
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 34 Mission Possible!

Chapter 34 Mission Possible!

(AN: Read it while listening to mission impossible classic theme song)

The enchanting and grand dance continues. Many of the people present, with the exception of a few, are unaware that this is merely a superficial article, concealing something beneath its surface.

After conversing with Leon, Obadiah aimlessly roamed around, intentionally brushing past a wave of presence, and took advantage of the opportunity to slip away quickly to use the restroom.

Unbeknownst to him, Tony had been watching him the entire time.

"I'm leaving as well," Pepper Potts declared, ready to depart immediately.

However, Tony grabbed her hand, having noticed Leon shaking his head at him.

Leon tapped his ears.

Understanding his gesture, Tony discreetly retrieved two wireless earplugs from his pocket—one for himself and one for Pepper.

Pepper felt a bit uneasy, yet she and Tony were growing closer.

In the next moment, Leon's voice resounded, seemingly emanating from his wine glass, even though his lips weren't moving, perplexing everyone.

In reality, it was an incredible display of ventriloquism. Even Superman had employed this technique to conceal his identity, allowing his voice to appear from elsewhere, while he stood among the crowd. At that time, Lois was unaware of Superman's true identity, and she had been deceived numerous times.

Over the radio, Leon spoke, "Don't worry, the old man is extremely vigilant. In fact, he hasn't left yet; he's hiding in the surveillance room, observing."

Attempting to evade Leon's surveillance? That was impossible.

Not to mention that Leon's super hearing could track Obadiah's every movement, his super vision had evolved to the point where it could penetrate even lead.

Unaware of this, Obadiah's every action was within Leon's sight.

Undeniably, Obadiah was exceedingly cautious. Despite reaching this point, he still worried that Leon would immediately inform Tony.

Consequently, he continued to scrutinize Leon and Tony's every move for half an hour.

Leon had no intention of evading Tony. After dancing with Pepper Potts, he took the initiative to approach them.

Nervously, Obadiah watched until Leon and Tony conversed, their laughter filling the air. They eventually separated, with Tony turning and walking toward a prominent figure not far away, while Leon extended his hand and invited Pepper Potts to dance once again.

Suddenly, Obadiah's cellphone rang, its shrill ringtone of 'ding ling ling' startling him.

Upon answering, it was Leon on the other end. Seizing the moment when Pepper Potts turned away, Leon swiftly conveyed, "I've kept Tony occupied, and I'll distract him and Pepper Potts in creating opportunities later, but time is of the essence. You must act quickly."

With that, Leon hung up.

His feet froze in place, and Pepper Potts accidentally stepped on them.

Glancing at Leon, Pepper Potts understood that he was attempting to deceive Obadiah, but why did he involve her?

Nonetheless, Leon remained unperturbed. Even if he were hit by the Earth itself, he would be fine.

So, he maintained his usual demeanor, extending his hands to Pepper Potts.

Perplexed, Pepper Potts wondered what he meant.

"Let's stop waltzing or ballroom dancing. Can't you see Tony's eyes ablaze? Let's do something retro," Leon suggested with a smile.

Pepper also noticed that although Tony held a female star in his arms, his attention was solely focused on the two of them. She couldn't help feeling a mixture of shyness, amusement, and annoyance.

Were they still nothing to each other? Could she ever truly connect with anyone?

Then Pepper Potts saw a business card suddenly appear in Leon's palm.

Pepper Potts was taken aback.

"It's called the 'Something 'Homeland Security Bureau. But you don't have to remember the name. If you encounter any emergencies, you can call him. He will protect you." The business card in Leon's hand actually belongs to Phil Coulson, and Phil Coulson represents S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, the current name of S.H.I.E.L.D is too long and even he finds it confusing.

It's not that you can't remember it, but it feels like a troublesome tongue twister.

Leon continued to explain a few things that Pepper Potts needed to pay attention to.

Eventually, Pepper Potts started to worry, "Why are you so concerned about me?"

It's not that she had any other thoughts, but Pepper Potts noticed that Leon seemed to have foreseen what she would encounter.

Leon sighed, "Sister, didn't I already tell you? Obadiah will show his true colors. After he takes the Arc reactor and becomes Iron Monger, Tony and I will intervene as soon as possible. But I'm afraid of what might happen to you. But don't worry, I won't let you die."

The more he spoke, the more frightened Pepper Potts became, and her face turned pale.

At that moment, Tony approached with his dance partner and asked, "What's going on?"

Leon shook his head, just as he had no intention of truly dancing with Pepper Potts. He turned his hand, making Pepper Potts spin and fall into Tony's arms.

Then he extended his hand to another beautiful female star, embraced her, and danced away.

This seamless sequence of movements even made Tony whistle.

He looked like a seasoned professional.

The female star didn't realize she had been replaced until she walked away, startled, and asked, "Who are you?"

Leon shamelessly replied, "A new billionaire with a hundred million in deposits. Are you interested?"

The female star took a closer look at his appearance and, surprisingly, found him cool and badass.

But his words were a bit too irritating, and she left with a dismissive wave of her hand.

She wasn't that kind of person.

Leon thoughtfully glanced at the extra business card in his hand. Well, maybe some of them had already been "taken care of" tonight.

Shaking his head, Leon approached a bar near the dance floor, snapped his fingers for a beer, and spoke over the radio, "Tony, Pepper Potts, you can proceed now. The old fox took the bait."

Meanwhile, Tony led Pepper Potts to dance, deliberately moving closer to the exit. Eventually, when people around them were not paying attention, Pepper Potts quietly left.

The show was about to begin.

At that moment, Obadiah had already taken the car and raced toward Tony's mansion at top speed.

Pepper Potts had to wait on the side of the road until she could catch a taxi to Stark Industries.

Pepper Potts didn't drive herself. Happy had driven her there before. Normally, according to the usual process, she would have waited until the dance was over for him to pick her up.

But this was an unexpected leave.

So she found herself in a predicament, as it was difficult to find a taxi in that area.

However, it shouldn't cause any delay.

At the dance, Tony approached Leon, and the two sat together. Instead of ordering a drink, Tony asked for a glass of water.

Because Tony knew that tonight was not going to be peaceful; he was heading into a tough battle.

"Do you think I can win?" Tony asked Leon anxiously.

Leon smiled, "You're both foolish, him and you? With me here, why should you be afraid? After all, I'm still your bodyguard. Don't worry."

As soon as he said that, Tony felt genuinely relieved.


Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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