
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 32 Near the Final Stage

Chapter 32 Near the Final Stage

Afterwards, Leon departed, leaving Tony and Pepper Potts alone downstairs. It was up to Tony to decide how to explain the situation to her.

To be frank, that's all it really is.

When Pepper Potts discovered that the attacks and traps Tony had faced earlier were orchestrated by Obadiah, she was shocked.

Initially, Tony had his doubts, he wasn't entirely certain it was Obadiah.

However, as Obadiah fell into the trap set by Leon step by step, his ambitions were exposed.

Furthermore, Tony witnessed firsthand that the weapons used by the Ten Rings originated from Stark Industries.

But Tony was unaware of his company's deal with the Ten Rings, who happened to be an enemy of a country. How could he engage in such actions without fearing repercussions from that country?

Clearly, there is an insider involved, and it is evident that Obadiah is the insider conducting transactions with the Ten Rings behind Tony's back.

Only Obadiah possesses the ability and authority to manipulate the company without informing Tony.

After listening to the reasoning and arguments pointing to Obadiah's villainy, Pepper Potts couldn't help but feel a chill. She felt worthless and saddened for Tony.

This was the person Tony trusted the most and was closest to.

"How could he do this?" Pepper Potts couldn't comprehend.

"Money, power, status, reputation, and the company—no one considers these things bad, and nobody thinks having ample wealth is a negative," Tony shrugged, his smile tinged with self-deprecation, as he too acknowledged the allure of these things.

Pepper remained silent.

However, devoid of ambition herself, she found Obadiah's actions incomprehensible.

Let's not delve into other matters—aren't you earning less money now?

Moreover, Obadiah's position in the company is just as influential as Tony's.

Why would he go to such lengths?

A person without ambition can never fathom the actions of a careerist.

Tony is evidently a cash cow.

But that's not the case for Obadiah. He wants to take over the entire company, lead it himself, and even manipulate dealings with some other country.

However, if Tony doesn't die, he will never accomplish that.

Hence, Tony must die.

Only then will the Stark Group become Obadiah's possession. He might even change its name and make it his family business.

"Leon and I have already set the trap for Obadiah, and we've asked prey to enter the predator nest. We're just waiting for Obadiah to take the bait. But now, I have a favor to ask of you," Tony suddenly addressed Pepper Potts.

Pepper Potts was taken aback. What could she possibly help with?

"You heard it earlier, Obadiah wants to obtain the energy in my possession—the miniature arc reactor, which is a reproduction of the palladium arc reactor within the company. If there's a decisive battle, we can't do without it," Tony had already decided to reveal everything to Pepper, withholding nothing.

He turned around, leading Pepper Potts to where Leon had been seated before, and presented an arc reactor to her.

Not to boast, but Obadiah's men wouldn't stand a chance.

This presented an excellent opportunity for Leon to thoroughly outsmart Obadiah.

Obadiah's $100 million has already been called. He isn't concerned about Leon being a liar; Leon will indeed assist Obadiah in stealing the Ark reactor, as agreed upon.

In reality, this particular Ark reactor was specifically crafted for Obadiah.

However, Pepper Potts was unaware of this and quickly reminded Tony, "Since you know that Obadiah's objective is this, you should keep it secure and prevent him from stealing it."

Tony was deeply moved. The first thing Pepper thought of was to remind him to safeguard the crucial Ark reactor.

Yet, he shook his head once more. "You overheard the conversation between Leon and Obadiah. In fact, this is also part of the plan. We need to lure Obadiah out. Otherwise, if he continues to deny the evidence, we won't be able to expose him."

After all, that wasn't concrete evidence. The only proof was the weapons from the Ten Rings, which might implicate Tony himself and lead to his downfall.

Hence, this step is necessary.

"And this is what I specially prepared for him." Tony looked down at the Ark reactor in his hand, his eyes filled with determination.

It was an inferior Ark reactor, specifically designed for Obadiah, with the nuclear reaction already displaying signs of instability.

Certainly, Obadiah wouldn't be able to notice it unless he instructed his scientists to examine it thoroughly. After all, they wouldn't be capable of discovering the issue.

Once this small device detonates, the consequences and power will be catastrophic.

Rather than concealing it, Tony chose to intentionally let Obadiah acquire it.

Pepper Potts wore a pensive expression, finally understanding that the previous deal between Leon and Obadiah was merely a ruse.

That guy was truly despicable, as was Tony.

"But what can I assist you with?" Pepper grew suspicious once again, unsure of what Tony wanted to ask of her, let alone what she could do to help.

Suddenly, Tony grabbed Pepper Potts' hand with his other hand.

Pepper was taken aback, unprepared, and instinctively tried to pull away from Tony.

And then, Tony uttered, "You're the only person I can trust."

Pepper Potts was shocked, she lowered her head and remained silent, not moving her hands.

However, this guy must be lying. At the very least, Tony still trusted two other individuals: Colonel Rhodes and Happy.

As for Leon, not to mention, Tony had to trust him unconditionally, considering they discussed and devised the entire plan together.

"So I can only turn to you, Pepper. You're the only one with the identity and justification to enter Obadiah's office. I need your help in copy all the information from his computer," Tony stated, seeking assistance from Pepper Potts.

After all, Pepper is Tony's assistant, so it wouldn't raise suspicions if she moved around the company or went directly to Obadiah's office.

However, the same couldn't be said for Happy. Happy is Tony's driver and former bodyguard. It's not a matter of trust; it's simply that Happy wouldn't be able to carry out the task.

Tony also retrieved a small device prepared in advance, similar to a USB drive, and handed it to Pepper Potts. He informed her that once connected to the computer's USB port, it would initiate automatically and hack into the computer system, copying the information on its own.

What Pepper Potts truly needed to do was quite simple: await an opportunity to enter Obadiah's office with the USB drive and retrieve the information.

During this process, Leon would assist Obadiah in 'stealing' Tony's Ark reactor.

Once this step was completed, it would be time to initiate the final stage.


Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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