
The Uchiha Who Woke Up In... Where?

He was once a very talented Uchiha, so much so that it made even the members of his clan afraid of him! It was said that he would be the next Madara, but then, when he left to buy some groceries, a mirror appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and people say that when he touched the mirror he disappeared forever, no one knows what really happened. Hello, Mina-san, this fic isn't to be taken seriously. It's one where a random talented Uchiha will travel to another world as Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also, I haven't decided if there will be Harem or not. OBS: The story follows events from the manga specifically, so if there are any divergences regarding how it happened in the anime, it's not my fault. Also, I don't like canon that much, but I'll stick to it until the story gets to a point of more freedom, until then, the story will diverge based on the protagonist's abilities and actions. So if he chooses right, the story will go from that even if it isn't part of the canon. Don't blame me if it gets weird... Cough... there may be some crossovers with other animes, I'll let you guys decide from a list of options I shall provide at the end of the Mafia part of the story. :) Edit: Feel free to use the contents of this fanfic to make your own version of it you feel like doing it

Daoist_C_Dreams · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Tsuna's first day of school after transmigrating

Namimori Middle School was just like any other common school in Japan, well, at least in terms of small cities. Tsuna wasn't sure about how schools are in big neighboring cities. The one he was more curious about is Tokyo since it's the capital of this country called Japan.

It was weird however how everyone seemed to laugh at his back, people here tend to be very arrogant and unconscious of others' feelings it seems, well not that different from Konoha, but at least they had the guts to say shit to his face, unlike the people here.

But it wasn't only the kids, and that was something that made him frown in anger.

"Sawada-kun, since you seem so distracted, it must be because you already know the subject, right? Care to answer the question on the blackboard?" Sensei Sugiwara asked, he tried to conceal it, but Tsuna who was a shinobi could clearly see the disdain in his eyes and the hidden smirk on his face.

He was trying to humiliate him to boost his ego, but... what a stupid fellow, doesn't he understand that having a bad student equals to him being a bad Sensei? Heck, as far as he knows, his reputation was directly related to that of his Senseis, hahaha!

"Oh!? Do you want me to answer this question? Are you sure, Sensei?" Tsuna smirked inside as he faked a worried look.

"Un, unless you want to keep watching the cars, of course." Sugiwara's face remained composed, but Tsuna felt like he was laughing by reading his micro-expressions, what a petty person.

"Ah! Is that so? Then I shall keep watching the cars then." Tsuna smiled with a joyous expression on his face as if he hadn't noticed the sarcasm of his Sensei.


"Hahaha! He is indeed the no-good Tsuna!"

"Hayahay, look at his face, man this shit made my day!"

A commotion broke out in the classroom as the students started laughing at the scene they had just witnessed, whether or not it was intentional, it was like both Tsuna and Sugiwara had made a fool of themselves.

"Y-you!" Sugiwara pointed at him, but before he could say anything the alarm went off, signaling the end of the math class.

"Ohoho! Sorry, Sensei. It's time for the PE class, we will have to continue this conversation another time." Tsuna bowed slightly and quickly left with his classmates as if nothing had happened.

Leaving an enraged teacher behind.

But those weird actions of his hadn't gone unnoticed. Kurokawa Hana, one of Tsuna's female classmates looked at him with a curious look. She was an observant girl, if someone asked her about a person at the school, she was confident that it was possible for her to give at least a detailed description of that person's personality. And Tsuna just acted way off of character.

It felt slightly like he was making fun of the Teacher, maybe even giving him a look of contempt, but how could it be? The shy and weak Tsuna would never have the guts to do something like that... could it be that he is simply half-asleep and just didn't notice what he had just done?

For someone that would cower at mere classmates, it didn't felt right for him to challenge a teacher's authority and intelligence.

With those thoughts in mind, she accompanied her friends to the locker rooms.

* * *

"Eh... Then Tsuna shall play with Team 2..." Hirano spoke without much confidence as he held the basketball.

If there was one person that they didn't like to play with was Tsuna, he was clumsy, weak, small, and very unfit for any sports. The problem was that their teacher, Suzuki Kumiko, was very adamant about making every single person in the class practice something with the others, so no one could be left behind, otherwise, she would force them to practice a hard battery of exercises that would leave them so tired to the point that some people would feel pain all over their bodies for the rest of the day!

Tsuna approached his teammates with a poker face. Tanagawa, Miyata, Kawamoto, etc. He knew all their names but didn't bother to show them any sort of kindness or any sort of sympathy.

He knew from his memories inherited from the original Tsuna, that they had never treated him well, in his eyes, they were just a bunch of weaklings that preyed on the weak and lowered their heads for the strong. He wouldn't go after them if they left him alone, but he wouldn't mind showing them the new Tsuna if they crossed the line.

After the formation was confirmed, the teacher who held the basketball, blew a whistle and threw the ball towards Team 1.

Since Tsuna wasn't aware of the rules of basketball, he started analyzing everything using idioms that better suited what he comprehended of the sport.

Overall, every team had a group of attackers, messengers, and defenders. Messengers were mostly responsible for the communication and control of the battlefield, they were responsible for dictating the flow of the battle by choosing to whom they would pass on the basketball and by creating plays for their allies to score points.

Defenders tended to stay slightly behind to protect the basket where you had to throw the ball to score a point and to try and intercept advancements of the enemy attackers.

As for the attackers themselves, they were usually the closest to the enemy team's territory and their goal was to try and score either one point, two points, or three points. From what he observed as the match went on, it could be said that one point was when you basically were close enough to touch the basket when you scored, the two points were when you're inside a delimited area inside the battlefield which enclosed the basket, and the three points was when you managed to score from any place in the battlefield besides the delimited area of the basket.

A/N: Man... I don't know shit about basketball, not even the names and rules, from where I am nobody plays this, at least it isn't anything near common. I know the description sucked but please bear with me. Also, sorry if it's described in a weird way, English is not my first language, and my vocabulary for certain things and objects is really lacking.

Tsuna was positioned as a defender, after he understood the rules more or less by observing how the others played, he waited for an opportunity to steal the ball from one of the attackers.

Seeing his action, his teammates' eyes shined.

Kawamoto, the tallest in team 2 started waving his hand as he cried excitedly. "Tsuna, pass me the ball! Quick!"

Tsuna nodded and after moving a little to get rid of the ones trying to block his path he accurately threw the ball towards the boy after quickly assessing how much strength he had to use for a civilian to catch it with ease.

Seeing that perfect pass, Kawamoto quickly broke through the blockade and scored one point by jumping and throwing the ball inside the basket while holding on to it.

"Fuck! Tsuna improved a lot, we can't be careless!" Hirano frowned as he looked towards the frail Tsuna whom he had looked down upon ever since he met him.

"Yeah! Let's level up our games." One of the sturdier guys on team 1 replied with a smile full of competitive spirit.

As the match went on, the girls from his class who were playing a diverse list of games like rope skipping and others, also noticed the abnormal situation.

"Eh, isn't that Tsuna!?"

"Woow! Did you just see that steal? How did he take the ball so quickly?"

"Damn it! Why are his hands moving so fast? Is he a master of prestidigitation?"

"What the...? I bet Tsuna had been hiding his skills, but why did he choose to reveal it now?"

As the girl's imagination bloomed towards weird directions, with some thinking that he was an assassin - he was but that had nothing to do with some harmless game - who had been hiding intentionally, the first match came to an end.

"Hey, Tsuna! Good job there, it seems that you improved a lot during the holiday, did someone train you?" Hirano who had looked down on Tsuna before came to him with a sincere smile on his face which made Tsuna stunned for a moment.

How could this guy go from contempt to respect after such a small thing? Are people in this world so simple?

"Un. You could say so." Tsuna nodded and made a short reply. Even if Hirano had let go of the negative emotions he had towards him, it didn't erase the past. Tsuna wasn't the kind to go after vengeance but he would remember the debts that people had with him.

"That's great! You should consider joining the basketball club, we aren't lacking in talents, but it's always good to have more people in case of emergencies. " Hirano smiled as he reached out his hand.

Tsuna shook his hand and replied with an indifferent voice. "I'll think about it."

Hirano wasn't the only one. Despite not talking to Tsuna after the first match, Kawamoto gave him a few looks filled with respect and admiration, he, just like Hirano, was someone who appreciated hard-working people, and while Tsuna didn't try to score a single point, his skills could be seen from the way he stole the ball and how he handled it while being blocked.

To grow so much in a single holiday he must have practiced a lot.

But while that was the case for them, the others had no change in the way they treated Tsuna, for them, he was the same no-good Tsuna from before.

Since he played in the first match, Tsuna got the opportunity to sit down on the bench to rest as it was a rotative kind of game, meaning the teams changed after every match to make sure that every boy in the class could play.

While everyone was distracted he went behind one of the two grandstands inside of the gym, and started doing push-ups as well as other exercises, since he now has the opportunity to train while in school he had to make use of this moment!

Due to being slightly complacent, Tsuna lowered his guard, it was a peaceful world so he felt like nothing could threaten him right now, because of this, his senses were too focused on his training to notice Hana, who was looking at like he was an alien.

What the hell!? TSUNA IS TRAINING!? Hana's worldviews were shattered at that instant, she felt like she was arrogant for thinking that she an observant person after witnessing that.

After all, she was confident that Tsuna was a good-for-nothing that slacked off and never had the motivation to do anything, but here he was! Sweating like a pig and training till his veins were popping up! She had never noticed Tsuna with an indomitable will! It was like he had somehow hidden his true self from the very beginning for some reason!

But why would he do that!? And why would he be forced to reveal his true self at such a random moment? It was then that Hana, the observant girl, became suspicious of Tsuna's personal life. In her head, only an extraordinary situation would force someone like Tsuna who endured for years being treated like a dog to reveal his true self.

After all, he had the willpower to endure all the mistreatment he received, so nothing ordinary would be enough to cause a change.

Just who are you, Tsunayoshi, and what is it that forced you to do this? Humph! Detective Kurokawa is now on the case, and let me tell you something, Watson. This lady here has never been fooled before you, I shall strip away all of your secrets! When those eyes finish their job, all the darkness you hide will have been exposed to the light! Hahahaha!

Thus, Hana unconsciously created her first Chūnibyō persona.

While this was happening, one more person saw him training, and it was Hana's best friend, Kyoko!