
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 166: Farewell!

When Orochimaru sensed his shoulder being grasped, he immediately stepped back. Subsequently, Naruto positioned himself in front of the Third Hokage.

"You! How did you…? The Flying Thunder God Technique? Did you mark a seal on the Third Hokage?" Orochimaru frowned and speculatively questioned Naruto.

"Naruto..." Hiruzen gazed at Naruto, moved by the unexpected realization that it would be him who would save him at this time.

However, he had the Flying Thunder God Mark on him. But, he hadn't had any contact with Naruto. How did he manage to accomplish it?

"Well done! You truly are the son of the Fourth Hokage-sama!"

"Yeah, yeah! Good luck, Naruto!"

When the Anbu ninjas witnessed Orochimaru nearly taking the life of the Third Hokage, they felt a sense of anxiety, as they were helpless in the situation. Even the Hokage couldn't break through the Four Violet Flame Formation. Only the Flying Thunder God Ninjutsu seemed capable of granting freedom of movement.

Thus, they were filled with excitement upon witnessing Naruto's rescue, as Konoha couldn't afford to lose its Hokage.

It would be futile even if the Fourth Hokage was revived, as the current orthodox Hokage was Hiruzen, and he still held the position. However, if the Third Hokage were to pass the title of Hokage to the Fourth Hokage, that would be a different matter.

"I didn't leave any mark on the Third Hokage. It's just..." Naruto tapped his foot on the tile and said, "I left numerous marks on this roof."

This was Naruto's long-prepared plan, specifically for this moment.

"...You were using me," Orochimaru said helplessly.

Hiruzen was left speechless as well. He thought, "If you could have arrived earlier, why didn't you act sooner? Did you just stand and watched Orochimaru beat me? Are you seeking revenge on me?"

Naruto disregarded the Third Hokage's probing gaze and broke him free from the bindings. He then placed his palm on the Third Hokage's chest.


"Chakra Seal!" Naruto murmured.

A black mark spread across the Third Hokage's body and vanished. Hiruzen suddenly felt weak, as if the remaining Chakra in his body had dissipated. No matter how much he tried to mobilize it, there was no effect.

"Naruto, you..."


The Third Hokage was swiftly transferred to the Fourth Hokage's side using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The sensation of weakness overwhelmed the Third Hokage, making him feel dizzy and almost unable to stand. Minato supported him with a single hand.

"Third Hokage, be patient. This is for your good," Minato said calmly, full of warning.


"Are you okay!?"

The Anbu ninjas noticed that the Third Hokage had released the Four Violet Flame Formation and hurried over. They were unaware that Naruto had just performed the sealing technique on the Third Hokage. In their minds, they believed that the Flying Thunder God Technique required physical contact, so that was it.

"Find the medical ninjas to assist in the Third Hokage's healing. Leave everything to me here," Minato commanded.

"Yes, Fourth Hokage!" One Anbu immediately disappeared to find help, while the other two continued to stand by, guarding the Third Hokage.

With the presence of the Fourth Hokage, they felt more at ease. After all, how could Minato, as the Fourth Hokage, pose any threat to the Third Hokage? That would make him a traitor.

"Minato..." Hiruzen looked at Minato nervously.

Although the threat from Orochimaru was now eliminated, Minato's intentions remained unclear. His Shadow Clone had vanished to an unknown location. What if Minato harbored ill intentions toward him because of Naruto, now that Naruto had blocked his Chakra?

"Don't worry, Third Hokage, I won't make a move. After all, you are still Hokage," Minato saw Third Hokage's worry and said softly.

"So, Minato, what are you planning to do?" Hiruzen asked, panicking.

"You'll find out later, don't worry," Minato replied.

"Naruto-kun, by appearing now, what is your intention?" Orochimaru chuckled lightly.

"Of course, I intend to defeat you. After all, you are a traitor to Konoha. You conspired with Otonin Village and Sunagakure to assassinate the Hokage. As a ninja of Konoha, how could I ignore that?" Naruto spread his hands and said.

"Hehehe... so that's it. I've also wanted to compete with Naruto-kun for a long time. It seems that the time has come," Orochimaru knew that Naruto's purpose went beyond that.

To him, Naruto seemed to be the biggest winner in this "Konoha Crash Plan."

Not only Orochimaru but the entire Konoha, including Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō, had been manipulated by Naruto. Orochimaru couldn't even guess what Naruto's next plan was.

This loss of control made Orochimaru uncomfortable, and he looked forward to seeing the shocked expression on the Third Hokage's face when he discovered Naruto's hidden abilities.

"However, I have the First Hokage under my control, Naruto-kun, be careful," Orochimaru reminded Naruto while making hand seals.

"Ah, it's fine. I also want to see how strong they both are," Naruto said.


"Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!" Senju Tobirama forcefully expelled waves of water from his mouth, creating a massive ellipsoidal water prison in an attempt to trap Naruto.

Because Orochimaru knew how powerful Naruto was, he had Tobirama unleash his strongest move from the beginning.

If the Impure World Reincarnation research had been more perfect, allowing the true strength of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama to be displayed, Orochimaru might have dared to confront Naruto directly instead of just making tentative attacks.

After all, Senju Hashirama's Wood Style specializes in capturing tailed beasts!

"Ice Release: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger!"

Naruto clasped his hands together, utilizing the Ice Release kekkei genkai, and used ninjutsu to create a huge tiger that charged toward Tobirama's water sphere.

The two attacks collided in the air, with the tiger biting into the water sphere, quickly freezing it into ice cubes. When the water sphere engulfed the tiger, it too froze and fell to the ground.

"Ice Release? Isn't that the kekkei genkai of the Mist Shinobi? Moreover, that clan should have been eradicated years ago," Orochimaru furrowed his brow, puzzled by Naruto's ice escape ninjutsu.

"Could it be that Naruto-kun can combine kekkei genkai?" The Third Hokage was also shocked, looking at the ice cubes in disbelief. He asked, "Minato, um, what's happening here?"

"I don't know either, but this might be Naruto's fusion of Water Style and Wind Style to create a kekkei genkai." Although Minato was equally astonished, having witnessed Naruto's various abilities over the past month, he didn't have such drastic mood swings.

It should be normal for my son to know all these things...

"This is troublesome... Water Release will be at a disadvantage," Orochimaru felt troubled, and this trouble was greater than when he first encountered Naruto in the Forest of Death.

"In that case... Summoning Jutsu!" Orochimaru summoned Manda while Hashirama and Tobirama launched their attacks.

However, upon seeing Manda's condition, Orochimaru was surprised. Why was Manda covered in scars?

"Hey, Orochimaru, why did you summon me? I'm injured. This time, I need two hundred sacrifices. Tell me, who are you planning to deal with?" Manda arrogantly spoke.

"It's him," Orochimaru pointed at Naruto. Manda stared intently and immediately froze. Then it said, "I'm leaving. Farewell!"