
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 : Shock !

Kaleb Ignoring the issue of who undressed and redressed him went on to finish the rest of his morning routine of stretching.

Soon enough after finishing his stretches, a maid knocked on the door "Sir I have fresh pair of clothing for your today"

Kaleb promptly opened the door for the maid. "Thank you very much. Oh, by the way, last night I fell asleep I was wearing my normal clothing. yet now I'm in what could only be sleeping garments, do you know who changed my clothing?" Kaleb asked after taking the clothing.

"Sorry, sir I don't know" the maid responded. "Oh well thank you nonetheless. Mind if I have your name?" Kaleb asked.

"Lora. I advise you to get ready to meet the King and Queen again. They will summon you in 15 minutes. If that's all sir, ill take my leave" with her task being done Lora started to go on to her next one. "Thank you, Lora!" Kaleb semi shouted as Lora walked away.

Kaleb after thanking Lora he got dressed in the new attire he was given. The new clothing was very similar to earth's 1900 clothing. Most comprised of cotton and a bit of wool. The clothing however fit fairly well.

After getting dressed in somewhat more elegant clothing compared to what Kaleb normally wore started to exit his room. After exiting his room, there were 2 guards waiting for Kaleb.

"Please follow us, sir." The 2 guards said after seeing Kaleb exit the room. "Please lead the way" Kaleb commented.

As the guards started to lead the way, they had a much more leisure-like demeanor compared to yesterday. This gave Kaleb the time to look around the halls as they walked back to the Royal court. Much of the halls were gilded with some type of metal, whether it be bronze, copper, gold, silver, or platinum. Some form of metal was ingrained into the wall and flooring. Kaleb wasn't completely sure which metals were which.

There were also some paintings here and there on the walls as they walked. Compared to some of the earth's more redeemed artists, such as Michelangelo or Vincent Van Gogh. The paintings were what you would expect from an amateur artist at best. Kaleb was thoroughly unimpressed by them.

Soon enough Kaleb and the 2 guards came up to the large door. Upon better inspection, just like the floor and walls, the door was also adorned with metal. The door was also filled with what looked like gemstones. Kaleb was unsure of what kind of gems though.

The door opens, to reveal a much more calm Royal court. opposed to yesterday's court. The only people in the court were the guards, the King and Queen, and 10 scholars. With the only change to the royal court, being a stone slab within the middle of the room.

Kaleb saw no sign of either of the orange or silver-haired females.

The King motions for Kaleb to step forward. Kaleb stepped forward up and towards the stone slab, only stopping a foot away.

"I apologize for yesterday's occurrences. Much has happened recently so we were forced to rush our meeting. I'll now give you a real introduction. My name is Francis Metrol, My Queen is Sophia Metrol. The current kingdom that you are in is Ravenstorm. This Kingdom of my stretches out very far and wide. It is mostly a human settlement, however, we don't discriminate." The king finished saying. Whereas the Queen stood up to continue with the conversation.

"Ravenstorm doesn't practice any sort of slavery, at least under the public eye. Any slavery that is conducted is considered illegal. Our kingdom has also been under my family's rule for 8 generations now, coming close to 800 years of ruling" the Queen finished saying as she then sat down.

As the King and Queen finished their explanation, one of the scholars stepped forward. He looks close to the age of 90. He seemingly required a cane to walk, as his back was hunched as much forward as his old and frail body would let him. The only thing that seemed very off however with this old man, is that as hard as it seems would step to continue forward. No sound was made. Not even the wooden cane he had made a single clank from the floor.

"Young man come here, come here." The old man gestured forward with his hand.

Kaleb slowly walked over to the scholar, past the stone slab.

"Now then young man. My name is Theodore. Please call me T for short. I need you to go up to that stone tablet. Place both your palms on the middle of the stone. After you've done that you will need to recite your full name, age, and your birthday After that is done a glass card will come out. you can take that and then be dismissed. Any questions you probably have about this world will be shown in the books in your temporary room. However, if you've read through the whole book, please come see me for any further questions."

Kaleb nodded

Kaleb proceeded to do as T instructed.

Kaleb placed his hands on the stone slab.

"Kinda cold. {AHEM} Kaleb Bravura, 23 years old, April 12" Kaleb announced loud enough for the King in Queen.

As soon as Kaleb started to recite his name. A blue and golden hue had started to emit from the stone tablet. Its radiance only that is maybe a few inches. Yet when Kaleb had stated his date of birth the hue had engulfed the full room for 3 secs before it was gone like it was never there before.

And just as soon, a glass card about the width and length of a credit card slowly forced its way forward from the stone tablet. Kaleb grabbed the glassed card.

As soon as the glass card was picked up the stone tablet dissipated. Slowly turning into a pile of dust on the floor.

"Oh neat it's like a consumable item. I see. One use and then poof dust." Kaleb chuckled as his amusement rose from the thought of things such as that in this world.

As Kaleb looked up however his eyes would soon tell him that not only was he wrong. That the very thing that happened would cause him much turmoil.

"GUARDS SEIZE HIM. LOCK HIM IN HIS CHAMBER" the King growled through the order, nearly foaming at the mouth.

"Huh ?"

Kaleb was dumbfounded. What had he done? He only did what T had told him to do. Which was clearly what they wanted him to do with the stone tablet.

"Hang on what did I do !?!?" Kaleb shouted/ asked as he was forcefully escorted away by the guards.

Kaleb was dragged out of the Royal court. Several guardsmen started to surround the King and Queen in a defensive manner.

"Protect the King and Queen!" The lead guardsmen shouted

"Yes !" The guards Shouted in unison


The Royal court door closed loudly stopping Kaleb from seeing anything else beyond the doors.

"Hang on! What did I do? I only did what T told me to do !" Kaleb shouted as he was carried away



Kaleb was forcefully thrown into his room with no grace at all as his door was slammed closed.

{Clink} {Clink} {Tcuk}

That was all Kaleb heard as his door was forcefully locked. However, this was not the only thing that Kaleb heard from beyond his door.

"Zufra Hesto Lufktos"

As the voice stopped a white light enveloped the door.

"Make sure that no one comes near this door Or else." The seeming guard said.

"Yes sir !" The guard said.

<This doesn't look good at all. I don't even know what I did!> Kaleb thought

Kaleb still on the floor was confused out of his mind.