
The ultimate rebirth

Cryptic_werelord · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The End Leads To New Beginnings

On one sweltering hot day of summer I decided to go for a walk to the beach, with my daughter Raylynn and on the way I stopped and got her ice cream her favorite kind strawberry and chocolate with sprinkles and caramel chunks. We then went to the beach and I set our picnic basket and towels down in the sand. Raylynn had wandered off towards the other kids at the beach so I decided to swim in the water, and I swam out about a hundred feet before I realized how far I had gotten and decided to swim back.

As I got about 30 feet back I saw a shadow stalking me about 4 feet behind me to my left just under the water, but it was too late just as I realized what it was it burst forth with immense speed as if it was gliding through the water and bit onto my leg as it burst through the water dragging me with it into deeper water. I was in a daze, when It released me the bite nearly caused me to pass out because it tore a chunk out of the side of my leg.

I tried to swim back towards the shore to get to safety, I yelled "SHARK!" Just before the shark attacked again from below tearing my leg off the rest of the way, and knocking me out of the water into the air and launching into the air as well. Revealing that it was an adult tiger shark that grew to be 15 feet long. my yell alerted the life guards which they immediately began to evacuate the water and try to rescue me.

It was too late for me though by the time they'd gotten there a bunch of smaller sharks had arrived,and started to tear me apart limb from limb the pain was excruciating but didn't last long before I died from blood loss and body damage. It was strange when I died because it wasn't anything like what people thought it would be like. After I passed out and died I woke up and saw the sharks eating my corpse. The life guards and other departments that had shown up to help were watching in shock as the sharks finished devouring my body, and swan back into the depths of the ocean before they returned to the beach. I watched as they went to inform my daughter of my passing, and as she broke down crying and screaming "NOOOOOOO! DAD..", but before she could finish speaking everything started to fade away and it felt like I was being dragged away to some place far away. The next thing I knew it was dark and damp, I also felt like I was alive again but something was off.

I tried to move around but i couldn't move much just my head. When I was moving around it felt like I was in a hard oval room just big enough for me to fit and move my head around. After further inspection I believe that I have been reborn.