
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Others
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45 Chs

Chapter 13 Deals and Information

Takemi was stunned. No, surprised was a better word. What about shocked? Or confused? Anyways he walked to the front door and opened it to reveal a handsome young man with an aloof expression set upon his face and a beautiful Japanese beauty beside him.

"Shiba Tatsuya? And Shiba Miyuki was it?", asked Takemi with a little apprehension in his voice.

The former nodded, "Correct. I apologize for out abrupt arrival, but may we talk to you for a moment?".

Takemi nodded and widened the door and gestured for them both to come in.

The moment Tatsuya walked in he sniffed the air and raised an eyebrow at Takemi and said, "Do you have company Mikazuchi-san?".

Takemi didn't flinch but just retorted, "Yes. But they're sleeping upstairs. Don't wake them".

"I see. And where is you Aunt? Is she out?".

"She's sleeping upstairs".

Tatsuya stopped and looked at Takemi, his eyes widened.

"I see. So that's your relationship... I think we might get along better than originally thought, Mikazuchi-san".

Miyuki who was standing behind her elder brother tilted her head cutely not catching the hidden meanings the two in front of her were talking about.

"Just call me Takemi. Mikazuchi is a bit of a mouthful".

The Shiba siblings nodded before sitting down in the living room opposite of Takemi. A small robot came out of the kitchen and delivered a tea set onto the table between them.

Tatsuya didn't wait for the robot to serve the tea before asking, "I want to ask you about your test scores for First High. How did you do it? Did you cheat? Or was it because of your Eyes?".

"It was pure ability I assure you. My Eyes don't have that kind of ability Shiba".

"Then how did you do it-".

Takemi interrupted, "No. I'm not going to sit hear and be interrogated by you Shiba. If you ask a question I want to ask one as well, does that seem fair?".

"That's fine by me", it appeared like Tatsuya already accounted for this and responded immediately.

"I want to know what your real names are. The Shiba are a Family of Magicians that intermarried with the Shinonome to create one of the Ten Master Clans. Nobody uses the Shiba name today, however it is a Family that is firmly rooted in Japan's History...".

Miyuki narrowed her eyes and the temperature slowly started to drop. Tatsuya's facial expressions didn't change but held Miyuki's hand causing her to turn a light red.

"Onii-sama! But-".

"It's fine Miyuki. I think he already knows the answer anyway...".

Tatsuya gave his younger sister a ghost of a smile before turning to Takemi and saying, "You are correct we are not members of the Shiba Clan. Your true names are Tatsuya Yotsuba and Miyuki Yotsuba. Miyuki is the heir to the Yotsuba Family and I am her Guardian".

Takemi already knew this information however just closed his eyes and nodded.

"I thought so. I didn't think that you were her Guardian and believed that you might be the heir Shiba Tatsuya".

Shaking his head Tatsuya replied, "My skill as a Magician is somewhat specialized and I cannot function as a normal Magician. Anyway, I want to know how you managed to get your spell cast time down to one ten thousandth of a second. It shouldn't theoretically possible for someones Magic Calculation Area to become that fast. So... how to you do it?".

Takemi smirked, "Mikazuchi Family Secret Technique. Who wants to know? Yotsuba Tatsuya or Shiba Tatsuya?".

"Shiba Tatsuya. What do these Mikazuchi Family Secret Techniques contain? Modern or Ancient Magic?".

"Combination of both. What are you going to do with this information?".

"Recreate it. I will redesign the Magic Casting Technique and implement it into my work. What are the Techniques called?".

"[Thought Acceleration] and [Memory Partition]. What work is it?".

Miyuki gave her brother a worried look and clenched his hand a little harder, "Onii-sama, is this so important that you have to tell him everything?".

"It's fine Miyuki. I scratch his back he scratches mine. This is nothing more than a game of 20 questions... and the work, it's for Four Leaves Technology. What are the details of those two Magic?".

Takemi leaned back in his chair and sighed, "I'll tell you. But I want a favor instead".

Tatsuya raised an eyebrow and said, "What is it. Depending on the request I can do most things. I will not do favors that could impact of Miyuki's security or my identity... mass murder is also out of the question".

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just funny that you mention Four Leaves Technology. I was looking for a personalized CAD. One suited for combat".

The older Shiba sibling was silent for a moment before responding, "I can get you one, however there are three conditions that you must agree to beforehand. Otherwise the deals off".

"Name it".

"First, you can't tell anyone I made it for you".


"Second, I want you to teach everything on both [Thought Acceleration] and [Memory Partition]. Both you and your Aunts-".

Takemi stopped him there, "My Aunt doesn't practice those Magecrafts. Her abilities are the result of other factors".

Tatsuya narrowed his brows before saying, "Just you then. And thirdly, I want to know everything that your Eyes can do. Both of you".

Takemi took a sip of the tea in front of him and heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. He sighed before shouting, "Musashi! We have company!".


With a rather unmasculine shout those footsteps ran back up the stairs and the sound of footsteps could be heard above them, along with shouts of "Perverted Takemi" and "Stupid Master".

This caused the calm and collected Miyuki to giggle a little, "Takemi-san, it seems you and your Aunt have a very good relationship".

Takemi smiled at her and replied, "Not as good as you and your brother".

She reddened and let go of his hand with the speed faster than lightning.

Takemi turned back to face said elder brother and gave him a nod, "I'll tell you what our Eyes do but first... do you believe that it is possible to narrow down an seemingly infinite amount of possibilities to just one single possibility? From a magical perspective. Everyday occurrences don't count".

Both Tatsuya and Miyuki gave each other a glance before responding, "No. Even with Magic there are so many external factors that could influence a spell. Weather, the Magicians health, their skills, their bloodline, battle conditions. It would be impossible to guarantee a "single result".

Takemi didn't waver, he came up with this idea to prove the validity of his Mystic Eyes and now it was coming to fruition.

"True. But what if the only thing that mattered was desire? Or emotion rather?".

Tatsuya asked, "Are you asking me if Pushions could affect Psions? I couldn't answer you, although they are both what Magicians use to power their Magic, their uses greatly differ".

"Just humor me. If Pushions, the particle that is manifested as a result of the emotions felt during intention and thought, could be directly manipulated to affect, or should I say correct the Psions which are manifestations of intention and thought to "fix" for lack of a better term the spell that the Magician casts. What would you think?".

"I'd think it was pretty ridiculous. Magicians are trained so that emotions do not get in the way of their missions. They- We are military assets above all else remember? If our spells are powered by emotions it would only get in the way".

Tatsuya didn't appeared worried at all by Takemi's statement however Miyuki was looking a bit crestfallen.

"So if Miyuki was to be kidnapped right now, would you not feel emotions of worry for her or hate for the people who took her? Emotions that could be directed at getting her back?"

The older brother narrowed his eyes for a moment before widening them and looking directly into Takemi's.

"Were are you going with this?... Are you trying to say that-!", Tatsuya stood up and accidentally knocked the table in front of him, and knocked his tea cup over.

"That's exactly what I'm saying Tatsuya. My Eyes, the Mikazuchi Family Eyes, have the ability to "will" pushions to correct the faults in the psions when a Magician inputs variables into a spell. The Magic Calculation Area is completely skipped and our "will" is imparted directly onto the pushions. That is the [Mystic Eyes of Empyrean]".

"Mystic Eyes....".

"Of Empyrean...".

Tatsuya sat down and stared directly into my eyes.

"Can you do it now?".

Shaking his head Takemi replied, "No. As I said, the emotions felt, the desire felt, is key to activating our Eyes. It is not powered by intention and thought alone. If we can control our emotions and not bottle them up, the Mikazuchi can display frightening prowess on the battle field.

This is also why we practice the sword. If you devote everything we have to it, emotions, thoughts and intentions we know, we can achieve something great".

Takemi took another sip of his tea and heard footsteps coming down.

Musashi, who had a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt walked into the living room with a smile, "What are you guys talking about?".

"It's nothing Musashi. Just about our Eyes".

"Oh? Okay, have fun- Wait what! Why are you doing that for!".

The Saber Servant started to wave her arms about trying to smack Takemi on the head, before Miyuki said, "It seems you really are close to your Aunt, Takemi-san".

"Yeah. She's the most important thing in the world to me", replied Takemi.

Tatsuya saw this and finished his cup of tea before standing up and giving the Aunt and Nephew a bow.

"I'll be seeing you soon Takemi-san. I hope that that next time we'll go into much greater detail surrounding everything we've talked about. I send you a message".

Takemi nodded, "It's fine. I also want to see you about my CAD. If it's not too soon, I'd like it to be done before I start at First High".

Tatsuya nodded and walked out, with Miyuki quickly following him from behind.

As Takemi saw the two leave, he was once again jumped by Musashi who had a cheeky smile on her face.

"Ready for round 2?".

Takemi tried to flip them over but only saw his Servant's smile grow bigger.

"Not this time Master... this time... I'm in charge".

She was a little red but tried to ignore it.

The entire night, cries and moans echoed throughout the Mikazuchi household that didn't stop until early morning.