
The Ultimate Prodigy

In a world of limitless potential, Project Apex creates the ultimate human specimens, including the elite Rank subjects. When some of these subjects enroll in the Moontower Elite Academy, a survival-focused institution, they face a relentless quest for greatness, where only the strongest survive.

Leon_Blair · Realistic
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4 Chs

Harsh Reality

"Man is a wolf to man." ~ Thomas Hobbes(Leviathan)

As the girl's frustrated hiss echoed through the maze, she couldn't help but vent her annoyance. "Why did I miss?" she grumbled to herself, her frustration evident in her tone. "Stupid dagger!"But before she could dwell on her failure any longer, Jack's hand shot out, gripping hers with surprising strength.

With an eerie calmness, he pinned her down, his voice dripping with menace as he demanded, "Why?".

Caught off guard by his sudden aggression, the girl's eyes widened in realization. Swallowing hard, she mustered up the courage to reply, "Why else? To win, of course. Eliminating Competition is common sense, don't you think?".

The tension in the air was palpable as Jack's gaze bore into hers, his expression unreadable.

The tension thickened as Jack's words hung in the air. "Aren't you afraid of death?" he asked, his voice cutting through the silence.

The girl's surprise was palpable as she blinked in confusion. "Huh?" she stammered, taken aback by the unexpected question.

Jack pressed on, his tone unwavering. "You just tried to stab someone," he pointed out. "Aren't you afraid of the consequences?"

The girl's expression wavered for a moment, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. It was clear that Jack's words had struck a nerve, forcing her to confront the gravity of her actions.

The girl retorted defiantly, "So what? You're gonna kill me?"

Jack's expression hardened as he seized the dagger in her hand, his intent clear. But before he could act, Justin intervened, grabbing his hand and questioning his actions. "Are you crazy? What if she was forced?" Justin's voice was laced with urgency and concern.

Jack hesitated, his grip tightening on the dagger as he weighed Justin's words. "That's unlikely," he asserted, his resolve unwavering.

Amidst the tension, Olivia, Emily, and Mia exchanged complicated looks, their thoughts veiled behind uncertain expressions. Sensing the need for clarification, Mia spoke up, her voice calm yet probing. "What's your basis?" she inquired, seeking to understand the rationale behind Jack's conclusion.

Jack pondered the situation with a logical precision that seemed almost uncanny. Observing the girl's behavior, he noted the contradiction between her apparent fear and her defiant question about being killed. It was a puzzle that begged for a rational explanation.

"Consider this," Jack began, his voice steady and persuasive. "The girl's reaction, while seemingly contradictory, actually hints at a deeper truth. She displayed fear, yes, but her defiance suggests a certain knowledge or confidence that we lack. It's as if she knows something we don't."

He gestured towards the bracelets on their wrists, a detail that had not escaped his keen observation. "These bracelets, they're more than just trackers for points and number of treasures found in this maze. They hold secrets, functions that we have yet to fully comprehend. This dagger, it must have been found within this maze as a "treasure",as we weren't allowed to bring in personal belongings at the start of this exam. "

Jack paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "We were told to stay alive in this labyrinth, but would the academy truly risk our lives? No, it's clear now. This must be a simulation considering the advancement of the technology we have now, a test of our survival instincts and strategic prowess. Everything feels real, the pain, the danger, but death? That's simply not an option."

Mia's eyes widened in astonishment at Jack's remarkable deduction. "That's possible," she conceded, her voice tinged with admiration for his analytical prowess.

Meanwhile, the girl, sensing an opportunity to escape, attempted to flee, but Jack swiftly intercepted her, slamming her down with force. His interrogation was swift and direct as he demanded information about her groupmates.

With a worried expression clouding her features, the girl reluctantly divulged their sinister intentions. "I'm just a decoy," she confessed, her voice tinged with resignation. "They're using me to delay the other groups while they make a beeline for the Library of Truth. The rewards are limited, and with the time limit, every second counts."

Jack pressed further, inquiring about any obstacles or clues they had encountered thus far. But the girl, maintaining a defiant stance, evaded his questions with a cryptic reply. "Wouldn't that be spoiling the fun if I were to tell you?" she retorted, a hint of smugness in her tone.

Before Jack could press for more information, the girl offered a cryptic warning. "But a word of advice," she added, her voice dripping with malice. "This isn't my first rodeo at this academy. Have fun trying."

Her words hung in the air, ominous and foreboding, as the group contemplated the challenges that lay ahead. With each revelation, the true nature of the Moontower Elite Academy became clearer, and the stakes of their survival game grew ever higher.


A woman is seen sitting before a bank of screens, her eyes darting from one display to another with keen interest. A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as she observed the unfolding events.

"Jack is an interesting fellow," she remarked to herself, a chuckle escaping her lips. "He deduced that much without even seeming to. He has talent, he'd definitely make a brilliant student."

Leaning back in her chair, the woman pondered the progress of the other contestants. "Now, I wonder how the others are progressing" she mused, her gaze flickering across the screens with anticipation. Behind her calm demeanor, she harbored a keen curiosity to see how each participant would fare in the trials that lay ahead.

As the door squeaked open, a man entered the room, his demeanor exuding a sense of curiosity. "How are the students faring?" he inquired, his tone laced with anticipation. "This year's participants seem promising."

The woman glanced up from her screens, her expression thoughtful. "Most are not even qualified," she replied, her voice tinged with disappointment. "But there are fifteen who have caught my eye."

She leaned forward, her gaze narrowing as she studied the screens before her. "What is that 'boy' doing?" she wondered aloud, her brow furrowing. "He doesn't seem to be taking this exam seriously."

The man's confusion lingered as he turned towards the woman. "That boy," he began, his voice filled with uncertainty, "what do you mean?"

With a quizzical look, he approached the screen displaying a boy who seemed indifferent. As he scrutinized the image, his expression shifted from puzzlement to understanding.

"I see," he muttered under his breath, a dawning realization crossing his features.

The man raised an eyebrow. "What if he is not the one? Perhaps you mistook him for someone else."

The woman remained silent, her attention fixed on a particular screen. There, a boy stood with an aloof demeanor, his expression perfectly stoic.


Hieroglyphic Havoc

Description: Hieroglyphic Havoc is a high-stakes game where contestants must navigate a perilous maze filled with ancient hieroglyphics. Decipher the symbols correctly to unlock passages and treasures.


1. Decipher hieroglyphics to progress through the maze.

2. Beware of traps triggered by incorrect deciphers.

3. Work together with teammates to navigate dangers and decode symbols.

4. Failure to solve hieroglyphics in time results in losing a body part.

5. The ultimate goal is to navigate the maze, decode all symbols, and claim the treasure while preserving all body parts.


Nathan Carter grinned proudly as he boasted, "Hieroglyphics? I'm so good at that. I had solved quite a lot before coming here."

The boy beside him, bearing the name Alex Reed, shot him a stern look. "Keep it down, Nathan," he admonished, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "We need to focus."

Turning his attention to the giant door ahead, Alex studied the blue screen projection intently. His expression grew serious as he read the ominous warning displayed there.

"This is no ordinary challenge," he murmured, his voice tinged with concern. "Failure could have dire consequences. We need to proceed with caution and work together if we want to survive."

Jacob Richardson, eager to secure every advantage for their team, turned to Alexander with a determined expression. "What's our plan, Alex? We need those points if we're going to make it to the Library of Truth in time."

Alex nodded, his mind already racing with possibilities. "We stick together and proceed cautiously," he replied, his voice steady. "We can't afford to make any mistakes. The reward may be tempting, but our priority is to reach the Library of Truth before time runs out."

As Alex and Jacob discussed their strategy, a voice from behind interrupted their deliberations. Turning, they found themselves face to face with Emma Patel, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Are we seriously risking losing body parts for this?" Emma asked, her voice trembling slightly. "It seems too dangerous to proceed."

Alex met her gaze with a steady stare, his resolve unwavering. "We don't have a choice, Emma," he replied, his voice firm. "To pass this practical aspect, we need a substantial amount of points. We can't afford to back down now."

Emma hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. As Emma voiced her concerns, Abigail Lee stepped forward, her presence radiating strength and reassurance. Placing a comforting hand on Emma's shoulder, Abigail offered a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Em," Abigail said, her voice steady and reassuring. "We're all in this together, and I've got your back. If anything happens, I'll protect you."

Despite her tomboyish appearance, Abigail's words were filled with genuine sincerity and warmth. She may have appeared tough on the outside, but deep down, she cared deeply for her friends and would do whatever it took to keep them safe.

Feeling Abigail's support, Emma's fears began to melt away. With her friend by her side, she felt a newfound sense of courage and determination.

As Alex, Jacob, Nathan, Emma, and Abigail stepped through the doorway, they found themselves in a chamber adorned with intricate carvings and mystical symbols. At the center of the room stood a towering statue, reminiscent of a creature from Norse mythology.

The statue depicted a fearsome being with the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle, its majestic form exuding an aura of ancient power. Its eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, and its outstretched claws seemed poised to strike.

In the statue's grasp lay a massive tablet, its surface etched with cryptic inscriptions. Upon closer inspection, the group noticed that the writing appeared to be a blend of different languages—Hebrew, Aramaic, Egyptian, and even a hint of Russian. The words seemed to shimmer and shift, as if infused with an unseen energy.

As they studied the tablet, a realization dawned upon them—the inscription held the key to unlocking the mysteries of this chamber. But deciphering its meaning would require not only intellect, but also intuition and a deep understanding of the ancient languages and cultures represented.

With a sense of determination, the group prepared to unravel the secrets hidden within the enigmatic tablet, knowing that their journey had only just begun and that the answers they sought lay within their grasp, waiting to be uncovered amidst the cryptic symbols and ancient tongues.

"Man is a wolf to man." ~ Thomas Hobbes(Leviathan)

"People often act in selfish or harmful ways towards others, reflecting the competitive and sometimes brutal nature of human interactions."

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