
The Two-Faced Peace Keeper (Bl)

Kongane is a happy, cheerful and easily likeable young man. The life of the party, your go-to person and the big older brother that you never had. He is someone who everyone likes and can always rely on. He is the star in the darkness for every one and the person who is always on the stoplight. Or so the people surrounding her say. The smile He has is never true. The easygoingness is never there and the stoplight that every one put him on is something that he despises. He is a boy who loves peace the most. Someone who chases after peace and his only wish is to live a life where he can stay away from everyone and become an existence that has no influence on the world. Just like an extra character in a story who is there because he was supposed to be there but whose disappearance would never be noticed by anyone. That's all he wants. A life where he can have all the peace in the world, where no one could bother him, judge him or expect something from him. Where he would play no big role in anyone's life and live just because he was born. That's all he wanted but I guess the heavens had a grudge against him that they had to turn the whole world upside down on the day he finally decided to just live on an island completely isolated from the world to finally have the peace that he dreamed of. The world turned into a big battlefield where monsters appeared all over the world and people started to develop powers that were beyond the human body's capabilities. People started to kill one another and the world turned into a place where the rule "Survival of the Fittest" was absolute. If you didn't contribute then you had no right to live. The government tried it's best to maintain order and control those with powers but was unable to do so as they were stronger than most and we're the only ones who could kill the monsters as the modern weapons were useless against them. Failing to be able to do anything the government tried it's best to meet the demands of the humans who had powers who called themselves " Peace Keepers". While all of this was happening the only thing that concerns our main protagonist is the fact that he can not go to the island on which he wanted to spend the rest of his life. Yupe. That's all that bothered him. Not the fact that the world was infested with monsters. Not the deaths of people. Not the injustice of Peace Keepers but the fact that he couldn't live on him dream island. That's all that bothered him. He was a cold hearted person who didn't trust anyone. He didn't know what pure happiness was, what love was and what it felt like to be cared for. He wasn't born this way. No one was. The world made him like this. It showed him that the world isn't fair so either should you be. The world doesn't care what you do, so why should others do? Let the world do what it wants. He never wanted to be a part of it. The only thing that he believed in was the quote " I don't bother you so you should not bother me." He has lived his life following this line. Always living his life not bothering people and erasing the ones who bother him. You see he wasn't normal and there were many like him, but even among them he was special. After all he was the moon's dearest. He is an Immortal. An immortal whose life's only goal was to find peace. To live in peace and silence until the end of time. To live a life that no one will remember. He has chased after such a life for a very long time and when he finally found a way to live such a life the world just had to ruin it. Now things are gonna get ugly. ----------------------------------- Hey guys! I am the author and I just wanted to let my readers knows that I will be starting this story in the near future. I am still working on the story line and will probably start publishing the story soon. Hope you have the patients for it and will enjoy the story when it finally will be out. This book is a LGBTQ+ version of my original book. They both share the same name

Four_Moons · LGBT+
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Day 1

September 17 Year 17**

At exactly midnight it was determined that smoke was coming out of the forest at the outskirts of an unknown kingdom.

September 20 Year 17**

The news of smoke coming out of the forest reached the ears of the king.

September 21 Year 17**

A search was issued to find out what happened in the forest.

September 28 year 17**

The search party arrived at the forest.

September 30 year 17**

A destroyed village was found in the middle of nowhere but according to the records this village never existed.

October 15 year 17**

It was confirmed that no one knew that such a village existed. There were merchants who had travelled that path before but have never met any humans.

December 31 year 17**

Even the records of finding a village disappeared.

June 26 year 18**

Another village was found as such. No evidence of existing and later the disappearance of all records.

November 11 year 19***

An entire town lost its ways of contract and now there is nothing left.


If history is searched many such incidents can be found but there are no records of such happening. The disappearance of these villages and towns along with its citizens are unknown.and have passed the period of time as folk lore and ghost stories that are made to keep children from doing things that they shouldn't. The truth behind these disappearances is a mystery. There are many who think nothing of them as they are centuries apart. There is no way a human being can live that long but is that true?

They say behind every rumor there is some truth or origin. Does that saying also goes here in a cycle of endless murder and disappearance of thousands of people?

Many have tried to solve these century old crime scenes but they could only assume what happened on the nights of the full moon.

Blood was shed on these nights.and massacres were done. Can this also happen in the modern age or are these stories only folk tales?

Endless questions arise when these stories are told but the mysteries behind them always remain folded.

There is no way to find out about what happened on those moon filled nights and if the one who caused these incidents died or not.

Was there any connection with all of this disappearance that always happens on a full moon is this only coincidence?

Will there ever be an answer to these questions or will they fade with time like all the rest of the disappearance?

There is no way to find out. All we can do is only pray that what happened then can never happen again but what if it does?

Will the killer run away again?


It was a beautiful day. The sky was bright and the clouds were fluffy. The birds were singing and the sun was warm but not too much.

It was the atmosphere of the morning on that fateful day. The day the world changed completely.

January 26 Year 2035,

It was the day my life was finally going to set in stone. The day I was finally going towards my dream island. My new home.

But they just had to ruin it.

I was on the subway when it happened. I was reading an article about the numbers of earthquakes and disasters that are happening around the world. The numbers of them are increasing day by day. Scientists have concluded that it was the cause of global warming.

The world was changing rapidly. There were people who believed that the world was adjusting to the human ways and yes indeed it was. It was the day that the portals finally started to open.

The earth's atmosphere shifted without any prior warning and everything collapsed for a second. The wind rose beyond the limits that could be handled by the small creatures and the atmosphere began changing from hot to suddenly cold and the cycle repeated.

The mass of the earth started increasing day by day and the solar system was in dismay. The earth was now as the same size as Jupiter. It caused world wide panic as the sudden change of mass can cause a lot and I mean a lot of problems for our planet.

As the mass of the earth increased so did it's lands as new land began to pop up from the bottom of the ocean and some that were even never a part of this world.

The world that humans once knew was in complete dismay. The satallites collapsed with the ground and the number of comets that hit earth was unknown.

The world that was once under the servalllince of humans 24/7 was now unknown with dangers that we could never expect. The planet earth was now the to creatures that were stronger then humans.

The subway train that I was riding was underground thus suffered a little less then the rest of the vehicles that were above the ground. The engine was blown off due to the spartial pressure that the world created when the portals appeared. The compartments bended but luckily many survived but over half of them were injured

And there were even some who were unable to walk.

People were panicking. The signal were cut off so we had no idea where we were or what the hell happened and if we were going to get help or not. Everyone had a look of fear in there eyes. The children on the train started crying from fear. The weak hearted adults started weeping.

The entire compartment was in chaos. I could hear the screams and the cries that came from the other compartments. I was a disaster.

After a good 30 minutes we were finally able to calm down the people in our compartment. There were some people from the health department here such as doctors or nurses or at least people who knew basic first aid so the lighter wounds were taken care of. The heavier ones were patched up so that the bleeding would stop and there will be spread of infection.

Though the panicking was calming down we still didn't know what was happening. Many tried to call for help or check for the internet but it was a failure. The signal was totally cut. But before anyone could start panicking again the ground shook. The compartment that was barely holding on looked like 8t would collapse as moment so we took the best course of action.

We gathered anyone we could and slowly opene the doors of the compartment. One by one the injured, the elderly and the young were taken out first. The lights were still on thankfully.

As we came out we finally saw what situation we were in. The train was barely holding on and if we stayed there any longer we would have all died. After we all came out it didn't take more that 5 minutes for the train to collapse.

There was the look of horror on everyone's faces that were identical. Everyone knew what would have happened if we didn't come out from the compartment.

Someone suggested that we start walking in the dresction in which we can from. We all agreed. Slowly with he injured and elders we all alked towards the station that we just crossed.

We had been walking for about a few minutes now when the ground suddenly shook again. We were startled but we still kept walking thinking that it was a normal earthquake or a after effect of something big falling.

Not even a minute later the ground shook again. Now things were getting creepy. We all had faced earthquakes at sometime in out life but the chain of events that let us here were keeping us on our toes. These so frequent earthquakes were nerve wreaking. We all hasten our pase.

Suddenly a high shirek resounded through out the area. We all turned around the thing that we saw was something that we were never going to forget if we were alive after this event.