
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 11 : Wait What?

After Kaleb started the concealing spell his figure started to disappear once again. Only after 2 secs did his form fully dissipate from the naked eye. Making his way over to the guards, Kaleb tried to pinpoint which one was the head guard. Although they all wore the same armor. The way they sat gave clear indications. Most seemed failer new. Their armor only had one medal, which looked like it was a starting rank when you enlisted in Ravenstorm. Only 2 had anything indicating that they weren't newbies. The one on the left side of the table had 2 other medals, along with a different version of the starting medal. While the one guard to the right of that man, had 4 other medals, with the starting medal even higher than the man on the left.

<Those 2 are obviously the ones with the most experience. I should prioritize them first>

Making quick movements, Kaleb made his way behind the guards who looked to be in charge.

"Listen, newbies, it's not all about strategy. You can't always predict what's gonna happen. Sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling. See after so many battles, you start to pick up battle instinct. What to do, what not to do. It's something you develop over time." The guardsmen with the most medals monologued.

"That's gonna take a while though. Developing a battle instinct takes life and death type of situations. You have to be able to also know when to run. As great as it is, winning isn't everything. If your life is at risk you should be able to run. Isn't that right Greggory? " The guard with the second-most medals said.

As the man finished talking the newbies looked over at the cell with the much more muscular guy.

"Yea yea, You caught me after I killed 15 of you guardsmen. I'll kill you all too right now if it wasn't for these bars holding me back. But yea I ran once I saw more than 45 of you guardsmen surround me. With you, Mr.H at the front. You must always flash all your medals huh? Even Brack doesn't even have as many as you. " Gregory trailed off.

"Oh hush, you only killed 9. Not to mention they were freshly enlisted like these newbies. Hmm, don't worry. As long as those bars are there he can't do anything. Not to mention he is only good with a knife." Mr. H said

Kaleb overheard this as he made his way behind the guard. Kaleb's new plan was just as risky but he thought with a little help it might work. Kaleb carefully looked around.

< Let's see where some keys are> Kaleb thought

Observing the guards. Kaleb noticed how Brack had a key ring. The key said, Bernard. Clearly having heard that the muscular guy's name was Gregory, Kaleb looked at Mr. H. Looking in the same spot. The keyring was in the same spot. Holstered to his hip the ring only had one key. The key had the name Gregory on it. With just next to it a small knife holstered and sheathed.

<Thats convient> Kaleb thought

Being as careful as possible, Kaleb started to fiddle with the key ring. The keyring was on Mr. H's hip but it was secured by a thin leather that kept it attached to what seemed to be the under armor of the guardsmen. Kaleb eyed the small knife. Slowly and meticulously Kaleb grabbed the knife.

Although what looked like a knife at first glance was more of a dagger. Made to kill, for quick slashes and stabs. Taking firm hold of the dagger, Kaleb crotched down. Getting eye level of the keyring. Since all of the guardsmen were too keen on listening to what Mr. H and Brack were talking about. No one noticed the floating knife. Talking careful hold of the keyring, and key at the same time to avoid any noise that might alert the guards. Making a quick slice at the leather holding the Keyring. Kaleb was able to cut the leather. Taking the keyring and dagger Kaleb continued crouching as he made his way over to the cell with Gregory.

Making sure to look over his shoulder and see if anyone noticed the floating keyring and knife. Thankfully none of the guardsmen took notice. Taking the single key from the keyring, Kaleb inserted the key into the keyhole. Twisting the key, The metal cell door made a strange click noise.


Resounded within the walls of the dungeon. The guardsmen were dumbfounded. Every guard knew what that sound meant, even the newbies. Slowly the cell of Gregory's cell opened. The guards looked over to Gregory in horror. As in the way of the entrance of the cell was a floating dagger. Gregory had long taken notice of what was happening with the key. So he was prepared to jump into action once it followed through with releasing him.

"HEHEHE, LETS SO YOU GUYS GET OUT OF THIS ONE" Gregory shouted as he burst from the cell.

Gregory ran forward nearly leaping from his sitting position. Making his way at the dagger. Kaleb quickly let go of the dagger as Gregory was inches away. Catching the dagger, Gregory made his way to Mr.H with haste.

"I don't know who DARED LET ME OUT, But it must be a sign from the gods! Clearly, I'm meant to kill you, Hendrickson!" Gregory proclaimed as he made a mad dash at the head guard.

After Kaleb let go of the dagger and seeing the commotion. Kaleb made use of the panic and went straight to Brack. As Kaleb started sprinting at the unaware Brack, Kaleb felt his mana was very weak. Feeling this light tingle in his body, Kaleb deactivated the conceal spell to avoid the issue of overusing his mana and losing the ability to move. Using mana absorbing as soon as he was out of his to conceal spell, He had yet to stop moving towards Brack.

As Brack saw Gregory making his way to Mr.H, he wanted to jump in front of Mr. H to keep him safe and to deal with Gregory himself. Yet he was soon flying through the air to the other side of the dungeon. The hard stone of the wall made some of his ribs crack to his displeasure. His nose was broken, and it felt like his left eye wasn't working. Yet as he looked at where he just came from, All he could see was a man who came out of thin air wearing peasant clothing.

"Wait what?"Brack said as he started standing up.

Kaleb gave him no time to draw his sword though. Rushing at him once again. Brack winced at the pain that his broken ribs and nose brought him as he struggled to get his sword from his side. Twisting hurt more than anything else he tried doing in the few secs he did. It was too late however when Brack finally managed to get a hold of his sword.

Kaleb smashed his fist into Brack's face, trying to hold back his power as to hope he didn't kill him. When Brack's skull collided with the stone dungeon a crack could be heard, yet he was unconscious.

The newbies in all of this panic started running when they saw brack fall unconscious. As much as they knew they were abandoning their duties it was much better than dying at the hands of Gregory, or the appearing man.