
The True Power of a Leader

The power of a leader often overlooked. Read as our protagonist makes his way in a world filled with more danger than any war filled with bloodshed. Let wars be a simple playground for our protagonist, and fights of sword and magic determined before they start.

Okrin · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 0 : Prologue

On earth, some people hold power. Some for good, some for bad. However, they are always the same. Power-hungry hyenas, trying to grasp and take power for their own. Taking it and crushing those who they feel are less valuable to them. So where does that lead us? To a simple man named Kaleb. He was neither strong nor smart. Just an average guy who went about his days like anyone else. He was born on earth like any normal human. Had good parents, and 4 siblings. He was the youngest of his siblings. He didn't hate his siblings but they were never particularly kind to him. This and the fact that his parents would ignore him a good bit of his life made him into a loner.

Kaleb was not particularly good at anything besides reading people, video games, and tactics. However he never liked wars, so being tactical was never really useful to him. So he never bothered with anything involving fighting with firearms, or explosions. He often just played games and was strategic there, since it was risk-free. Still, he always felt off from people, if not disconnected from the whole world at times. However, he had long gotten used to this fact and was just tired of working so much at his job. So he was planning on becoming a hermit.

After finally making it home, he threw his bag onto a chair close to the front entrance of his apartment. He then went into the kitchen to start to prepare some chicken. As he did this he turned the TV. This was a common act from Kaleb to help him calm down as it normally helped him relax from a long day of work. After about 45 minutes of cooking, he sat down on a chair in front of the T.V. and started to eat his chicken. As he did his mind was drifting and slowly he fell asleep. As he headed off into his deep subconscious he started to wonder if he should have been born at all on this planet, if he would even make a difference to other people or change people's lives. However, he soon fell deep into his dream of chicken and the new rage of a video game he planned to get, becoming the best player at it.

This small dream would be both a blessing and a curse in the eyes of Kaleb. As if he knew what transpired after the occurrence of such a simple and plain dream to him, he would wish to both have never gone to sleep or ever wake up.

In a lonely apartment, a T.V played on and on for an audience long since departed. A plate of chicken on the floor broken with grease and fat from the chicken smeared everywhere from its origin point. Unbeknownst to the planet and its inhabitant's, that 3 of its people lost forever from them only to be gained a new in a newborn world called, Lostifa

As this is my first ever book as a new author on Webnovel, Please be harsh and criticize my work to help me improve. Any and all Criticism is welcomed.

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