
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 19 Obadiah's Decision...

Obadiah's office was situated on the highest floor upstairs, just one level below Tony's. Leon entered his office after pushing open the door, and found Obadiah waiting for him. The office was decorated with great attention to detail and boasted a large floor-to-ceiling window behind the desk, providing a view of the distant scenery. There were also bookshelves and many other items.

Leon glanced at the decorations casually before withdrawing his gaze. He had not come to visit for the décor. After seeing Tony's luxurious office and mansion, these things were nothing to him. Moreover, his home on Krypton was even more luxurious than this. Not to mention the gap in technology level; Krypton, 100,000 years ago, was advanced enough to surpass Earth today.

"Did you give me this suitcase?" Obadiah stood up from behind the desk, took out the suitcase that Leon had brought before, and placed it on the table. Although it seemed like he had not moved or checked it, Leon knew very well that Obadiah had already seen what was inside.

"What is this?" Obadiah asked.

Leon smiled and glanced at the closed door behind him. He stopped pretending, pulled out his chair, sat down, crossed his legs, and got straight to the point: "I want to add money. I didn't mention it before, did I?"

Obadiah hesitated, then suddenly sat down. He was no longer in a hurry but said with a smile, "Tony did not disappoint me. This is the latest weapon he designed, right? Great! As long as it can be mass-produced, it can make a lot of money for the company, and the country will be more secure."

Leon just smiled without saying a word, watching him perform there.

Obadiah frowned slightly. Seeing that Leon was so calm, he couldn't help but ask: "What? Didn't Tony ask you to bring me the blueprint?"

"Definitely not," Leon said without hesitation, opening his eyes and talking nonsense. He even said without hesitation, "I'm here to ask for money."

But he wasn't lying because Tony really didn't know that Leon wanted to give the blueprint to Obadiah.

Tony only knew that there was an inside traitor who was going to kill him, but he didn't know that the insider was actually his father's friend or his mentor, Obadiah.

When Tony finds out later, I don't know how he will feel.

No wonder Leon said he couldn't let Tony know, otherwise, he would be shocked.

"What do you mean?" Obadiah's expression turned gloomy at once, and he scolded: "Eating from both sides? You are Tony's bodyguard, and you stole his stuff and sold it to me in turn? What the hell is going on? Aren't you afraid I'll put you in jail?"

But Leon remained unmoved and continued to stare at Obadiah with a poker face, making the latter increasingly uncomfortable. Finally, Leon spoke slowly, "Aren't you worried about Tony finding out?"

Obadiah was taken aback. This was a common problem for people with a guilty conscience. If something was weighing on his mind, he would always be worried about getting caught.

Leon hadn't said anything, but his silence was enough to make Obadiah nervous. Had his secret been exposed?

No, that couldn't be possible.

Obadiah took a deep breath and shouted angrily, "I don't know what you're talking about. Get out of my office!"

Leon was serious now. He stood up, reached for the suitcase, and started to leave.

But at the last minute, Obadiah couldn't resist and grabbed the suitcase.

Leon raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's the meaning of this?"

Obadiah looked at Leon seriously and asked, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am. You just need to know that if you give me the money, I will provide you with what you need," Leon replied with a greedy grin.

He hadn't yet decided whether he was going to pretend to be a member of the Ten Rings, the group he had encountered in the desert.

He knew that Obadiah had a secret deal with that group of people, and it was Obadiah who had ordered them to kill Tony. If he revealed this information now, the case would be closed immediately.

But Leon didn't want to play this role just for the money.

Obadiah continued to stare at Leon, trying to gauge what he knew. "What did you mean before? What do you know?"

Leon shrugged. "To be honest, I don't know much, not even about Tony."

Obadiah almost exploded in frustration. Was this guy for real?

Leon knew that Obadiah was the villain because he knew the plot, but he didn't have any evidence. He was just bluffing.

But Obadiah's lack of focus and Leon's overconfidence made him believe that Leon had the upper hand. In the end, Obadiah was left speechless. He was even tempted to kill Leon. Obadiah was a ruthless man who was capable of anything.

After seeing that Obadiah was about to lose control, Leon realized that he couldn't continue to provoke him, so he changed his tone and said, "However, all of the weapons found at the scene were made by Stark Industries. Considering that these people are enemies of a certain country, how did they acquire so many weapons from Stark Industries? Can you explain?"

"In addition, Tony's itinerary on that day was kept confidential. So, how could the enemy set up a trap in advance and launch an attack on Tony?"

Tony doesn't have any concrete evidence, but he has started to suspect that there is a mole within the company. He wants to use this opportunity to get rid of the mole and even take over the company. So, who is the most suspicious person?"

Leon lowered his head. Although he was already tall, Obadiah was still sitting. Such an oppressive atmosphere made Obadiah sweat profusely.

Leon's speculation was straightforward and could be summed up in one sentence: who would benefit the most from Tony's death?

It is needless to say that if Tony dies, the Stark family will become extinct. Obadiah will get the company and even acquire all of Tony's family properties and shares.

So, why should one wonder why Leon found him?

Leon intentionally knocked on the suitcase and said, "This is what he's going to use against you. It's the latest weapon and armor. Once he successfully develops it, he can use it to push you out of the company. As for retaliation, he can do whatever he wants."

"No, he can't do that," Obadiah stood up.

Leon just looked at him, knowing that Obadiah was anxious. When someone is anxious, it's easy to make mistakes.

Leon himself opened the suitcase, found a blueprint, and pointed to the Mark generation armor. He reminded Obadiah, "New energy will be installed here. The weapons of the old era will be outdated, and Tony will become the sole leader of Stark Industries, leading the company into a new future. And you? All of you conservative and old-fashioned guys will be eliminated."

"And you know this yourself, once you let Tony succeed, what will he do with you?"


Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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