
The Tyrant Of The Seven Seas

Celestiel Balahan, first born princess of Icartha is forced to be wed to the cold hearted and infamous Sebastian Blackbeard, the tyrant of the seven seas, king of Calabran and pirate King. She is a broken angel, obsessed with the idea of true love. Unfortunately, fate has more than she asks planned out for her. Sebastian Blackbeard, a man of logic, cursed from birth. He desires only one thing...for this curse to be lifted, even at any cost. A man with a vision. A woman with delusions. Bound together by fate, marriage and the sea. The tides are bound to be unpredictable...ain't it? Character art (Celestiel) belongs to @ronamii_art Character art (Reagan and Leonore) belongs to @LoveStorybookFairy Do follow them in pinterest. Thank you!

Mazoooooooooooooo · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Chapter 69: The Witch's Eye

Finally satisfied for the moment with her reactions to his teasing, Reagan's expression turned serious.

"The Queen mother needs me to retrieve a few things for the ritual she intends to perform on the Queen," his words made Aletta's ears perk up and her eyes widened.

"Ritual? Why? When?," she questioned.

Reagan replied, " The Queen has been unconscious for far too long. With every passing second, the king worries. So the Queen mother has offered to perform a spiritual ritual on her."

"That could kill her!," Aletta yelled. She pressed her fingers to her temple, rubbing roughly. "She...is the Queen mother even a spiritual herbalist?"

"You should ask the King that, Aletta," Reagan said. And after a moment of silence, he closed the distance between them, placing his hand on her shoulder. "You will have to trust it, Aletta. There is no other option."

"But...," she trailed off, biting the inside of her cheek.