
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 165: Why Did I Accept You As My Disciple Back Then?

"Minato, please listen to my explanation. You must believe me!" Sarutobi Hiruzen pleaded, desperate to regain Minato's trust. Losing Minato's faith was just as grave a crisis as Naruto losing control.

"No, I won't trust you any longer. Everything you've done will be exposed, Third Hokage. You can explain yourself to others," Minato replied, shaking his head. His emotions had steadied, and he understood that further discussion would be fruitless. It was time to rely on evidence and facts.

"What do you mean, Minato? Could it be that..." Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts raced, considering the sudden rumors that had spread throughout Konoha. Could it be that Minato was the person making trouble, hidden in the dark?

No, impossible!

How did he know those things!?

He and Danzo did those things in the past quite secretly. Even Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado didn't know about them!

It is highly unlikely for Danzo to betray him! The Third Hokage couldn't fathom that Danzo would be foolish enough to expose his weaknesses and tarnish his reputation!

"You'll know later," Minato didn't explain. He said, "Naruto, can we start now? Only one thing is left."

"Well, yes," Naruto nodded.

Minato made hand-seals and shouted, "Shadow Clone Technique!"

Bang Bang Bang!

Minato summoned three Shadow Clones, and with a nod of understanding among them, they vanished simultaneously.

"Minato, what are you planning to do?!" Hiruzen sensed that something was amiss as if Minato was about to undertake a momentous action that had no connection to him.

"Orochimaru, release me!" Frustrated by Minato's disregard, the Third Hokage turned to Orochimaru and bellowed.

If he remained confined, the Third Hokage felt that he might truly be doomed this time. It was not because his life was at stake, but because his painstakingly maintained reputation throughout his life was at risk of being destroyed. That was something he held more dearly than his own life.

"Hee hee hee, how rare to see you so agitated, Sarutobi-sensei. It truly excites me," Orochimaru sneered.

"Orochimaru! I shouldn't have spared you!" Hiruzen now deeply regretted his past leniency. Why had he refrained from seizing Orochimaru when he had the chance?

"Sensei, this is your greatest weakness. The current consequences are all a result of your soft-heartedness. Danzo is far more ruthless than you. Sadly, the Second Hokage chose you as the Third Hokage. As time goes on, you become more and more hesitant. You don't even dare to assert yourself in front of Kumogakure and Sunagakure."

"You have lost the vigor of your youth, constantly wavering between the past and the future. Even now, you don't dare to face me with unwavering resolve? You truly disappoint me, Sarutobi-sensei," Orochimaru suddenly raised his hand, pressing it against his face and violently tearing it apart, revealing a different face beneath.

"Aren't you... Orochimaru? Who are you?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened behind his glasses, gazing in disbelief at the unfamiliar face before him.

"He is not Orochimaru?"

"What the hell is going on?!" Even the surrounding Anbu were shocked.

"Who is she?" Even Minato found himself perplexed by Orochimaru's manipulation.

"This is Orochimaru himself. Yes, it's merely the result of his secret technique. I must admit, Orochimaru is truly remarkable," Naruto exclaimed in admiration.

"Hehehe, as expected of Naruto-kun. Did you already figure it out?" Orochimaru was taken aback. How could Naruto be aware of his Living Corpse Reincarnation (Edo Tensei)?

Could it be that Naruto has unraveled all my secrets? Does Naruto possess the ability to foresee the future or peer into people's hearts?

Orochimaru's estimation of the danger posed by Naruto surged, elevating him to the highest level among all the subjects of his internal vigilance.

"Have you managed to master that Forbidden Technique!?" Hiruzen heard Naruto mentioning Orochimaru's secret technique, and his thoughts immediately turned to the Forbidden Technique that Orochimaru had been researching before his rebellion against the village.

This technique involved a form of ninjutsu that allowed one to transfer their spirit into another person's body, known as a "vessel," granting them eternal life and alternative immortality.

"So that's why you were seeking Uchiha Sasuke?!" Hiruzen exclaimed, taken aback by the revelation.

"Indeed, that was my original plan, but unfortunately, it was thwarted by Naruto here," Orochimaru responded with a smile. He then continued, "Therefore, Sarutobi-sensei, if you wish to escape from here, you must either defeat me... or be prepared to be killed by me!"

Orochimaru formed a seal with his hands, displaying an indifferent demeanor.

"Orochimaru! I cannot afford to waste time on you!" Hiruzen exclaimed anxiously.

Damn Orochimaru, he is as tenacious as a cold-hearted serpent. How did I ever accept him as a disciple in the first place?!

"It's truly unfortunate, Sarutobi-sensei... If you don't take this seriously, you will truly meet your end," Orochimaru remarked, and immediately, Senju Tobirama before him sprang into action.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"


A colossal water dragon materialized, showcasing immense power even without a nearby water source. This is the mastery of Senju Tobirama, a shinobi who surpasses even the Mizukage in Water Release ninjutsu.

"Earth Release: Earth Wall... Oops, no, not enough chakra!" Hiruzen swiftly employed Earth Release to defend himself.

However, he realized that the Earth Release ninjutsu he employed lacked the usual potency, leaving him with a hollow sensation within his body.

This outcome stems from the earlier Wood Release used by Senju Hashirama. Wood Release absorbed an excessive amount from him, so his defense can't last long.

"Water Release: Water Waves!" Senju Tobirama swiftly formed the necessary hand seals, conjuring a whirlpool of water that spiraled upward into the air. Within moments, the water transformed into a cascading torrent, resembling a mighty waterfall, as it surged towards the Third Hokage with tremendous force.

"Monkey King! Get bigger!!" Hiruzen shouted.

"Okay!" Monkey King said in response.

Third Hokage slammed down the iron rod in his hand and then jumped to the top. The iron rod instantly became larger and rose high, avoiding Water Release's attack.


"Sarutobi-sensei, your movements have slowed down!" Orochimaru materialized in front of the Third Hokage with astonishing speed, swiftly swinging the Kusanagi sword in his hand toward his target.

"You!" Hiruzen swiftly drew a kunai to defend himself, but his blade was swiftly intercepted by the razor-sharp Kusanagi sword, causing a deep gash on his shoulder. Nonetheless, the attack bought the Third Hokage valuable time, allowing him to quickly retreat from Orochimaru's reach.

"Wood Release: Wood Bindings!" Hashirama's voice echoed through the air.

"Oh no!" As the Third Hokage landed, his gaze fell upon Senju Hashirama, who had remained dormant until now. Folding his hands together, Hashirama stared at the Third Hokage with a cold expression.


Expansive vines sprouted from beneath the Third Hokage's feet, swiftly entangling him in an inescapable wooden cage. The wooden restraints began to siphon his chakra, leaving him weakened and vulnerable.

"Hehehe, Sensei, it seems age has caught up with you," Orochimaru taunted, lifting the Kusanagi sword and aiming it directly at the Third Hokage. With a swift and precise motion, the blade pierced through his body.

"Orochimaru!" Hiruzen roared in defiance, his unwillingness to accept defeat echoing in his voice.


Suddenly, a hand firmly grasped Orochimaru's, halting his deadly strike. A voice resonated through the air, declaring, "I can't let the Third Hokage die yet."

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Orochimaru narrowed his eyes as he gazed upon the figure before him.