
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 : Explanation

As Kaleb got up from the cold floor, he started to dust himself off.

<Well at the very least they didn't take the glass card I got. It's really my only explanation.>Kaleb thought

Sure enough, even though Kaleb was forcefully thrown on the floor the glass card was still intact. upon closer inspection, however, that glass card wasn't transparent as Kaleb thought it organically would be. What looked to be etched into the glass read one word. Start

<All that uproar and this glass card only have a single word? Okay then...> Kaleb thought

Placing the glass card on the table, Kaleb noticed a book on his bed. Taking note of the book Kaleb walked up to the book and grabbed it. The book itself looked no more special than any other mundane book you would find in a library. Yet something felt off with Kaleb when he picked the book up.

After flipping open the book, a strange dialect was shown on the first page of the parchment that read "The Basics xʷə ʷašenstxʷʷm. Laws,ʷuɬes, an̕ ʷeŋuɬatixʷns."

Some words read in English for Kaleb, however, most were incomprehensible to him. Placing the book down Kaleb was distraught.

<So let me get this straight. I'm magically put in a world, or kingdom for that matter called Ravenstorm. The King, Francis Metrol, and Queen, Sophia Metrol introduce themselves. Give me a very basic and what I can only presume, small crash course of who they are, the kingdom I'm in, and tiny detail about their kingdom. I then met Theodore, then did as Theodore said to do. The bright light enveloped the room. The stone tablet turned to dust and now I'm stuck in my room, for the seeable future. WHAT THE F**K> Kaleb recapped in his internal monologue.

although what Kaleb thought was very insignificant was monumental in Ravenstorm's case. However, what the King and Queen of RavenStorm didn't know was that what transpired today in their Royal court would become a historical event.

"Man if only I could read any language. Clearly, when I was forced here. Whoever had the kindness to give the ability to make me understand them, and vice versa for its people and their language"

Kaleb lamented his inability to read the written language of Ravenstorm. His only explanation was that to some extent English was used. Unsure if it was a coincidence or more Kaleb was positive given enough time, he could learn the written language.

Being given very little to accomplish within his room. Kaleb decided to relax. The future was unsure, Kaleb however didn't care. He wasn't at that point so he would cross that bridge when he came to it. He went to the window with the chair by it, grabbing the other chair to prop his feet up.

Kaleb stared out the window very similar to the last time. Currently, the time would be the equivalent of 11 am on earth. There were no clocks to indicate the time, so Kaleb went unknowing. As time continued to track on, a couple of hours went by. Kaleb was only captivated by the beauty from the single window.

Yet a flood of emotions flowed from Kaleb's eyes. Even though his only thought was for it to stop as soon as it started, the tears would not cease. < It's not like I didn't like my old life. Yet I'm already feeling homesick. I'm dragged here, and now put on room arrest. Give me an explanation. Something I did wrong. Anything. Please > Thoughts, similar and worse threatened Kaleb's mind.

Kaleb got up after he started crying. To which he dragged the chair he was sitting on back over to the table. With only the glass card exactly where Kaleb placed it. Tears still flowing from Kaleb's eyes, he grabbed the glass card.

<I was put on house arrest for this. Since this thing showed up; because this thing showed up. At the very least give me an explanation! > Kaleb internally thought.

"JUST GIVE ME AN ANSWER WHY" Kaleb shouted at the glass card. Kaleb although knew shouting at the glass card would achieve nothing. It made him more relaxed as a few of his unstable emotions lessened.

Kaleb's tears started to lessen, after his outburst. Slowly but surely Kaleb regained his calm. some remnants of his tears still trickling down his face. Some falling to the floor. Some on the table. Eventually, Kaleb proceeded to get up while holding the glass card. The last tear that did fall from Kaleb's face fell onto the glass card.

The single tear that did fall from Kaleb slowly trickled into the letter etched into the glass. The tear started to fill up the small lettering, going to the next letter after filling the previous.

Kaleb was unaware of what was happening to the glass card, and the single tear that fell onto it. As he made his way to the bed. Placing the glass card on top of the book, on the right side of the bed. Kaleb crawled into the bed, wishing only to sleep. He wished for his old monotonous life. Expectations were low when he lived on earth. Things made sense since he lived there all his life. This new environment, immediate house arrest, and an unreadable language. These small things made Kaleb want to return to his old life. As small and insignificant as they were to any normal people. It was like being placed in a coliseum of gladiators. Given enough men, and anyone man will fall.

As Kaleb slowly fell to sleep, time soon passed, and fell to night. The King and queen still had much to discuss with the scholars on what happened. The 2 transmigrated females tended to themselves after given an explanation from today's early occurrences. Guards patrolled the Castle. Life went on.

Yet on that fateful night. The golden and blue hue of light that encircled one another blasted forth, Casting the night sky aside for only a moment. The glass card that laid atop the book, next to Kaleb disappearing after the show of its completion.

"The Status Glass is nearly the beginning. Soon this world will know the true nature of what it was meant for. I can only pray for those lives soon to be lost. Those for which to never be born. Yet if this never truly happened, the calamity that would envelop them all would be for naught. Go forth Champion of Men, Saviour of lostifa. Let your journey begin." The unknown voice spoke. With its presence that popped into existence gone as soon as it came. Only going back to where they reside almost every moment of time.