurt to hear someone acknowledging the name " she said

"okay if it pleases you,I will.... Lexi" he said

" Well thank you, you're very kind " she said

" but what do others call you back home?" he asked

" Lady" she said

" Are you from some kind of royalty?"

" you can say that" she exhaled.

" Is 4pm good for you Lexi? " Zane asked

" yeah, ... thank you" she replied

" so see you later then" he turned around and walked away with a towel around his neck. while Lexi stood wondering what had just happened.

" My lady" a voice called out to her,she looked behind her and saw Amy coming towards her.

" Amy" she whispered.

Amy quickly apologized.

Amy noticed she was wet," what happened,are you okay" Amy asked with a worried look on her face.

" Am fine Amy,I just felt like going for a swim" I've been alone no problem " Lexi lied to Amy

" Okay, have you apologized yet?" she asked

" yeah,I did it in the classroom " Lexi lied more,she didn't want Amy to get worried too much so she has to tell a little white lie.