
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Let Me Out... Please?

<Hmm, let's see if anyone is outside the door before I try using the doorknob.> Kaleb thought.

Kaleb made his way up to the door. stopping only 1 foot away from the door.

"Hello, is anyone on the other side?" Kaleb spoke out.

"What do you need!" Resounded on the other side. the voice sounded of a rough and older man clearly at his wit's end.

"Could you please open the door? I need a change of clothes. I also need to use the restroom please." Kaleb pleaded.


The sound resounded through the halls on the other side of the door. The sound took about 10 seconds before it fully echoed through the halls and stopped. Upon the sound subsided, 2 bright lights showed from Kaleb's room. After the lights dissipated a new set of clothing was on the table, while the second showed a chamber pot.

"Use the chamber pot how you normally would, no smell will come from it once it's inside." The rough voice told Kaleb

"Thank you..." Kaleb responded.

=Well that certainly was a treat, what did you do to get locked up in your room?=

<Well if you must know Cathy when I got the Status card or you for that matter. The thing you came out of turns to dust.>

=Thats... not good.=

<What's wrong?>

=Ill tell you later. there is no point in telling you now.=

<Fine, Fine>

As Kaleb started talking to Cathy in his head. He proceeded to the table where his new set of clothing. Only to realize the difference in his clothing was night and day. The original set he had gotten was very comfortable and very eloquent, the second pair however is what you would consider commoners clothing. Although Kaleb was upset at such a sight he still put the clean set of clothes on, reluctantly. However, when it came to the discussion of the chamber pot Kaleb was very upset.

<These people are uncivilized! Don't they have regular bathrooms people can use!>

=Well, considering you are from another world. I'm sure their standards will never meet yous. Say, unless you make your own kingdom that is=

<Oh, that makes a lot of sense actually. Ok, I've decided Cathy, I'm starting my kingdom!>

=Congratulations! However, there is one issue.=

<oh yea? What's that!> Kaleb excitedly asked in his mind

=Ahem, well you are still currently under house arrest= If Cathy could physically sigh she would be at that moment

"Sh*t," Kaleb said under his breath.

<Well I have to figure a way out then. Got any ideas?>

=Hey I can only help you with magic, or I can store info for you. Cant exactly help you out here. Now if you need help with spells for a way to get out I can help. =

<Hmm, Okay. I need spells that can cover all of my tracks. One that covers my sound, my smell, my whole body, and my mana. I'm not sure if mana can be tracked however id like to be extra careful. >

=Well, 3 of those spells I can help you with. The fourth however I cant. But I will inform you that there are spells to track the flow of mana. I'll also inform you though, that with your current maximum mana and the required amount for each spell initially, you won't be able to do all 3 at the same time. Since all 3 require some level of mana consumption constantly=

<Well that's a bummer. How do most people increase their maximum mana? >

=Well, most people who use mana increase the maximum by fully exerting their mana. Then by sleeping it increases steadily over time. Some however also use a method where they break their mana ball by over saturating it with mana by absorbing mana from around them. Those are the only ways known by the people of this world to increase their maximum mana=

<That sounds... repetitive. The second sounds like a good option though. Cathy mind showing me my stats? >

=Sure thing.=

Kaleb Bravura: Level 2

Experience: 14 / 75

Race: Human

Class: None

Profession: None

Current HP: (12.5/12.5)

Mana: 45/45

Strength : 4 +

Agility : 2 +

Stamina: 3+

Vitality : 5 +

Wisdom: 2 +

Intelligence: 4+

Regeneration : 1 +

3 Unused Skill Points

Skills: Mana absorption(1)

Passive Skills: True Hero's constitution(1), True Sorcerers Understanding(1), True Adventurer's awareness(Max), Mana Ball(1)

<Oh, when did I level up? Also how often do I gain experience?>

=Well, you first leveled up when you saw your clothing and chamber pot appear in your room. For the experience, with your constant discussions with me, you gain about 1 experience every 2 minutes=

<Oh ok, that's good. What do the unused skill points do? Also, why did all my stats go up by one?>

=The stat increase is because of your race. All humans have a stat increase of one in all stats when they "Level up", while normally the 3 unused skill points are randomly accolated to stats they normally excel in or in certain situations to what they need at the time.=

<Oh ok. So I can use the skill points for any of my stats? >

=In your case, not just your stats. They are also what you can use to increase your skills=

<Hmm. Ok, so what If I create more spells or get familiar with existing spells. Can I increase those spells with the skill points?>

=Yes. Any spells you create, can either increase by constant usage or by using skill points. Any spells that weren't created by you, can also be increased. Please also know that skills aren't just limited to spells.=

=If you want I can also forcefully make you learn skills, and spells by using your skill points.=

< Let's hold off on that thought, however, keep that in mind for me.>

Kaleb continued to have his conversation with Cathy about various things that he could do. Although one-sided with who was coming up with ideas, Kaleb was glad to have the company.

Before the night had fallen a second roasted chicken was delivered in the same fashion Kaleb's clothing and chamber pot were. A flash of light, then a new item.

After eating the chicken, and being content with all its flavor of crispy, juicy chicken. Kaleb climbed into bed.

<Question Cathy. Can you still talk to me as I sleep?>

=Well, I can. However, unless you are conscious you won't understand any of it.=

<Okay, well with that I'm going to bed then. See you in the morning, Cathy.>

=Good night.=