
The Tyrant Of The Seven Seas

Celestiel Balahan, first born princess of Icartha is forced to be wed to the cold hearted and infamous Sebastian Blackbeard, the tyrant of the seven seas, king of Calabran and pirate King. She is a broken angel, obsessed with the idea of true love. Unfortunately, fate has more than she asks planned out for her. Sebastian Blackbeard, a man of logic, cursed from birth. He desires only one thing...for this curse to be lifted, even at any cost. A man with a vision. A woman with delusions. Bound together by fate, marriage and the sea. The tides are bound to be unpredictable...ain't it? Character art (Celestiel) belongs to @ronamii_art Character art (Reagan and Leonore) belongs to @LoveStorybookFairy Do follow them in pinterest. Thank you!

Mazoooooooooooooo · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Chapter 68: Man Of The Seas

Aletta stood, cleaning the furniture in the drawing room as instructed by the head servant of the castle.

It was the second time she was cleaning the room as she had nothing else to do. And sitting idly only triggered her thoughts and worry for the unconscious Queen.

The head servant had chosen to only give her that particular room to clean. Even when she had asked the butler if he needed any work done, he immediately refused.

It was as though they did not want to give her any work to do. And Aletta suspected it was either because of the fact that she was the Queen's personal servant or Reagan.

For the sake of her mental wellbeing and her reputation, she chose to believe it was because of the Queen.

Bored and cleaning for the third time now, she began to hum a soft, slow tune. Something she remembered one of her caretakers used to sing to her when she was little.