
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Nice to Meet You

As Kaleb made sure that Brack was unconscious. Gregory was at a standstill with Mr.H

"You will regret this Gregory..." Mr. H Mocked

"yOu WiLL RegRet tHis GreGOry, Oh shut up you pretentious bastard! WE WERE BROTHERS! I saved you as you were on the brink of death! Yet THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME!!!!" Gregory shouted as he lunged forward, dagger in hand.

Mr.H Brandished his Ravenstrom sword. The crest, fully in view. Much like the raven with a crown on its head on the front of the castle, the same was present on the sword. The sword glowed with a shine as if had just been polished.

Gregory stabbed forward at Mr. H's lower left side of his stomach. Mr.H skillfully blocked with the bottom of his blade. Making an upward motion Mr.H made an attempt to disarm Gregory with the hilt of his sword. Yet much to his displeasure, Gregory was a step ahead of him, lifting his dagger and making a tactical retreat.

"Hendrickson...You just let those people go. You don't know what they were like. They hurt me! They hurt you! How could you just let them go!" Gregory asked with frustration.

"Gregory what could I do? Brandish people out in the public? I would be ostracized and fired as a guard. I would have done it in private but I had no reason to bring them in!" Hendrickson shouted in response.

Gregory's face contorted. His face feel shades of red as something in his mind snapped. His mind broke after hearing those words. His mind reverted to that of a cat-like beast. His mind was fully devoted to killing his prey and being as swift as a cat.

Kaleb watched from the sidelines waiting for a good time to jump in.

<Although it looks like they have history. Gregory seems to have been wronged by Hendrickson, I think he called him?>

=That would be correct=

<Id rather not get caught up in that situation yet. Let's release the other guy.>

Kaleb looked down at Brack, who was currently snoozing without a care in the world. Crouching down, Kaleb grabbed at the key and with a swift tug tore the leather with the key. The keyring made a clanking noise against the key.

The noise made Hendrickson instantly look over to the noise. Turning his head Hendrickson was surprised to see the random man had taken out Brack. This gave Gregory a second more to create against Hendrickson. Dashing forward Gregory stabbed Hendrickson's left leg. Hendrickson sucked in air through his teeth as he endured the pain. As quickly as he stabbed, Greggory retracted his dagger from his prey's leg. Blood started to spurt from the freshly opened wound. Hendrickson's face turned pale as he saw the wound. Not giving any time to what was happening with the random man, and Brack. Hendrickson took to the offensive. Slashing at Gregory as best he could with his wounded leg. Gregory gave no opportunity for Hendrickson however, Maintaining his distance and eye contact. Gregory let no movement go unnoticed.

"Yea he's got that," Kaleb said as he made his way to the cell holding bernard.

Inserting the key and twisting the cell door unlocked. Bernard slowly lifted his head to look at the person who opened the door.

"Come on bernard we're getting out of here" Kaleb said as he quickly motioned for bernard to get up and at 'em.

Not wasting any time bernard quickly got up and made his way to the cell's entrance.

"And you... might be...?" Bernard spoke.

His voice was that of a rustic man who had endured a much hashing life than most. The most defining part of his voice was it had a much lower tone.

"Kaleb Bravura, at your service " Kaleb spoke as he stepped aside for bernard.

"Well then... it's a pleasure...are we... waiting for him?" Bernard spoke softly and slowly.

"Nice to meet you. I intend to. However, I'd rather not get in Gregory's way. This seems like a much more personal matter"Kaleb spoke as he watched as the fight transgressed into a one-sided duel of life and death.

Much could be seen as Hendrickson made a valiant effort to oppress Gregory yet to no avail. As with each swing of his sword, his left leg would be stressed. this in turn continued to leave the wound on his leg freely bleed with ease.

"OI OI OI, HENDRICKSON DON'T GO QUITTING ON ME. YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO HELP ME HUH. LET ME SEE THAT LIGHT GO OUT. " Gregory mocked as he continued to maintain his distance.

At those words, Hendrickson stopped moving. Still, in pain, he slowly motioned to a stance. Gripping his sword with both hands as snug as possible. His sword was raised high up to the length of his shoulders. His sword's point was faced towards Gregory. Gregory became incredibly tense. Not just Gregory, but the air within the dungeon became stagnant. As if waiting for Hendrickson. The room fell silent. Gregory stood silent watching Hendrickson. Hendrickson focused all his power on his muscles and bones. Gathering everything to a single point. He wanted to end this with one strike.

<That doesn't look good. Let's end this>

Kaleb imagined pouring most of his mana into his wind blade. Close to 80 % of his mana started to pour out as the image Kaleb conjured about was more of a circular wind blade.

"Zufra vindblade" Kaleb said.

In the blink of an eye, the wind stirred with power. A nearly visible circular wind blade formed in front of Kaleb. Within less than a second of the wind blade forming, it shot forward with the speed of a bullet. The wind blade shot straight at the tense Hendrickson.

Feeling the impending doom, Hendrickson moved. His movements with as swift as a blade, making a piercing motion toward Gregory. Hendrickson moved forward in an attempt to kill Gregory by stabbing his heart. Yet when his sword nearly touched Gregory's shirt, did Hendrickson feel weightless.

Looking down Hendrickson saw that both his leg and arm had been cut off. As well as a part of his left side torso. Losing his footwork he fell to his left side unable to support it. Smashing down hard on the stone floor.

"Not to intrude, Gregory was it? but if you want to kill him with your own hands you might want to while u still can." Kaleb commented after expending most of his mana.