
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: The Dungeon

After coming to a quick conclusion about how many people suffered starvation. Kaleb started counting all the bodies he passed. Not every cell had rotting corpses. Yet most did have them.

<Why are there so many? Is this the only prison in all of RavenStorm, or are the King and Queen just sadistic?> Kaleb pondered, as his count of dead people quickly increased

<23... 24... 25, 26...> Kaleb counted.

Slowly moving through the halls, Kaleb made sure to move as quietly as he could. Kaleb was sure that by making loud noises someone would come to investigate. Making sure to check each cell, sometimes Kaleb thought he found someone who was still alive. Yet each time he would look closer only to find their face slightly rotting. Yet each cell he went past, their body would be less rotted.

Kaleb was hoping that he would find some people alive. Starving to death had never sounded like a good experience however Kaleb knew he wouldn't want it. So anyone who was put into these cells wanted to free. Although he wasn't sure what crimes they committed, if Ravenstrom was willing to let its criminals starve, their laws must be shit.

Making his way down the path, the hallway started to open up. As it opened up several chairs could be seen, these chairs surrounded a thick-looking table. In each of the chairs was a guard sitting. Each of them seemed to be playing some type of card game. Too engrossed in their game, of betting coins on each turn. They failed to notice Kaleb peeking his head around the corner to the room.

Realizing that there was nowhere to go if Kaleb went back to the room he started in. Kaleb hoped that none of the guards when the mana moved.

"Zufra esto Mosik Coneal" Kaleb whispered under his breath.

As Kaleb said each word, the mana around Kaleb started to swirl. The from within Kaleb started to form a slight veil around his figure. The mana concealed Kaleb as he started to feed more mana out through his Mana balls.

After about 2 seconds, Kaleb forms started becoming transparent to the naked eye.

<At most I can keep this form up for 2 minutes.>

Kaleb started to move around the corner. The guards continued playing cards as they belted more coins. Kaleb started moving with haste, his figure invisible to those who couldn't see mana. Moving past the table and the guards. Kaleb started looking around at the cells they were "supposedly" guarding. Only 2 cells were occupied. One where an old man was in. The second housed a physically fit man. Looking around to see if there were any other guards Kaleb concluded the only guards were the ones at the table.

<1,2,3,4,5,6,7> Kaleb counted.

<If I force all my mana out, I could probably cut the bars of the cells. But then I'm just hoping this guy can do anything.> Kaleb thought

Kaleb made his way back to the corner that gave him cover from the guards. Making sure he was out of sight of the guards. Kaleb started to cancel his conceal spell.

"Hmm, this doesn't look easy." Kaleb signed to himself quietly.

=If you want a suggestion. I can give you some.= Cathy resounded in Kaleb's head.

<Yea sure go ahead>Kaleb said

=Well, you could use all of your unused skill points, put them evenly between strength, and agility and knock out each guard. Another option you could try is putting 5 unused skill points into your wind blade spell. You could then use up to 90% of your mana and kill all the guards in one go.= Cathy suggested.

<Whoa whoa, who said anything about killing them.> Kaleb responded quickly

=They are nearly just suggestions.=Cathy said

<Hmmm. Cathy how do you know id be able to kill the guards if I did what you said.>

=Well since most people can't use magic or mana for that matter. Most people wouldn't be able to do anything to stop you if you used your wind blade.= Cathy responded

<Oh gotchya >Kaleb said.

Kaleb pondered for a little bit about what the best course of action was. As much as he wanted to just rush st them. Trained guards would most difficulty beat because of teamwork, and proper training. Their numbers were also 6 more than himself.

Kaleb wasn't fond of the idea of using his unused Skill points either as he was unsure of the best method to use them.

<Say, Cathy, can mana substitute as nutrients for the body if it's from the external mana ?>

=Technically speaking yes. However, you would have to break your Mana Ball at least 3 times to gain the same value as a lunch or dinner. As to my knowledge, there is no way to convert such energy into nutrients= Cathy contemplated as she gave her answer.

<What about repairing my muscles? Can mana fix that if I make it go to that area?> Kaleb asked

=Well you would have to command what it was supposed to do, but yes. Theoretically, you could repair your muscles with mana. However, your natural regeneration has gotten much faster after you've leveled up quite a bit. So what exactly is your plan?=

<Well I don't think I have the time for it. But I do know what I'm gonna do after I get out of here. Cathy, how do I pout my skill points into my strength and agility?>

=Oh I can do it, or if you want you can manually do it by hitting the + on the respective stat.=

<Ok well do it for me. Evenly between strength and agility.> Kaleb asked

=You got it!=


=Ok done. Your strength is now 15, and your agility 14=

<So that should be enough to knock the guards out huh. Alright.>

As Kaleb felt prepared he started his mana absorption to maximize his mana again. Starting his conceal spell again. Kaleb started making his way to the guards.