
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Others
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45 Chs

Chapter 14 Blonde Radiance

The next day Takemi woke up besides Musashi, who had a weird smile on her face and was muttering something under her breath.

Sniffing the room he was hit with a sweet fishy smell and walked over to the window and opened it.

A fresh breeze entered the room causing Takemi to yawn drowsily, "I've got seven days before my first day of High School. I've got to meet Tatsuya soon and I want to buy something else in the [Store]... why is TMP so hard to get!".

"Ding! TMP is not hard to get. The User is only limiting himself to TMP earned from Missions and has neglected the other two forms of gaining TMP".

"Well, I can't exactly go out and kill other Magicians now can I?".

He heard another ding but ignored it and went downstairs.

Takemi started on breakfast before he heard someone else knocking on his door.

He turned off the stove and muttered, "Who is it this time? Surely the Shiba's aren't back yet".

As Takemi walked to the front door, he started to hear two distinct voices shouting at each other. Both feminine and both angry or upset.

"What are you doing here Saegusa!".

"I could say the same thing about you Kudou? Or was it Shields?".

"It's Kudou! And what are you here for?! Takemi has never mentioned you before?".

Takemi just sighed and looked at the time on his wall clock, '10:34. It's too early for this. And Musashi really ran me ragged last night.... but there is a potential 100,000 TMP standing right outside my door!'

He straightened his posture and slapped his cheeks a little before opening the door and saying, "Is there anything I can do for you two- hmm? Saegusa-san? Ange-chan?".

The two were frightened by the sudden opening of the door but Angelina shot Mayumi a victorious grin.

"I was just in the neighborhood and wanted if you wanted to ask you something Takemi. Something that should be discussed in private, without randoms interrupting...".

Mayumi frowned at Angelina but looked at Takemi with a smile, "I am here on behalf of First High to discuss some matters with you. Are you busy?".

Takemi could almost here the word "choose" ring out in his head, but shook that thought away and once again widened the door and invited them both inside.

"Sorry for the mess. My Aunt and I got a little carried away with our spar yesterday and kinda wrecked the house".

He pointed to the dinner table and the two of the sat down looking around the house for clues or something. Takemi just walked back into the kitchen and resumed cooking his eggs and bacon, ignoring the two gazes that were locked onto him.

"Takemi-san... you are the one who cooks?".

"Yeah. Musashi can't cook very well so I'm the one who makes meals everyday".

Angelina mentally ticked a box and tucked a strand of hair behind her head and said, "It must get very lonely here, with just the two of you".

"It's fine. We're used to it... but what about you Ange-chan? How's the USNA?".

The blonde smiled and said, "It's fine. But there's something about Japan that I just can't help but call home".

"I know the feeling. Do you have someone special waiting for you back in the USNA?".

Angelina reddened before looking down, "No... that's someone closer to home...".

Mayumi who was sitting opposite Angelina had a twitch mark appear above her head.

'I am getting ignored?! He did this 3 years ago too!? Am I-'.

"And what about you Saegusa-san? It's been even longer since I've last meet you. How's First High?".

The red eyed princess got a little flustered before saying, "It's been great! Our school won the Nine Schools competition because of due to the joint efforts of Juumonji Katsuto, Watanabe Mari and myself. We single handedly won every freshman event we participated in".

Takemi took his food off the frying pan and plated up three plates and set them down on the table.

"Eat up. It would be bad manners to keep guests without them being entertained. I may not be the best chef in the world, but I'm confident I'm above average".

He tied up his hair in a high pony tail to avoid hie hair falling onto his food which caused both girls eyes to widen.

'He looks so much better!'.

'It's not bad...'

The girls looked down at their plates and saw how much food was on their and held their stomachs. They were both girls and were both conscious of their weight and then looked at Takemi's toned body.

"Takemi-san... how do you eat so much and still stay in good shape?".

"Hmm? I exercise a lot. My Family's Magic shouldn't be used by someone who neglects their physical body. Just look at my Musashi for example".

Angelina ticked another box and Mayumi just nodded.

"So anyway, I was here to notify you about two things Takemi-san. First is that you have scored highest in the First High entrance examinations so that means you have to address the students in the opening ceremony, is this fine with you?".

Takemi nodded. It was going to happen to Miyuki and was familiar with it.

"The second thing is that as the top student, we, the First High Student Council would like to invite you to join our ranks. It is tradition that the top student join and thus, I am here to invite you today".

Takemi kept nodding throughout her entire speech. This was all already information he already knew.

"That's fine Saegusa-san, is that-".

"Please don't call me that. Now that we're apart of the same cohort, call me Mayumi-senpai? Okay?".

He just kept nodding before asking, "Is that all?"

Mayumi appeared a little taken back before glancing at Angelina who gave her a smirk. She was embarrassed that someone as sought after as her was just ignored by someone younger than her.

"Yes, I mean no, I mean, maybe?".

Takemi stopped nodding and looked at her directly. He didn't want to start a Route with Mayumi right now, especially not when he was sitting beside someone else he had raised flags with but ignored his gut.

"I'm just joking Mayumi-senpai. Stay as long as you want". He noticed that neither of them had touched their food and took all three of their plates over to the side and brought out some tea instead.

The three of them sat down, two of them rather awkwardly, whose eyes were darting around the room.

Takemi once again sighed and said,

"So why don't we get to know each other a little bit? I'll start. I'm Mikazuchi Takemi. I'm going to be a freshman at First High in a few days. I like Musashi, cooking, and Kinoko Nasu. I dislike people who don't like Kinoko Nasu and people who don't have morals when it comes to practicing Magecraft".

Mayumi and Angelina shared a glance, the former even more so. The beautiful blonde knew he his personality but the beautiful red-eyed young woman just blinked.

"I guess I'll go next. My name is Angelina Kudou Shields. I will be attending First High in a year so please take care of my Takemi-senpai. I like... someone and my responsibilities as a Magician. I think that being a Magician and serving one's country is the most honorable thing a person can do. I don't like people that misuse Magic and those who shirk their responsibilities as Magicians. Your turn Red".

Although she directed the focus on the room to Mayumi, she gave a smile to Takemi who returned it with a wink. It was something that always managed to raise her mood, even when they first met.

Red, or Mayumi however glared at the young girl for a moment before saying, "I'm Mayumi Saegusa. I will be a Second Year at First High. I like my family, my brothers and sisters and having fun! I dislike people who throw around their Family's status like it means something and arrogant people".

The tension in the room increased a little before a yawn came out of nowhere.

"Takemi~ Is breakfast ready?".

"Yes Musashi! And we have more guests!".


Coming down the stairs was a beautiful woman in a loose fitting kimono who was rubbing her eyes cutely while stretching her back. Her chest size made the other two girls in the room look down and frown. One more so than the other.

"Good morning Musashi-san. How are you?".

Musashi recognized the voice and smiled, "Good, Ange-chan. I haven't seen you in a while and-? Who are you?".

Mayumi stood up and bowed, "I'm Mayumi Saegusa. It's a pleasure to meet you Musashi-san".

Saber waved them off and started to eat her breakfast while eyeing the other two girls. She had her suspicions of course. Two young beautiful women appeared on her doorstep with her boyfriend without her knowing. Even if she was the first wife she had some worries.

"So what do you two see in Takemi? Is it his good looks? Or his talent?".

She pointed her knife at the two who both straightened their backs under her gaze.

Mayumi spoke up first, "This is only the second time I've met Takemi-san. The other time was over three years ago! We've got a purely platonic relationship".

Takemi was somewhat disappointed but apart of him was thankful. Trying to make three girls fall in love with him at the same time was even harder than fighting a Dead Apostle from his perspective.

On the other hand, Angelina's face brightened and said, "I don't like Takemi for either of those! He's got a caring personality! And isn't one to get scared under pressure! He's dependable and funny too!".

Musashi just grinned, "Sounds like you like Takemi a lot, Ange-chan?".

The blonde's face got a little flustered but she didn't waver, "Yes! I do!".

Takemi nearly spat out his tea and started to cough uncontrollably before looking right at Angelina.

"Kudou-san, I respect your feelings and everything, but... aren't you a little young to be saying things like that? Some people might get the wrong idea and think-". Mayumi spoke up but was interrupted.

"I don't care. I like Takemi and would one day hope to marry him!".

Takemi couldn't control himself anymore and spat out his tea to the side and went wide eyed.

Angelina on the other hand took a deep breath and stared right into Takemi's multi-colored eyes, "This is the reason I came here today Takemi! I understand that it is a little weird for me to be proposing marriage, however...

I will be the Head of the Kudou Family one day and want someone beside me who isn't just a strong Magician! I want someone who can support me and help me with my endeavors! I want someone I can trust! Someone who loves me!... Someone like Takemi...".

Everyone in the room realized that Angelina had her heart on her sleeve. They knew that she would be broken if Takemi said no.

'Tatsuya was right... she doesn't have the perfect mentality to become a Magician... but that's not bad in it's own right I suppose...'.

Takemi took a deep breath before asking, "Did your granduncle ask you to do this?".


"Would you still ask me even if he didn't tell you?".

"I wouldn't normally, but granduncle is giving me the Kudou Family. I realize that my responsibilities to my Family is hypocritical as it outweighs my responsibilities as a Magicians, however....

I don't want to let my granduncle down. And you Takemi Mikazuchi, I could think of no-one better to help me!".

Musashi watched from the side and nodded her head.

'She'll be a good second wife, that's for sure....'.

Mayumi on the other hand felt a little out of place. She had just argued with Angelina but didn't realize she was coming to propose marriage. Especially in person. It made her feel a little guilty, but also a little envious of her courage.

'I wonder if I'll find someone like that for myself....'.

Takemi, just stood up and walked over to Angelina and stood directly in front of her. She had to raise her head to look at him and was a little red in the face but Takemi just smiled.

"What if I said no?".

Angelina's eyes watered a little but she stared resolutely into Takemi's eyes.

"I'll keep trying! I don't believe you don't have any feelings for me!".

"Do you love me? Or like me?".

Angelina's eyes continued to water. Out of embarrassment, sadness and hope. She was just a teenage girl, asking to marry someone older than her. It wasn't weird in today's culture for Magicians to marry young, however at the heart of it, she was still a teenage girl with w whole bunch of feelings that she didn't know what to do with...

"I'm not sure! I've never felt the same way for anyone else before. But after every twelve months when I returned to Japan and we meet... I made me happy. More so than when I'm with my friends in the USNA or with my Family...".

Takemi was shocked, 'I did not think that this would happen when I opened the door this morning. A beautiful girl, that is two years younger than me, would ask to marry me?! How ridiculous does that sound?'

He remembered meeting Zelretch and him granting him the [Type-Moon System].

'Definitely not more ridiculous than that'.

He saw a single tear drop fall out of Angelina's eye and resolved himself.

'I guess I will have to impact the world more than I thought. I can't sit on the sidelines forever now can I?'.

Takemi knelt down on one knee and held Angelina's hand, much to her surprise.

"What are you-?!".

"It's not proper for a lady to ask for marriage. So I'll have to do it the old fashioned way... sorry for not having a ring prepared, it was rather sudden".

She covered her mouth with her other hand and Angelina swore she felt her heart skip a beat.

"I'm just a relatively normal high school student who was given a second chance a few years ago... I didn't think I would be asking to marry you when I first met you Ange...

However your right... it's true that I have feelings for you and have had them for quite a while, which is why I'm doing this now and not regretting at all, not matter what happens from here on out..."

A part of his imagination acted up and said, 'I have no regrets... this is the only path...'.

Takemi shook his head before staring up at the beautiful face in front of him that was both smiling and crying at the same time. It made for a stark contrast but didn't deter him at all.

"Despite me being a little eccentric sometimes and a little bit inappropriate a lot of the time... would you, Angelina Kudou Shields, do me the honor, of being my wife?".

The beautiful blonde nodded furiously and hugged Takemi who embraced her in the same fashion. Angelina had at this stage completely forgotten about the other two people in the room while Takemi saw Musashi pouting a little and Mayumi standing rather awkwardly.

He chuckled internally while thinking, 'Time to change canon a little...'.