
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 : The Start of it All

With every new morning, a wonderous sun rising forth to give the people of lostifa light. Most if not all enjoy the glow from the sun. Kaleb however didn't want it near him. Cuddling closing to his pillow. Kaleb refused to get up and greet the new day. Last night had put a great amount of mental strain on him. So he only wished to sleep in a little longer. Yet most never get what they wish for as the sun penetrated through that glass shining down on Kaleb.

"Ugh. Fine." Kaleb groggily said. Slowly getting up, Kaleb sat upright on top of the comfy bed. Giving his eyes time to readjust to the amount of light in the room. Kaleb's eyes soon adjusted to the normal light within the room. Kaleb got out of bed to again continue with his stretching routine. As Kaleb was halfway through his stretching routine he noticed there was a silver bowl on the top of the table in his room.

After finishing his stretching. He got up to check the silver bowl on the table. Looking at the table, it indeed looked like a silver bowl. More precisely it was a cover from a plate that you would put food on. Taking the bowl off the top of the plate revealed a whole cooked chicken. Steam still radiated from the cooked chicken, which In turn baffled Kaleb. As Kaleb was sure that no one had entered the room since he had started to stretch. Kaleb's stomach grumbled under the influence of the aromatic chicken.

"Oh, yea... I didn't eat yesterday" Kaleb chuckled. Kaleb sat down as he started to eat away at the chicken. The quality of the chicken was that of something Kaleb had never eaten before. It was on par with something that a 5-star restaurant would put out for its customers. Kaleb was put into an almost euphoric moment, as he ate away at the chicken. It was crispy, with a little give. Yet it wasn't dry at all. Kaleb thought that if he were to use ketchup it would only be an insult to the chef.

Quickly finishing the chicken, Kaleb could only sign in satisfaction. The chicken was something only Kaleb would dream about eating when he was still on earth. So to have something that good. Could only put Kaleb's mind at ease.

After finishing the chicken Kaleb decided to try the door just to see if he could leave.

{shimme} {shimme}

"Well, it was obvious from the other day that they locked it. Said some weird words and then made it glow. The weird thing is it didn't even sound like real words. Like some gobbldy gook. Something like zufra hesto lufktos, probably while touching the door " As Kaleb placed his hand on the wooden door.

As Kaleb placed his hand on the door, a light started to emit from his palm. The light then swirled around and fixated itself on the door. Almost as if latching itself to the very door. This observation of what would be recognized as Kaleb's first-ever spell cast would be overshadowed by Kaleb's new 6th sense. Looking closer at his own hand Kaleb saw faint little streams of blue. Not only originating from his hand but also his wrist was fascinating to him. The concept of mana and magic was nearly super fiction when he was on earth. Yet here it was very much so a used commodity that originated from one's own body.

Yet Kaleb felt something was off. So off in fact it hit him like a rock.


Kaleb had overused his mana in the very limited time he kept his hand on the door, and continuously exert mana from his hand. His body started to feel numb. Like he had just worked his body for 50 hours of overtime straight. The feeling was accustomed to what most people call sleep paralysis. He could move his eyes, but anything he tried to move such as his armor legs would not obey him.

Now to make matters even worse. The spell that Kaleb activated had lasted no more than 20 seconds at best. Slowly Kaleb started to understand what had transpired though.

<Since mana is more of an innate substance within one's body. Then just as much as your muscles or brain. It can be over-exerted. In my case, however, it seems to stop even my muscles if I overuse it.> Kaleb monologued to himself.

<If that is the case, then how is mana stored in humans? It's not like some creatures where they have a venom sack. I just got here and no changes were made to my body that I know of. With that being the case, is it stored in the muscles? That would make sense as to why I cant move them currently. so would that also go both ways. If I trained my muscles to the point of exhaustion would I be unable to use magic? Could this also be a specific usage of mana? AGH TO MANY QUESTIONS AND NOT ENOUGH ANSWERS!> Kaleb continued on.

=Well then may I be of service?= A feminine voice spoke


<Who was that?>

=That would be me.=

<Yea... about that. Who exactly are you? Also, why are you in my head...>

=Well, to be more accurate I'm a part of your soul. Since you found out the true nature of the Status card, I've been bound to you forever. Then again I'm not the only thing also here.=

<Status card? What's a status card?>

=Well, it was the glass card you originally had. The one that had the word 'Start' on it. Since the true nature of the card is meant for emotional connection rather than a tool. Although that is a very very brief summary of what it is meant for or what I'm meant for.=

<So that glass card was really something very magical?>

=Well yes and no. Something technically went wrong. Although I don't know what. That will have to be something we figure out later.=

<Ok, well since we seem to be stuck together for the foreseeable future. What should I call you?>

=Well considering my existence has only just started about 2 minutes ago, and most of my existence already has been talking to you. I'm not entirely sure. I'll let you pick me a name=

<Well your voice is more on the feminine side, or really thoughts for that matter. Hmm, let's name you Cathy>

=Cathy. It's a lovely name, I will cherish it for as long as I exist.=