
The Uchiha Who Woke Up In... Where?

He was once a very talented Uchiha, so much so that it made even the members of his clan afraid of him! It was said that he would be the next Madara, but then, when he left to buy some groceries, a mirror appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and people say that when he touched the mirror he disappeared forever, no one knows what really happened. Hello, Mina-san, this fic isn't to be taken seriously. It's one where a random talented Uchiha will travel to another world as Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also, I haven't decided if there will be Harem or not. OBS: The story follows events from the manga specifically, so if there are any divergences regarding how it happened in the anime, it's not my fault. Also, I don't like canon that much, but I'll stick to it until the story gets to a point of more freedom, until then, the story will diverge based on the protagonist's abilities and actions. So if he chooses right, the story will go from that even if it isn't part of the canon. Don't blame me if it gets weird... Cough... there may be some crossovers with other animes, I'll let you guys decide from a list of options I shall provide at the end of the Mafia part of the story. :) Edit: Feel free to use the contents of this fanfic to make your own version of it you feel like doing it

Daoist_C_Dreams · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Mafia Home Tutor Reborn

*Ding! Dong!*

"Alright everyone, see you all tomorrow, and remember to do your homework! Especially you, Sawada-kun, you have been absent from this class twice in a row, I don't want to hear any excuses now! If you don't study hard, it will be difficult for you to enter a good college in the future!" Uyehara Chiyo pointed at Tsuna with veins popping up on her head. This beautiful old-fashioned sensei with a bun tied on the back of her head and not a single drop of makeup was the class A homeroom sensei.

"Don't worry sensei, I promise to be more responsible with the school." Tsuna smiled as he bowed down with respect.

Out of the 8 classes he had today, Chiyo was the first sensei who was really worried about him and spared nothing to make sure that he would learn.

When she arrived at the class and saw that he was there, instead of having left early like the original Tsuna used to do, she instantly became enraged and started reprimanding him for slacking off and not trying hard to study and learn.

She went as far as making him sit next to her table so that she could personally supervise his studying and assist him with whatever doubt he had.

Despite calling her a sensei, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that she was more like a second mother, she was a person that clearly did her best at her job and valued every single student.

"Good, I really hope you won't forget those words, Sawada-kun!" Chiyo smiled seeing the serious look on his face, it seemed that he was finally becoming more responsible.

While leaving Tsuna was stunned for a moment as he saw someone that he hadn't noticed before. This girl with short golden-brown hair, a slender and short figure, and a cute face was none other than Sasagawa Kyoko, the original Tsunayoshi's childhood crush. Of course, it was definitely a one-sided feeling.

The original Tsuna was so afraid of anyone knowing this secret that he made sure no one would catch him looking at her and he would only do so for a few seconds to not raise any suspicion from his classmates.

But of course, that was only in Tsuna's head, as Kyoko's best friend, Hana had noticed his feelings for her many years ago.

Hana herself would have intervened if he tried to date her as she doesn't think that he would be a good boyfriend for her best friend, but since he never tried anything, she figured that he was even more coward than he looked, which made him lose even more points in her book.

Seeing how she was taking her shoes from the entrance lockers, Tsuna quickly tied his and went to talk to her, he wanted to know if there was really any real reason for the original guy to have worshiped this girl so much.

"You are Sasagawa-san, right? I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Noticing his casual approach, Kyoko took a step back and gulped, her cheeks were slightly flushed, it seems that she wasn't really used to talking to boys, either that or this is simply a reaction to the hot day.

"I-" Before she could answer though, someone stepped in between them.

"Get lost, no-good Tsuna! Who gave you permission to bother Kyoko?" Standing in front of Tsuna with an angry face, was a handsome boy wearing a blue t-shirt underneath the school's white shirt.

"Eh! Look, isn't that Mochida-senpai?"

"Ohh! You're right! What's happening?"

"Didn't you heard? It seems that Tsuna was harassing Kyoko."

"That's right, I saw it. Mochida-senpai stepped forward to protect her, what a good senpai!"

Hearing the whispers around him, Tsuna gasped. What the hell? How a simple greeting turned into harassment out of the blue?

While Tsuna was completely confused by the situation, Mochida grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and brought him closer. "Do you think you can just go around messing with the girls?! What is it that you want? To confess to Kyoko? Someone like you should stay away from her!"

Hearing the bullshit he was spouting, Tsuna frowned. It seemed that he saw her retreating with that expression of surprise and confused the situation, even so...

Tsuna pushed Mochida away and patted his shirt to clean it before giving a cold look. "So what if am? Huh? What does it have to do with you if I confess to her? Do you think you can simply do what you want because you're a senior?"

"Ahh! So Tsuna wanted to confess to Kyoko!"

"Wooow! I can't believe that the no-good Tsuna had the guts to do something like that!"

"Yeah, to confess for the prettiest girl of the school... Ahhh, I'm so jealous."

"So that was your goal!" Mochida pointed at him as if had just discovered a big secret. "That's it! I won't let you off, come to the kendo club tomorrow morning if you're a man!"

Mochida turned away and left in large strides.

"Eh? Mochida-senpai, wait for us!"

Mochida was very angry with this situation, he had also been planning to confess to her and wanted to ask her out today, but he saw this bastard Tsuna doing it before him! What's worse, it's clear that he was embarrassing Kyoko, he saw it with his own eyes how afraid and disgusted she was. He would teach him a lesson for daring to do that with his girl!

"W-what's going on!?" Kyoko was stunned by the sequence of events, Tsuna had just greeted her and before she could understand anything, the situation had escalated that much.

As Kyoko forced her mind to comprehend everything, Hana approached her from behind with a big smile. "Hehe, Kyoko! Look at you, making two guys fight for your hand! It must be good to be the school beauty."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. Besides, isn't Tsuna going to get hurt because of me? We have to s-stop them!"

Hana brushed Kyoko's worry aside and replied with a mischievous grin. "Relax, it's just guys playing in the 'guys' world', it will be fine, let's just watch the fight tomorrow with the others!"

Hana grabbed Kyoko and dragged her away from the school

Tsuna was standing motionless with a frowning face. At least Kyoko was worried about his well-being, it wasn't enough to make him fall in love with her, but he could see that she was a kindhearted girl, it's understandable why the original Tsuna had feelings for her given her personality and appearance.

Still... "What a mess..."

While frowning, Tsuna raised his guard once more, it seems that not everyone is easy to deal with in this world, a single misunderstanding was enough to change a casual conversation into physical aggression.

Since he wasn't aware of how Mochida would act about this matter, he needed to make sure nobody would sneak behind him and try something.

But as it was his first time raising his guard, he suddenly felt a pair of cold piercing eyes gazing at him, turning quickly he shouted. "Who's there!?" His hand instinctively lowered towards his waist, and it was then that he noticed the lack of something.

That's right, he doesn't have a katana anymore! His favorite weapon was lost after he transmigrated. When realization struck him, he felt naked and vulnerable for the first time since coming to this world.

The katana was a weapon that had followed him for many years, especially after the third shinobi war when he got lost in the land of iron for some time, back then, he met a man who later he called master, and that man taught him the way of the samurai even though he was a ronin.

As if the person had realized that he was noticed his presence disappeared, making him sigh but he wasn't relieved yet.

Such concealing skills are comparable to, if not greater than that of most Jonin! Could it be that there were Shinobis in this world as well? Just that they took the meaning of the word 'hidden' way too seriously?

If so, why there was someone like this observing him?

Gritting his teeth, he quickly left the school.

* * *

Opening the door, Tsuna took out his shoes and let them on the side. "Tadaima!" He shouted to warn his mother that he was back, only to be stunned right after.

Who does this voice belong to?

Walking towards the kitchen he saw a weird scene. A baby wearing a black luxurious suit was sitting on the table, eating dinner with his mother!

"Ara, Tsu-kun, okaeri." His mother turned to him with a smile on her face as if this scene was totally comprehensible. "Go wash your hands and come eat dinner before it gets cold."

Tsuna nodded and after some time he was sitting on the table with a plate full of food and eyes full of questions as he looked towards the weird baby using a fork and knife to cut a piece of stake.

"Nice to meet you, Tsuna. I'm your home tutor, Reborn, from now on I'll be taking care of you." The baby nodded at him as he touched his black fedora with an orange stripe.

"W-what?" Tsuna rose to his feet as he looked at Reborn. A one-year-old baby who could talk! What sort of genius is this!? Wait, what did he just say?

"Hehe, I saw a flyer this morning talking about hiring a particular tutor, it said that they would raise any kid to become the leader of the next generation no matter the grade or subject."

"And you believed that!? Besides, no matter how much of a genius he is, he's just a baby!"

"I'm not a baby. I'm a hitman." Reborn gave him a weird look.

Sighing... Tsuna shook his head and went to his room after he finished eating.

It took a while but after some time Reborn went inside Tsuna's room. Because of his new identity, the room was very cleaned and organized compared to how the original Tsuna usually left it.

Seeing the teenager practicing Physical exercises, Reborn watched without minding that he entered without permission.

Tsuna didn't mind as well, even if it was a little annoying, Reborn was just a baby and he couldn't lose his focus right now.

Every movement, every repetition, every set of exercises was carefully planned and done. He was a shinobi after all, even if this world was mostly peaceful, heh... He was someone that couldn't slack off!

[Physical level: Peak Civilian]

It was a shame for him, an Uchiha to be so weak at such an age. He was someone with many goals and dreams, after all, he wanted to have many friends, maybe more than just one wife, an empire that belonged to him, one made of gold with countless people worshiping him!

He didn't want to be compared to his great-great-uncle Madara! He wanted to surpass both him and Hachirama, it was his dream to become someone like this.

To achieve this goal, he would stop at nothing, even this change of world was just another barrier in his path.

The will to achieve this goal was as high as the heavens itself.

Reborn who watched everything smiled, his hand lowered towards the small green chameleon who rested in his legs. "Tsuna, would you have regrets if you were to die right now?"

"Eh? Of course, I would have regrets! How can I die before achieving my dreams? That's why I'm training so much, to become stronger! But why the question though?"

"Tsuna, my real goal here is to train you to become a mafia boss!"

"...?" Tsuna kept doing his push-ups as he looked towards Reborn for a while. "Very funny."

"Tsuna... I was assigned by a certain man to train you to become an outstanding Mafia Boss, and the method is left up for me to decide."

"Uhum, and I'm the president of the United States, don't worry Reborn, I'll make laws to assist your gang, will you let me train in peace now that I promised such a good deal?"

"It's a good time." Reborn watched the focused Tsuna with a smile. "Un. I think you won't understand what I mean till you die."

"What are you talking-"


Time slowed down, Tsuna's eyes turned towards the origin of the sound, he saw the bright flash of the muzzle followed by the projectile leaving the chamber, gathering speed as it cut through the air towards his head.

Where did that pistol come from, why did Reborn shoot at him...

The bullet hit his head and he fell face-first on the ground. While dying Tsuna regretted.

I'm going to die... I'm losing my second chance in life... What a waste. If it wasn't because of that mirror, I would still be in Konoha. If I had the will of the dying, I probably could have trained even harder and would have become way stronger. I should have trained much harder, put it all on the training with a dying will...

A second passed without any difference, but suddenly, flames ignited in Tsuna's forehead, the core of the flames was slightly orange and the outside was almost yellow, those flames flickered with vigor as he stood up with a shout!

"REBORN!!!" Oddly enough, after coming back to life, Tsuna's clothes became tattered and spread around the ground.

"I'M GOING TO BECOME STRONGER WITH MY DYING WILL!" With reinvigorated vigor, Tsuna started doing a series of exercises