
The Ultimate Prodigy

In a world of limitless potential, Project Apex creates the ultimate human specimens, including the elite Rank subjects. When some of these subjects enroll in the Moontower Elite Academy, a survival-focused institution, they face a relentless quest for greatness, where only the strongest survive.

Leon_Blair · Realistic
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4 Chs

The Labyrinth Maze

"Trust, but verify." ~ Ronald Reagan

So, what is friendship anyway? It's a like a mystery, a puzzle waiting to be solved.

Friendship, huh? It's one of those things that everyone talks about, but do we really know what it means? I've pondered this question more times than I can count. It's like trying to grasp onto a shadow – elusive and ever-changing.

Friendship is a concept deeply ingrained in human society, touted as one of life's greatest treasures. From childhood playgrounds to workplace camaraderie, the notion of friendship permeates every facet of our existence. Yet, beneath the veneer of companionship lies a murky truth: not all friendships are created equal, and many fail to deliver the promised solace and support. Instead, they morph into parasitic bonds, draining one's energy and offering little in return.

The narrative of friendship often romanticizes the idea of unconditional loyalty and unwavering support. We are taught to believe that friends are the family we choose, the confidants who will stand by us through thick and thin. However, reality paints a different picture, one fraught with betrayal, deceit, and self-interest.

Consider the myriad friendships that adorn the tapestry of our lives. How many of them truly add meaningful value? How many are mere acquaintances masquerading as friends, eager to exploit our vulnerabilities for their own gain? It is a sobering realization, but one that demands introspection.

Friendship, at its core, is a symbiotic relationship, wherein both parties benefit from mutual trust and understanding. Yet, all too often, this balance is skewed, with one party exerting undue influence over the other. These parasitic friendships thrive on manipulation and exploitation, siphoning off one's resources while offering little in return.

Take, for example, the friend who only reaches out when they need a favor or the acquaintance who feigns interest in our lives to glean information for their own benefit. These opportunistic relationships serve as a stark reminder of the harsh realities of human nature. We are, at our core, self-serving beings, driven by primal instincts and the pursuit of personal gain.

But what of those friendships that do withstand the test of time? Are they immune to the parasitic tendencies that plague so many others? Perhaps not. Even the most genuine of friendships can fall victim to the insidious forces of envy, jealousy, and resentment. In a world rife with competition and comparison, true altruism is a rare commodity.

So, where does this leave us? Are we doomed to navigate the treacherous waters of friendship alone, wary of every outstretched hand and feigned smile? Not necessarily. While the prevalence of parasitic friendships may be disheartening, it is not an indictment of the concept itself. Rather, it is a call to arms, a reminder to approach friendships with caution and discernment.

In my world, interactions are kept to a bare minimum. Humans, in my experience, are creatures of self-interest, driven by their own agendas and desires. It's a harsh reality, but one I've come to accept. That's why I choose not to have friends, to keep myself at arm's length from anyone who might try to exploit or manipulate me.

I've never been close to anyone, nor do I have any desire to be. Friendship, to me, seems like a risky venture, one that often ends in disappointment and betrayal. So, I keep my circle small and my walls high, content to navigate the world on my own terms. It may be a lonely existence, but it's one that I've grown accustomed to. After all, in a world where trust is a scarce commodity, solitude can be a form of self-preservation.

I'm Mia Mitchell, and I'm here to take the Moontower Elite Entrance Exam. I've heard quite a bit about this institution – rumors swirl about its rigorous standards and the intense exams designed to weed out the unworthy. They say it's not for the faint of heart, that only the true elite make it through unscathed.

From what I gather, getting into Moontower is no small feat. It's a highly selective institution that prides itself on producing top-tier individuals. And I intend to be one of them.

While delving into the insider info of Moontower Elite Academy..., I was struck by the unsettling realization that betrayals, deceit, and various forms of deception are not only permitted but seemingly encouraged within its walls. It's a stark contrast to the idealistic notions of academia I once held, but perhaps, in its own twisted way, it's a reflection of the harsh realities of the world we live in.

Here, trust is a luxury few can afford, and alliances are fleeting at best. It's survival of the fittest, a cutthroat game where every move is scrutinized and every word weighed carefully. In a way, it's like a microcosm of the real world, where deception lurks around every corner and trust is a rare commodity.

At first, I was taken aback by the prevalence of such practices within the academy. But as I reflect on it further, I realize that perhaps there's a method to the madness. By exposing us to these harsh realities early on, the academy is preparing us for the unforgiving nature of the world beyond its walls. It's a baptism by fire, a trial by ordeal that forces us to adapt and evolve or be left behind.

So, while the prevalence of betrayal and deceit may be unsettling, perhaps it's ultimately for the best. After all, the world is not always a kind and forgiving place, and it's better to learn that lesson sooner rather than later. And if nothing else, it serves as a stark reminder that in this world, only the strong survive.

Just 15 minutes ago, I took the Written Portion of the Entrance Exam, and now, I find myself thrust into the practical aspect. It's a whole new ball game, one filled with uncertainty and adrenaline.

As I look around, I see that we've been divided into groups of five, a total of 152 groups, each tasked with navigating "The Labyrinth Maze." The description is absurdly vague, instructing us simply to survive and solve our way through. It's both exhilarating and unnerving, knowing that the stakes are high and the challenges ahead are shrouded in mystery.

From what I've been able to deduce so far, this practical aspect feels a lot like "Escape Room," a complex puzzle where you're locked in a room and have to use clues to find your way out.

As we navigate "The Labyrinth Maze," it becomes increasingly clear that gaining points is not just about solving problems but also about outmaneuvering opponents. It's like a strategic war game, with groups pitted against each other in a battle for supremacy.

The twist? The opponents aren't just faceless entities – they're our fellow students, our supposed allies. It's a harsh reality to come to terms with, but betrayal seems to be par for the course in this twisted game of survival.

The instruction to "stay alive" adds a chilling layer of uncertainty to the already bewildering challenge of "The Labyrinth Maze." It's a phrase that leaves much to the imagination, sparking fears of real-life consequences lurking in the shadows.

Will there be actual dangers lurking within the maze, threatening our very lives? Or is it merely a metaphorical warning, urging us to remain vigilant in the face of the unknown?

The ambiguity of the directive only serves to heighten the tension, fueling the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I navigate this treacherous terrain. Each step feels like a gamble, each decision weighed against the specter of potential danger.

But fear is not an option. In this game of survival, hesitation could mean defeat.

As I look around at my groupmates, I see Justin Kim and Olivia Wong, Alongside them are Jack Smith and Emily Johnson, two others whose names I vaguely recall.

It's a curious mix, this group of five. We come from different backgrounds, with varying strengths and weaknesses. But what strikes me the most is the lack of criteria for our formation. The academy simply threw us together, hoping, perhaps, that we would complement each other's skills and abilities.

But in reality, I have no idea what the academy had in mind when they assigned us to this group. Were they banking on our individual talents to shine through, or did they simply hope that we wouldn't slow each other down?

It's a puzzling thought, one that lingers in the back of my mind. Whatever the academy's intentions may be, one thing is clear – I'm going to need all the help I can get if I want to make it through "The Labyrinth Maze" unscathed.



Objective: Find the Library of Truth

Time Limit: 2 hours


- 50 points

- 1 book from the Library


Justin Kim voiced his confusion, "Library of Truth? What kind of name is that?".

Emily Johnson chimed in, her tone contemplative, "Maybe it's not just about regular books. Perhaps it's a library for information you won't see anywhere else? Secrets hidden from the world."

Olivia Wong nodded, adding her own speculation, "Yes, something like that. A library for hidden knowledge but what sort of knowledge would be hidden? ".



"27 groups have been eliminated"


Emily's surprised shout pierced the air, "27 groups?!"

In Mia Mitchell's silent musings, she speculated, "Most likely, it's a competition to make us fight. Who knows? Maybe it's a limited reward."

Jack Smith's expression remained strangely blank as he remarked, "The quest is most likely a limited event."

Justin Kim interjected, his frustration evident, "Limited event? Meaning it might be limited to a certain number of groups? So it's a competition now? Oh, come on now, as if it couldn't get worse."

Olivia nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, so the groups are fighting others to cut off competition."

As Justin's mind wandered to thoughts of his sister, a distant shout for help shattered the silence of the maze. Without hesitation, he bolted forward, leaving his group mates behind. Olivia's plea to wait for them fell on deaf ears as he charged ahead, driven by a sense of urgency.

In the dimly lit corridors, he spotted her – a girl lying on the floor, her beauty juxtaposed against the tattered state of her clothing. Her hair, once silky and smooth, now tousled and unkempt, framed a delicate face marred by dirt and grime. Despite the disarray, there was an undeniable elegance to her features, a haunting beauty that captivated Justin's gaze.

As he approached her, concern etched into his features, he couldn't help but wonder how such a vision of loveliness had ended up in such a dire situation. But in that moment, all that mattered was helping her, ensuring her safety amidst the chaos of the maze.

As Justin approached the girl, concern etched into his features, he gently asked, "What happened?" Her tear-stained eyes met his, and she recounted how she had been abandoned by her groupmates, deemed a burden by their leader. She sobbed softly, her voice trembling with hurt and betrayal.

Before Justin could offer any reassurance, Olivia and the others finally caught up, their footsteps echoing through the maze. Olivia's voice rang out, questioning why Justin had rushed ahead without waiting for them.

As Justin turned to face them, his attention torn between his friends and the distressed girl, a sudden glint caught his eye. In an instant, the girl produced a dagger, her intentions clear. Justin's mind raced, but he couldn't react fast enough. It felt like time slowed to a crawl as the blade arced towards him.

Then, in a swift and decisive motion, Jack grabbed Justin by the collar, pulling him back just in the nick of time. The dagger whizzed past where Justin had been standing, the air tinged with danger as the group found themselves in a precarious situation.

The girl hissed in frustration at missing her chance, Jack's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "It's a trap," he declared, his tone grave and resolute.

The realization dawned on the group, the gravity of their situation sinking in.

They had stumbled into a dangerous game, where betrayal lurked around every corner and trust was a scarce commodity.

"The game's only just started."

"Trust, but verify." ~ Ronald Reagan

This quote means that while it's important to trust people, it's also wise to verify their trustworthiness through observation and evidence. It emphasizes the importance of being cautious and not blindly accepting others' intentions without confirmation.

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