
The ultimate rebirth

Cryptic_werelord · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Start of My New Life

While I was in the room I tried to push my head against the wall, when I did the wall pushed out and slightly cracked. Which surprised me so I continued to push on it with my head till there was, a small hole in the wall that I could look out of it. As I looked out of the small hole I saw big eggs surrounding the thing I was in. That's when I realized I was also in one of these eggs. So I decided to break out of the egg so that I could figure out what was going on and where I was.

I began to break and push on the top of the egg till there was a big enough hole for me to pop my head out. As I looked out I couldn't believe what I saw. I was in a cave surrounded by 6 other eggs that varied in colors.one was a dark blue with green and red speckles while one where bright green with white spots, and another next to it was gold with bright blue jagged lines. The next two were the same color, bright red with a mix of jagged blue and green lines with speckles. The one that was behind me was a light purple with one black stripe that wrapped around the top to the bottom. And my egg was a dark purple with light purple and gold speckles.

After breaking out and looking around, and saw what was around me I looked down towards my body and saw that I had four legs, small wings, and scales that looked like the egg I was in. I was completely shocked, and didn't know what to think other than. 'What the fuck I'm a dragon how could this happen I just died, literally torn apart by sharks.' 'For now I should find something to eat before I figure anything else out I feel starved.'

So I started to weave my way out of the other eggs slowly not to disturb them or break them, and then started to walk towards the huge entrance to the massive cave I was in. But before I could get to far a huge head appeared in the entrance and looked straight at me. I stopped instantly and looked back at them. "what are you doing young one get back from the entrance your mother will be here soon." Said the head in the entrance. When I tried to talk back it just came out as some awkward chirps. That's when the head in the entrance said "Don't fret little one go back to the nest and wait till your mother arrives." So I turned around and went back to the nest and decided to rest till my new mother would arrive.

A few hours later when I woke up my brothers and sister had already hatched and were eating the carcass of some massive beast while two huge dragons sat towards the entrance watching. As I got up my mother called me over "my son that is still in the nest come here please?" So when I got up I slowly walked and wobbled over, not being used to walking with four legs and just being born made it a little harder. But eventually I made it over to her. That's when she touched me head with one of her nails and said "son your name is Darius magnum, you may go eat with your brother and sisters now." I tried to say thank you mom but it still came out as an awkward chirp. So I decided to head over and try to eat the raw meat. I went on the side my brothers and sisters were on and looked at the carcass for a few minutes before I stuck my head down and bit onto a softer looking piece of meat but it was disgusting and I immediately let go. But instead of give up I tried again and again until eventually I managed to eat it without mentally cringing every time I bit down on it. After the first five bites I started to get used to it and eat faster till I was full and looked like a puppy that had just overfilled on food and was bloated from how much they ate. After I was done I went over to the nest were my brothers and sisters had gone to go to bed after eating.

Once I was in the nest I laid down next to my sister the one that was purple like me and fell asleep almost instantly.