
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 : An intriguing day

"Well that certainly is surprising." the Queen announced as the silvered haired girl started to simmer down from her tangent.

"So let me get this straight. You don't know why you were summoned?" The Queen questioned.

Both the silver haired and orange haired girl nodded, albeit reluctantly.

"Were we suppose to know why we are here ? If that is the case what happened?" The silver haired girl quizzically asked.

"This makes things much more pressing of a matter then. Hmm, ok then. Guards station our guests in the most secure room we have. Make sure they get separate rooms however. We don't need any issues before we get the root of the issue."

With the Queen ordering 6 guards stepped forward. 2 each accompanied the 3 of the "guests" taking them each in their own directions after once again passing through the large wood and stone door.

As the 3 left the Royal Court, the King announced. "All of you, Don't dare speak about what has transpired. If any nation was to find out about this we would be subject to invasion."

"Scholars, Prepare the Analysis stone. Make sure it has Power for at least 6 charges just incase."

10 differing figures within the crowd of the audience stepped forward. They all bowed to both the King and Queen then promptly left.

"You are all dismissed" the King further announced after the 10 scholars left.



"Well that wasn't the worst interaction I've had before" Kaleb said.

Kaleb after being forced into a different direction then the 2 other females, was just shooed into a room after 5 minutes of walking.

"Although that person who seemed to be the Queen said to be put into a secure room, I don't feel safe" Kaleb said to himself as he looked around the room.

The room itself looked very plain and boring. It had a single bed, a desk , and 2 chairs and a table. Beyond those few items, the room was very gloomy. Most of the "color" that was in the room was only grey. Only the ceiling had what was once the color of the old room which seemed to have been red.

"Honestly this whole situation sucks and I really don't know what happened. Hopefully things clear up tomorrow" Kaleb continued to talk to himself.

"Man I wish I could watch some tv. Would make thinking so much easier or at least distract from this boring situation. Well might as well look out the window for the time being". As Kaleb made his way over to the single window of his room, he grabbed one of the chairs from the table. This chair was made from a sturdy looking type of wood, however Kaleb was to uninteresting to care what kind. Kaleb grabbed a smaller pillow from the bedside and placed it on the seat of the chair for his butt. To which he promptly sat on after he placed the chair in front of the window.

"This view is very similar to that of the one I saw as I was carried past that huge window. This view is very relaxing" Kaleb commented.

Slowly but surly it gradually became night. This was no hinderance to Kaleb's window time as as he felt more at peace as the sun set, slowly drifting into his dreams.

*Kaleb's Dream"

Kaleb's dream was merely just a vast ocean when it started. changing every now and then as he began to conjure more nature like views, clearly inspired by from his time watching and admiring out the single window in his room.

At one point the vast ocean sprung up an island. Eventually the island turned into a jungle, then a mountain. If there was one thing Kaleb really enjoyed about his life, it was that his dreams were never boring. As more impossible things and occurrences happened around Kaleb. A single voice resided within Kaleb's mind.

"My child, What have you always wished for?" Spoke the unknown voice

"Hmm what have I always wished for?" Kaleb responded barely acknowledging the absent bodied voice.

"Well if were talking about impossible stuff, id have to say magic. I've always wished i could create magic. It just sounds awesome to make spells and stuff!" Kaleb continued on.

"Let it be then" The voice responded in acknowledgement to Kaleb's words.

"My child, What have you never had?" Ask the unknown voice.

"Oh that's easy. I've never been strong. Never really needed to either I guess." Kaleb responded with out hesitation.

"Let it be then" The voice once again responded.

"My child, What drives you forward in life? " The unknown voice asked once again.

"Drives me forward? Hmm, I'm not sure. I guess experience does? You're pretty much always getting new experiences through out life, normally that help you. So I guess I would say experience."

"Let it be then" The voice responded

"My child, Let it be known. My gifts are not to be taken lightly. Although they are gifts, they are yours for eternity. Bound by soul and body alike. Although it may not have come from you, It shall now always be apart of you. This power is now yours. Make use of it however you see fit " The absent bodied voice lastly spoke.

With that last sentence spoke, that voice was gone. Kaleb not even questioning the very things that just transpired continued moving forward with his dream.

"Oh hey look, a penguin" Kaleb said


Slowly but surly Kaleb started to awake from the piercing light of the sunrise coming in through the window. As Kaleb felt the soft texture of wool fabric, he found himself within the single bed of his room.

"I don't remember going to sleep in this bed...hm oh well." Kaleb commented to himself


"Either way, it may not look it but this bed are comfy. I'm kind of surprised. Kaleb said.

Kaleb started to slowly started to get out of bed. Placing his bare feet on the floor, and getting up he proceeded to be greeted by the cracking of his back. Kaleb then went on to do some early stretches, something that he found very helpful for both waking up and making sure he stayed limber.

However halfway through his usual routine of stretches', Kaleb realized something.

"Who changed my cloths? Also more importantly When did they do it?"