
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 : The Fundamentals of Magic.

<So Cathy what exactly do you do, besides be a 24-hour talking buddy?>

=Well, I can help with your understanding of the world you are currently in. I can give you insight into how the magic of this world works. Alongside a type of thing past Otherworlders have called 'System'. Apparently, it's something close to how 'video games' show data. Here let me show you.=

Upon Cathy finishing what she said, a white transparent screen appeared before Kaleb. Not so close to where he couldn't read what it said, but more so at a comfortable distance.

Kaleb Bravura: Level 1

Experience: 0 / 50

Race: Human

Class: None

Profession: None

Current HP: (10/10)

Mana: 0/30

Strength : 3 +

Agility : 1 +

Stamina: 2+

Vitality : 4 +

Wisdom: 1 +

Intelligence: 3+

Regeneration : 0 +

Skills: N/A

Passive Skills: True Hero's constitution(1), True Sorcerers Understanding(1), True Adventurer's awareness(Max)

<Well that's, uhm informing? I'm not exactly sure if those stats are good or bad. However, those Passive skills look pretty interesting. Can you give me more information Cathy or do I have to figure it out?>

=Well, I can give a summary of what makes sense and the most tactical usage of the Passive skills. If you want that.=

<Well that sounds better than nothing. Please show me.>

[True Hero's constitution, Level 1: Your soul and body have both been refined by God's gift. Any Effort to improve any stat will now give twice as much. / 100% growth in stats/. Additionally, your ability to inspire people is increased by 10 times. Any emotion will also affect how well you inspire people. /1000% chance to inspire people who look up to you/ ]

[True Sorcerers Understanding, Level 1: Your soul and body have both been granted a limit breaker By God's gift./ Any spells you come up with can improve boundlessly/. You can use mana in both its true form and magic elemental form. Mana bends to your will, your imagination is the only limitation./You can create any spell. Power & imagination = Greater mana cost/ ]

[True Adventurer's awareness, Max Level: Your soul and body have both been subjected to greater curiosity and comprehension by God's gift./Any experience you have will count on improving yourself/. Your perception is everything has advanced to such a degree that any experience you have will be understood within seconds. /Experience increased by 100%/ ]

=Now to be fair, technically I'm a Passive skill too. However, since my usage is very limited right now. The most I'm useful for is for displaying growth. Archiving anything significant for you. As well as helping in your understanding of mana and magic. However, I don't know what True mana is, so that is something you will have to find out by yourself.= Cathy quickly added on after showing Kaleb's 3 passive skills.

<Well that's certainly interesting. I wonder if I gained these because I was transported here or was it something else?> Kaleb commented.

<Cathy you said for now. What do you mean?> Kaleb Asked.

=Well, all I know is that I'm incomplete. More so to a very hard degree. It feels like pieces of me are missing and whatever part you had gotten from me would be that part is missing. I'm unsure what those parts would do, but I do know that if you didn't get the piece of me that can talk and show your status, then this conversation would not be happening.=Cathy replied

<Oh, so it's like pieces to a puzzle. So if that were the case, would I be able to use the passive skills?>

=Yes and no. Yes because you wouldn't have a complete understanding and comprehensive idea of what they were. No, because they are a part of your soul and body. Soon or later you would figure out how they worked and utilize them.=

<That makes sense. Also, when will I be able to move again? I've been on the floor for 20 minutes or so now.>

=Well, there are 2 ways. Either you go to sleep or You create a new spell. Sleeping is every living creature's way to naturally recover their mana. Most mages use a method called mana absorption though. This method is to utilize the mana that is expelled from the world constantly, to recover your lost mana. =

< let's go with method 2. So uhm, how do I get the mana from the world?>

=Well, you first have to imagine the mana as a substance that is constantly in the area. Then to think of it being pulled to your body, and then into it. Then you need to imagine your own mana ball is filling up with that external mana.=

<Ok you had me up until the mana ball part. What's a mana ball?>

=Well, for every mage on lostifa it's what they would use as the place they store their mana.=

<Oh ok that makes sense. Now then let's try this!>

On the floor of a secure room, One could see a Kaleb, laying on the floor very wet. Only those that could read his mind would understand why he was sweating by only laying down.

As Kaleb started to try to imagine the presence of mana, he started to think about how the blue streams that came from his hand looked when he cast his first spell. With this idea of heavy streams of mana coming from him, he imagines it more like an ocean, constantly in the air. Something you could choose to either acknowledge or disregard.

As Kaleb concentrated more on this idea he started to feel a type of sensation Like there was an abundance of water around him, but it didn't drown him. IT felt more like it was embracing him, for acknowledging it existed.

<Cathy I think I can sense the mana!> Kaleb resound in his head with excitement

=Fantastic! Now then try and imagine you have an empty Mana ball.=

After recognizing the mana that is always around in the world, Kaleb started to imagine an empty mana ball. Kaleb tried to imagine the size of a ping-pong ball that was empty and transparent. After what seemed like 5 minutes, Kaleb fully visualized the transparent ping-pong ball-sized mana ball.


A ting sound resounded in Kaleb's mind. The sound was that of like a sting being held till it stretched straight with 2 points of connection. one being Kaleb, while the second was his new Mana ball.

=Well done. Your mana ball has now be given a connection to you. Now try and take the external mana from the sounding and put it into the mana ball=

<Ok ill try>

Kaleb continued the visualization of his mana ball. Then taking in the sensation of the mana around him, tried imaging a pathway from his Mana ball to the external mana. Connection the idea of mana like water, Kaleb tried thinking of a river opening from the top of his Mana ball, and for that river to have a connection to the external mana that surrounded Kaleb.

As Kaleb continued to imagine all of this happening all at the same time, several minutes started to soon track by, then to hours. Taking a total of 3 hours in total for the entire start and finish of absorbing mana. Kaleb was able to accomplish what he was trying to do. As Kaleb completed the connection, mana started to rush into the Mana ball. Filling the Mana ball up in under a second.

"Yes! Cathy, I did it!" Kaleb shouted

=I noticed= Cathy chuckled.

"Hey, I can speak again!"

=You sure can! Try moving your limbs again. Laying on the floor like that for so long probably isn't good for your health= Cathy reminded

"Oh, you're probably right," Kaleb responded

A drenched man made his way up off the floor. That man was Kaleb as he immediately took his clothing off as it made him feel sticky.

"Ahh, that's much better" Kaleb sighed

"Now then. I wonder if I should check if I can be let out to use the restroom, or at the very least get a new change of clothing. " Kaleb said to himself.

<Wouldnt hurt to try>

=No, it wouldn't.= Cathy replyed to Kaleb's thought.