
The Two-Faced Peace Keeper (Bl)

Kongane is a happy, cheerful and easily likeable young man. The life of the party, your go-to person and the big older brother that you never had. He is someone who everyone likes and can always rely on. He is the star in the darkness for every one and the person who is always on the stoplight. Or so the people surrounding her say. The smile He has is never true. The easygoingness is never there and the stoplight that every one put him on is something that he despises. He is a boy who loves peace the most. Someone who chases after peace and his only wish is to live a life where he can stay away from everyone and become an existence that has no influence on the world. Just like an extra character in a story who is there because he was supposed to be there but whose disappearance would never be noticed by anyone. That's all he wants. A life where he can have all the peace in the world, where no one could bother him, judge him or expect something from him. Where he would play no big role in anyone's life and live just because he was born. That's all he wanted but I guess the heavens had a grudge against him that they had to turn the whole world upside down on the day he finally decided to just live on an island completely isolated from the world to finally have the peace that he dreamed of. The world turned into a big battlefield where monsters appeared all over the world and people started to develop powers that were beyond the human body's capabilities. People started to kill one another and the world turned into a place where the rule "Survival of the Fittest" was absolute. If you didn't contribute then you had no right to live. The government tried it's best to maintain order and control those with powers but was unable to do so as they were stronger than most and we're the only ones who could kill the monsters as the modern weapons were useless against them. Failing to be able to do anything the government tried it's best to meet the demands of the humans who had powers who called themselves " Peace Keepers". While all of this was happening the only thing that concerns our main protagonist is the fact that he can not go to the island on which he wanted to spend the rest of his life. Yupe. That's all that bothered him. Not the fact that the world was infested with monsters. Not the deaths of people. Not the injustice of Peace Keepers but the fact that he couldn't live on him dream island. That's all that bothered him. He was a cold hearted person who didn't trust anyone. He didn't know what pure happiness was, what love was and what it felt like to be cared for. He wasn't born this way. No one was. The world made him like this. It showed him that the world isn't fair so either should you be. The world doesn't care what you do, so why should others do? Let the world do what it wants. He never wanted to be a part of it. The only thing that he believed in was the quote " I don't bother you so you should not bother me." He has lived his life following this line. Always living his life not bothering people and erasing the ones who bother him. You see he wasn't normal and there were many like him, but even among them he was special. After all he was the moon's dearest. He is an Immortal. An immortal whose life's only goal was to find peace. To live in peace and silence until the end of time. To live a life that no one will remember. He has chased after such a life for a very long time and when he finally found a way to live such a life the world just had to ruin it. Now things are gonna get ugly. ----------------------------------- Hey guys! I am the author and I just wanted to let my readers knows that I will be starting this story in the near future. I am still working on the story line and will probably start publishing the story soon. Hope you have the patients for it and will enjoy the story when it finally will be out. This book is a LGBTQ+ version of my original book. They both share the same name

Four_Moons · LGBT+
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Chapter 1

September 16 year 17**

Name: Kongane

Gender: Male

Class: Commoner

Mother: Marian, Died at birth

Father: Unknown, Whereabouts unknown

Status: Orphan

Job: Farmer

Age: 40

Location: Unknown

Hair: Golden hair

Eyes: Oceanic blue

Height: 5.6 ft

September 16 year 17 something, I was born in an orphanage in the middle of nowhere. According to the then records my mother went to the orphanage in the middle of a storm, searching for shelter. She died giving birth to me a few days later.

She said that she was a commoner and that my father left her when he found out that she was pregnant with me. She was unable to handle the pain and went in search for a newer and brighter future for me but ended up empty handed.

She said that she was passing by the nearby forest and was caught by the storm. Unable to find a shelter in the forest she came to the nearest village she could find. In her last moments if dead the best she could do for me was give me a name. A name that I have long abandoned.

I grew up in the orphanage like every other normal child. In fact my life has always been pretty normal. I played with the children in the orphanage and learned to earn my meal at a young age.

I have always been a cheerful little boy and almost everyone in the small little village knew me and loved me. A little fairy, as the other kids liked to call me, with my sun kissed golden hair and oceanic blue eyes. For a boy it was kind of embarrassing but I got used to it. They said that I was the star of their eyes. For an orphan that was more than one could wish for.

I worked my hardest and by the age of 15 I started farming. My crops weren't the best but they were enough for me to survive. My life was normal and peaceful. There were hardly any special events.

I had a bad habit though. I had a very bad temper and rarely anyone dared to anger me. Wanting to pacify my furiousness I used to go to the forest often in the night. I would usually just sit somewhere and stare at the moon sometimes talking about all the things that bothered me or everything that happened recently.

The villagers knew of my habit and they did tell me to quit going to the forest at night at first but by the 3rd time I came back unscathed they quieted down. My life was pretty normal and carefree until today.

I guess today is the last day that I will be in this village. After all the villagers have deemed me as a warlock who kills people for immortality.

How is my non aging body my fault? It was the Moon who gave it to me so why are they accusing me of being a warlock. I told them that I was not a warlock and the Moon gave an immortal body but they didn't listen. They kept on saying that I was a warlock.

The men tied me to a wooden pole and the priest came towards me with a torch. I can feel my body burning and I can smell the scent of burned meat.

I screamed and screamed but nobody stopped the priest and nobody tried to rescue me. That was the moment that I knew that....



All I see is blood. My hands are covered in

blood of all the people that I have killed. I can still hear their screams of terror as I chopped off the limbs of the priest one by one. I can still smell the scent of burning flesh of the flies that I have burned.

I stood up from my kneeling position and stared at all of the destruction that I have caused. All the lives that I have killed and all the houses that I have burned to ashes.

The village looked like the devil himself had walked through here. A reincarnation of hell. That's what the village looked like. A bloody massacre.

I looked at all of this with empty eyes. My eyes held no emotion for everything that I have caused. It had no pity nor sympathy for the deceased. I felt no remorse for the people that I have spent the entire of my life with.

I stood there for a while and then I started walking towards the forest, never looking back.

I warned them that I was not a warlock, that I did nothing wrong but they just had to not listen. They are the ones who have brought this upon themselves. Rest in peace for now.