
The Uchiha Who Woke Up In... Where?

He was once a very talented Uchiha, so much so that it made even the members of his clan afraid of him! It was said that he would be the next Madara, but then, when he left to buy some groceries, a mirror appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and people say that when he touched the mirror he disappeared forever, no one knows what really happened. Hello, Mina-san, this fic isn't to be taken seriously. It's one where a random talented Uchiha will travel to another world as Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also, I haven't decided if there will be Harem or not. OBS: The story follows events from the manga specifically, so if there are any divergences regarding how it happened in the anime, it's not my fault. Also, I don't like canon that much, but I'll stick to it until the story gets to a point of more freedom, until then, the story will diverge based on the protagonist's abilities and actions. So if he chooses right, the story will go from that even if it isn't part of the canon. Don't blame me if it gets weird... Cough... there may be some crossovers with other animes, I'll let you guys decide from a list of options I shall provide at the end of the Mafia part of the story. :) Edit: Feel free to use the contents of this fanfic to make your own version of it you feel like doing it

Daoist_C_Dreams · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A mighty Uchiha reduced to a civil student...

His name used to be Uchiha Madashi! Yeah, a very powerful name! One as incredible as his talent!

Back then, he wanted to become the first Uchiha to step into the position of Hokage, he would break down the enmity between his clan and the rest of the village before making Konoha an even stronger hidden village!

Unfortunately, his dream came to an end very quickly as he suddenly found himself facing a weird mirror on the street that appeared out of nowhere. He wanted to simply avoid it, but the mirror had the ability to control his movements in a similar fashion to that of the Sand's puppet technique.

When his hand touched the reflective surface, the result was that he was sucked inside it and a few seconds later he woke up in the body of a random brat... To make it worse he lost his good looks! Really, what's the point of keeping your power if you look like some dumb random dude on the street!?

Just imagine if Madara's face was similar to that of some weird drunk man, that wouldn't look very cool, right?

Gritting his teeth, he, now by the name of Sawada Tsunayoshi had no choice but to live as this embarrassing guy that was Tsuna...

Fortunately, it seems that he arrived just in time...

Tsuna, the original one at least, was a very shy and weak-minded kid, afraid of being bullied or making a fool of himself, he never dared to raise his voice or fight against anyone, he let people trample on him and acted like he was okay with it, he became pretty much a slave of those school delinquents.

If someone had to stay behind to clean the school gym, he would 'volunteer' himself for the job after someone suggested it. It was always like that, whatever task there was, they would make him do all the job.

His romantic life was almost the same, except he was simply too afraid to make any movement, even talking to the girl he liked was like the most difficult and impossible task in the world.

In the end, it was Tsuna creating barriers for himself in his mind, his physic wasn't that bad, nor his looks - even though he couldn't be compared to Madashi... -, it was just that he lacked confidence way too much... But maybe he was right to be afraid...

Ugh... if I was a girl I definitely wouldn't date the original Tsuna, he is way too lame... Shaking his head, he continued practicing exercises in the silence of his bedroom, there were only a few days till the end of the holiday, he wanted to make sure that by the time it ended, he had already gathered enough Chakra to use at least C-rank Ninjutsu.

Thankfully, it seemed that he had got his hands into something useful when he came to this world.

[Shinobi System]

[Inherited Bloodline: Uchiha {Extremely Pure}]

[Spirit level: Elite Jonin]

[Physical level: Civilian]

[Chakra: Genin]

[Kenjutsu: Elite Jonin]

[Taijutsu: Jonin]

[Ninjutsu: Jonin]

[Shurinkenjutsu: Jonin]


[Quest Points: 0]

The system was very simple, it only had four tabs, Status, Quests, Trading, and Inventory.

While I don't know how I can get a quest, it's still a useful tool to keep an eye on my precise level of progress. Thankfully I could still practice chakra control techniques in this world even though it felt different somehow... as if the chakra was more refreshing and easier to control.

While thinking of that, he gritted his teeth in anger, right now, his body is the biggest hindrance of his arsenal, it was so horribly trained that even a stray dog might be able to kill him!

For that reason, Tsuna had been training his body madly over the last few days in order to quickly grow stronger. When his muscles were injured due to the strain he put on them, he would proceed to use healing ninjutsu before continuing.

He was lucky enough to have studied everything the Slug Princess left behind after leaving Konoha, so his knowledge of medicine plus his high level of chakra control allowed him to at least use this technique without any issues, although he could only use it for a few minutes a day.

Thankfully, his body transfer somehow didn't make him lose his Uchiha bloodline, which made him think that bloodlines would be better associated with the soul, or some powerful entity made sure that he would keep it after coming to this new world.

What made him worried though is the weapons that the people in this world are capable of using, he couldn't be sure that they wouldn't be a threat to him, based on his rough estimations from internet videos and calculations, pistols and automatic rifles would be a threat to Chunin if they were caught unprepared, and only sniper projectiles could pose a threat to someone at Jonin level.

And if he were to focus on enhancing his speed, it might be possible to reduce the threat of a sniper even while being a Chunin, the issue is though is what should he do to increase his speed? While not that effective, if he focused on Body Flicker Technique he might be able to enhance his movement speed, the problem is making his body react just as fast or even faster than anything that was thrown at him.

The thing is that Chakra when used properly is capable of enhancing the physical prowess of an individual, but the enhancing of reaction is not that great, in order to do something really useful, he would have to use something similar to the Lightning Release Chakra Mode as it affects the nervous system or the Eight Gates as it removes the limits imposed by the Eight extraordinary meridians.

The problem is that he doesn't have the jutsu scroll of the Lightning Chakra Mode, and he wasn't confident in making much progress on the Eight Gates Technique, the harsh requirements for the body are too much without the appropriate equipment, after all, as someone who had been from the Anbu, he had read the detailed information of Might Guy, he had trained his body to a level even above of that of a Kage, that was the reason why he could endure so much of the stress of opening seven out of eight gates.

The thing is that with a body at such level, the man's body itself was a weapon that could deflect B-rank Ninjutsu with bare hands! And by bare hands, it means without even rotating his chakra.

Sigh... Why am I even worrying that much... in fourteen years this guy had never seen a weapon in front of him. Maybe this world is just a thousand percent more peaceful than my previous one.

* * *

The corner of Tsuna's mouth twitched as he slowly approached the school.

Seeing the many students walking through the gates, he couldn't help but frown. C'mon! He was a fucking Elite Jonin by the time he was fourteen! He had left the academy when he was 6 and had even killed more than a thousand enemies before he was kidnapped by the mirror during his fourteenth birthday.

Isn't fate trampling on his dignity? How could he mix with those babies that would probably cry at the sight of blood?

Gulping he reminded himself of the training his master Orochimaru had given him, being a Shinobi wasn't just having the power to annihilate your enemies, infiltration was also part of the job.

The problem is that he never had to do something similar, so he wasn't that confident in doing it now...

Agh! Whatever, I'll just be me and pretend that I was fed up with acting all friendly and weak, if those bastards try something I'll just beat the crap out of them!

And so began the legend of Tsuna!