
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 164: Minato: You really took care of Naruto!

"You're a little late," Naruto said to Minato. 

"Uh… A giant three-headed snake had invaded the east, and there were a hundred or so Sunagakure ninjas, so I just went there to help," Minato explained.

"A three-headed snake? Hehehe, so it was a failure after all," Orochimaru laughed nonchalantly.

He had not anticipated success in that endeavor, but what he hadn't expected was for the revived Fourth Hokage to be the one to thwart him.

"Things are becoming increasingly intriguing," Orochimaru mused a hint of excitement in his voice.

Upon hearing about the invasion and its subsequent resolution, the Third Hokage grew tense but also felt a sense of relief. He cast a complicated gaze towards Minato.

Minato remained unchanged. He would never be forsaken by Konoha.

However, the Third Hokage couldn't help but wonder when Minato had been resurrected and by whom. What was the purpose behind his absence?

Although the revival of Minato should be a cause for great joy for both Naruto and Konoha, the Third Hokage couldn't find happiness within himself. He believed it would only unsettle the hearts of the people. Nevertheless, he approached Minato.

This prodigious ninja had assumed the position of Hokage at a remarkably young age, and he had earned the respect of everyone in Konoha—except for Danzo, of course.

As a result, the Third Hokage couldn't help but feel utterly outmatched in Minato's presence. He believed he had no chance of competing with such an extraordinary figure.

It will be just like what happened ten years ago. Under the pressure of public opinion, he will have to step aside and give way to Minato.

If Minato hadn't been Jiraiya's disciple…

"That's... Fourth Hokage-sama?!"

"No, it can't be!? Didn't the Fourth Hokage die more than ten years ago?!"

"But look at the Third Hokage-sama and Orochimaru, it's Fourth Hokage-sama!"

"Especially that imperial robe!"

The Anbu ninjas nearby couldn't believe their eyes as they witnessed Minato's appearance. Too many bizarre events had unfolded that day, leaving their minds reeling with disbelief!

"Sensei…" Kakashi looked at Minato in a dazed manner, and at the same time wondered in his heart, wasn't the teacher revived by Impure World Reincarnation? But why is his aura now no different from that of a living person?!

Could it be that Naruto mastered the ninjutsu for resurrecting the dead?! If so then,... Lin…

"Kakashi is that Fourth Hokage?!" Guy asked in shock.

"Ah, that's right. It's the real sensei," Kakashi replied.

"But why…?" Guy was confused.

"You can questions later. The matter right now is more important," Kakashi added.

"Okay!" Guy complied.

"Uh..." Hiruzen looked at Minato and hesitated to speak.

"Third Hokage, don't you want to know why I was resurrected?" Minato looked at Third Hokage indifferently, the respect and eagerness in his eyes were no longer there.

Minato grew up listening to the stories of Third Hokage and his dream is to be a Hokage like Third Hokage and be recognized by everyone.

Because he was a civilian, the only way to learn ninjutsu was at the ninja school, so Minato worked hard.

Later, he was fortunate enough to be favored by Jiraiya and accepted as a disciple, coupled with Excellent talent, he would have the opportunity to learn Flying Thunder God Technique and bridge the huge gap between the family and the common people

It was still not known whether Minato has the chance to become Hokage.

Before learning about Naruto's current life, Minato held a deep sense of gratitude towards the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama. Tobirama had established a ninja academy, providing civilians with the opportunity to learn ninjutsu. It was through this academy that Minato's path as a ninja had been paved, leading him to become the Hokage. It was also within this journey that he encountered Kushina, Jiraiya, and the Third Hokage, individuals whom he greatly admired.

However, following his resurrection, this admiration and gratitude transformed into disappointment.

Jiraiya's actions were somewhat understandable. His personality, combined with the Third Hokage's influence, contributed to his choices. It was not entirely his fault.

But the Third Hokage, on the other hand, left Minato utterly disillusioned and filled with regret.

In particular, during his time at the root base, Minato stumbled upon scrolls that revealed the secrets of the Third Hokage and Danzo, exposing a different side of the Third Hokage.

"Why… Why would I?" Sarutobi felt bad.

Why is Minato so indifferent, just like Naruto before? What happened?

"Third Hokage, I distinctly remember begging you before I died to take good care of my son. But what have you done?!"

"The Demonic Fox?"

"He has been despised, hated, beaten, and insulted by everyone in the village..."

"You prohibited Jiraiya, his teacher, and Kakashi from getting close..."

"You even went as far as concealing his identity!"

"Third Hokage, is this how you took care of my son?!"

Minato's emotions overwhelmed him as he spoke, and he roared at the Third Hokage with fiery, red eyes.

"Minato... you've misunderstood me. I intended to conceal Naruto's identity as the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails to prevent him from being targeted by spies. You're well aware that Kumogakure had once kidnapped Kushina, so..." Sarutobi Hiruzen explained wistfully, his voice tinged with a sense of remorse.

"Demonic Fox, as long as you are not a fool, you will know what this word suggests. What are you hiding? Are you hiding Naruto as the son of Konoha Fourth Hokage, Konoha's Hero?!" Minato stared at Third Hokage, watching Third Hokage continue to perform indifferently.

Minato was already aware that the Third Hokage was a hypocritical villain, donning a mask to appear righteous in the light while delegating the dirty and dark tasks to Danzo.

He would no longer allow himself to be deceived by the Third Hokage's facade.

Minato's words startled the Anbu ninjas, who had been observing the exchange with great attention.

"Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage?!"

"A descendant of a hero?!"

"How is that possible?!"

"We thought Naruto was an orphan."

"Did you hear that, Third Hokage? Your deception was quite successful," Minato looked at their reaction and said mockingly.

"Minato, you must understand the challenges I faced... Since your passing, the village has been lacking high-level combat forces... I felt I had no other option!" Hiruzen anxiously pleaded, attempting to justify his actions to Minato.

"That's correct. Ever since the Fourth Hokage's demise, the village has experienced a shortage of skilled combatants, resulting in a loss of deterrence against other ninja villages."

"So, the Third Hokage was also safeguarding Naruto," added Anbu members, acknowledging the hidden motives behind the Third Hokage's actions.

"Is that so? Danzo deliberately leaked Naruto's identity, and not only did you fail to intervene, but you even condoned his actions. Third Hokage, it seems you merely sought to maintain control over Naruto through these means!" Minato continued to expose.

"I swear, I had no knowledge of it when Danzo carried out such actions!" Hiruzen defended himself. "This matter has nothing to do with me!"

"Hehe, but according to Danzo, he believed he could manipulate Naruto-kun through this revelation. However, the Hokage intervened and plucked the peaches. It appears that he was well aware of Danzo's deliberate actions. He was quite furious at the time," Orochimaru interjected suddenly.

"Orochimaru! Keep your mouth shut!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's anger flared, his patience wearing thin. "What nonsense are you spouting at a time like this?!"

Don't you see I'm trying to save my relationship with Minato?!

"Ah, so Naruto was subjected to name-calling and verbal abuse. Was this all part of Danzo-sama's plan?"

"However, the Third Hokage-sama possesses good strength... Ahem, I mean, Third Hokage-sama has remarkable foresight, almost godlike!" Anbu quipped amongst themselves.