
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 : A New Beginning Within the World of Lostifa

Kaleb forced from his wonderful dream, was met with the pain of smashing his face on cold stone. With the grace of a koala, the rest of his body fell harshly onto the stone as well. Lifting his bruised forehead, and hurting nose. Kaleb surveyed his unfamiliar location. Since the last thing he could remember was eating chicken, watching tv, and dozing off. Kaleb found this situation very odd. As Kaleb's new scene before was that of a much more medieval and rustic-looking room. Kaleb's view of the room was soon overlooked as 2 other people fell beside him just as hard, if not more so.

On the occurrence of the other 2 bodies falling and hearing the groans of the 2. A door was swung open with the appearance of 5 new individuals. 2 of the new faces were platted in golden, and platinum-looking armor, with that of a helmet blocking the expressions behind them. These 2 figures took a single step upon merely entering the room, to which they promptly stepped to the side of the entrance of the door. After the display the people plated in armor, the other 3 individuals entered the room, quickly rushing to only people within the middle of the room.

Kaleb taking in the sight of the shiny armor was immediately put off when being hoisted by one of the other 3 new faces that had entered the room. As Kaleb and the 2 other unfortunate people were taken without even a single word as hello, or hi.

As the 3 were being forcefully taken to an unknown location, Kaleb took the time to observe his new situation and look at the very fleeting glimpses of rooms they so quickly passed. One room looked of a very similar nature to a more medieval kitchen. Soon another room that Kaleb caught a glimpse of looked to be that of study. However, these sights alluded to Kaleb as a glass pane the size of houses was trusted into view on his right. As Kaleb was overtaken by curiosity and looked, his eyes, and any previous thought as well was decimated. What was beheld before Kaleb was a sight, unlike anything he had seen before. As Kaleb took in the scene he could only feel the warmth from the view. Mountains that pierced the sky, rivers that flowed from left to right, tightly fitted between green pastures and forestry. This scene that Kaleb saw that in total was only 8 seconds long threw him into such disarray that tears started to flow from his eyes.

From Kaleb's own past experiences, the city was that of all he had ever known. Never before being shown the beauty of what could be from nature. From that very glimpse through the glass pane, Kaleb had only 2 things to say "HOLY SH*T".

This remark however fellow on deaf ears to the other people close to Kaleb, and the very person carrying him.

As soon as they came and went from the window, a large wooden and stone door was opened in front of the 3 running individuals carrying Kaleb and the 2 unknown people. Upon entering the 3 were promptly seated in front of what could only be the very court of a King, and Queen. Kaleb was seated between the 2 individuals. Finally being given a chance to look at the individuals that very well seemed to be in the same boat as Kaleb was thrust on. The first one that he saw was that of a female. She looked close to that of 20 a year old. Her hair was silver in color which reached down to the very bottom of her shoulderblades. Her eyes matching her color in hair had a similar silver hue to them. Her lips were as lush as a strawberry patch filled only with that of the finest red. Her body had curves where any guy would want, giving much to a more charming appeal. Kaleb having finally taken his look over at the first person, looked to see the other individual. The second individual was almost identical to the first. However, the only difference being the color of the eyes and hair where that of fiery orange.

As Kaleb then looked to that of the 2 seated farther in front of them clearly stood a King and Queen. Kaleb then also took the time to do a once over of the large room realizing that there was a multitude of people that were within the room. Most whispering among themselves. However, those people were quickly overshadowed by the many lines of the same type of guards with gold and platinum-plated armor Kaleb saw earlier.

"I command silence."

Kaleb's train of thought was quickly stopped as he heard the voice of a very demanding and powerful voice. Any whispers that were happening stopped at the very instant that words of the King left his voice. The King acknowledging the silence then stepped forward and looked at the 3 seating within the middle of the court. Being no other than Kaleb and the 2 females.

"Now then. As confused as you 3 must be, I must skip formalities for the time being. You 3 are now otherworlders. I will congratulate you and inform you that Yes, you are no longer within your original world. For better or for worse however you will most likely never be able to return there."

Giving the 3 new otherworld's a little time to process this new information, the King beckoned for his Queen to step forward and take it from there.

"As my King clearly said, you are now otherworlders. However, that is not only limited to you 3. There are multiple otherworlder's for multiple races. Among the Elves there are 2, the Dwarves 4 , the Beastkin 3, and the Demons 1. Let this be known however this is not public information, and I advise ALL OF YOU... speak not even a work of this."

Amongst the crowds of people whispers started to arise again.

Kaleb's head was spinning from all the information that was being given forth. The most burning question being why there were otherworlders in the first place. With the second question what being an otherworlder really meant besides the obvious name. So as seeing that the Queen was being quiet Kaleb was starting to stand up and ask his questions. Only to be beaten by the orange-haired girl to his right.

"Uhmm not to be rude, your Majesty? But why are we even here in the first place then? "

Murmuring spread throughout the royal court, as the court's audience continued to whisper however with more intensity now. Only to be silenced by the silver-haired girl's outburst.

"Yea! Why are we here?? HM, and also what do you mean I can't go back to my world! I was just on stage performing for my adoring fans! If I don't get any answers quickly I'm leaving here immediately!" Clearly stated by the silver-haired girl.

Kaleb could only internally want to crawl into a hole as the number of people viewing in his general direction increased the more the girl continued to protest.

With only one thought in Kaleb's head [please shut up...]