
Mayōno Izō

The day was going smoothly for the rodent principal—that until a random stranger came into his room and asked to become a teacher in the top school. It wasn't really that bad, no, no. The bad part is when the files the young man had requested came back to him—and "it was up to him" to "decide" whatever the young man's background is.

He sighed, placing his pen onto his desk.

The only information Izō gave him is… the guy's name, his age and his quirk name, which is honestly quite strange. "Ares…" Nezu read in his mind. "A peculiar name for a mysterious quirk…" He hummed before picking up his pen again, a spark of inspiration entering his mind on to what he should put on the "amnesiac" young man's information.

"This background will surely suit you, Mayōno Izō-kun."


Izuku, well, Izō, stood quite bewildered in front of familiar faces. After two weeks had gone by when he was finally admitted out of the hospital, the principal called for him, and he really didn't expect that the principal actually called for a meeting. Had he known, he would've changed out of the clothes Aizawa had lent him to look quite presentable because, well… everyone is in the room.

By everyone, Izō meant everyone—from the faculty, at least. Of course, All Might is in there as well, but Izō's taking this pretty cool, actually. He's not hyperventilating at all, no, no. Totally not. Even if he is, he has to endure it through the meeting. He dares not to show his weak side in front of the people who supported him to get to the top.

"Everyone, welcome and good morning. Sorry to call all of you within short notice." Nezu jumped up onto the table to gather everyone's attention since they've been stealing glances towards the "young boy" next to Eraser Head and have been talking about him.

"I just have a minor announcement to share to everyone and it regards about the new addition to our faculty." The principal started, and Izō already knew where this is going by the rodent's words. "No, U.A isn't short with teachers or staff, but it wouldn't hurt to add a new member, right?" The principal sounded giddy before hopping down and pulling Izō away from his seat and up to front.

"Everyone, this is Mayōno Izō-kun, a pro hero that once worked under the government. Unfortunately, just a month ago, during a mission he was attacked and ended up in the dense forest in U.A. I sincerely thank the two who found him." Nezu smiled. "Now, with the higher-up's request for us to take him in until they investigate who his assailant is, he'll be working with us—and with this, maybe we'll even help him regain some of his memories back."

"Wait, wait, wait...!" Kayama Nemuri, also known as the pro hero, Midnight, rose from her seat and tilted her head to the side. "He looks no older than the new applicants—and a pro hero? Really, Nezu-san? Who is he, really?" She asked in a rather collected tone, and her questioned piqued everyone's interest.

Oof, Midnight is really intelligent.

"Settle down, Midnight. He's already 25. He's just a baby face." Nezu said nonchallantly. "Whether or not he really is a pro hero, the government kinda just threw him to me so he's my responsibility. If he doesn't do a good job then…" The principal started to crack his sadistic laughter.

Everyone in the room just ignored the principal since he's gonna laugh for another minute or two, and motioned the young man in front to get close and leave the principal there instead.

"Welcome to the team, I guess?" Kan Sekijirō, the Blood Hero, smiled at the new teacher who bowed back at him.

"Is it true that Aizawa's the one taking care of you? If so, cool!" Present Mic finger gunned him.

"He's like a father, no?" All Might casually joked, his muscly form leaning back to his chair.

Izō looked down as he nodded his head. For now, he can't bear to directly look at the person's face. He had failed the man before, and he still can't face him until he had fulfilled his duty to ironing the wrongs from this world, even if it would cost his life.

He was caught by surprise when Aizawa slapped his back straight, making him rub his sore back. "Now I don't want you getting my lazy habit." His tone was bored, but it was evident that he's trying to get the young boy out of the meeting. "Let's bail while the principal's still laughing about, yeah? I'm quite tired and hungry. Let's grab dinner on our way back, hm?" Says he as he pushed the young boy out of the room.

"Uh… bye everyone…?" Izō looked back a bit to not seem rude.

When Aizawa closed the door behind him, he let go of the young man and started walking leisurely along the halls, slouched as he is normally.

"Thank you, Aizawa-san…" Izō placed a hand on the back of his neck.

"It's no big deal. I know how it feels to be pressured. I don't like people either—especially interviews or meetings." The man yawned. "So, what do you want for dinner then? I'll get what you want as well."

"Uhh… katsudon would be nice."

"Then let's buy one. I mean two because I'm eating too."

Izō smiled. Aizawa has really taken him in, and it makes him feel like he's with the Aizawa he knows. The Aizawa in this timeline has unknowingly taken the role of a father to him. The man doesn't know this, and it's quite obvious for the young man. It's funny too—for Izō, at least.

Well, to be fair, Nezu, the principal, assigned Aizawa to take care of Izō—and he's doing just that. He's perfectly fine with it since the young man is just minding his own business, and is focusing on recovery. He's silent most of the time and would just go through files sent by the principal every now and then.

Aizawa assumed the files were about Izō himself—information about himself, so never really bothered to check. Plus, Aizawa is taking his remaining vacation time before school starts because… who knows what kind of students his future class would hold?

The man just wanted to sleep to be honest.

Stepping into the convenience store, Aizawa casually picked up two bowls of katsudon from the shelves and placed it on the counter. The old lady behind the said counter calmly took their food and microwaved it for them. While microwaving, the old lady took a swift glance at the two men in front of the counter, never really paying much attention on who on earth the lazy-looking one is.

"Fathers should cook for their young's, good sir." The lady said nonchalantly with her shaky voice. "In this vast world, there's no convenience every day, hm hm."

Izō deadpanned. "Am I really that small?" He thought to himself, looking down at the man next to him. "I'm around 188cm tall…" He thought.

"Yeah, no. I don't know how to cook." Aizawa said in his lazy tone, not even denying the father part, which is quite sweet.

"It's not too late to learn, dear." The old lady then took out the food right after the single beep, placing it in a bag and taking the money from the older man's hand. "No change." She smiled.

Upon returning back to Aizawa's small, rented apartment just around the block near the school, and after grabbing some food, Eraser Head plopped down and already fell asleep… on the floor… with his sleeping bag on.

What the hell, Aizawa?

Izō sighed at the sight. The hero lying on the floor's probably going to eat his food later or something. He's always been like that… just like the Aizawa from his timeline. Izō has established a great relationship with Aizawa when All Might died. The man became his and Kacchan's second father and friend during the tough times, and he really owe him a lot.

Now, he wants to repay that lazy teacher of his.

He looked down at his katsudon bowl and smiled, "Maybe I'll cook tomorrow…"

Just before he could have his first bite on his favourite food though, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Glancing at the shattered screen, he looked to see the name 'Nezu-san' on the phone. He quickly stood up and walked out of the apartment's small balcony before picking up the call.

"Hello?" The rodent principal asked in a curious tone, "Izō-kun?"

"Speaking." The young man looked down across the street.

"You and that Aizawa disappeared in the middle of the meeting…" Nezu sighed, "and because of that, I never got the chance to tell you 'who' Mayōno Izō is, huh?"

"Yeah? I kind of got the gist of who I am though. Why was I under the governments command, even?"

"It's a great excuse after finding a… "pro" hero out of nowhere, right? I mean, no one even heard of you yet. Your existence just kind of popped out of nowhere. Are you sure you're not the pocket dimension user?"

"I'm sure I'm not… because I'm here through… a different reason? Yeah let's put it that way."

"Anyways, Mayōno Izō. Mayōno Izō is a pro hero formally working under the government's command. His background has been completely erased due to security measures, so anyone who dares to look into you won't find a single thing about you and… 'your family'."

"Quite convenient. Anything to back it up?"

"Well, I have false files processing so you'd have a vague background. Anyways, you're 25… birth date is on August 15 because you didn't fill that up and I don't even know your birth date so that's that. Your relatives? I don't know, I just placed there that your name was provided by the government to seal your identity."

"Hm… cool. So? You got anyone in the government to back me up?"

"Yeah… I have one. It's quite risky but oh well. I took you as my responsibility so… I have to. Oh yeah, your hero name, by the way?"

"Hero name? De—I mean… I'll just answer that later in my career. Thanks, Nezu-san. You're the best."

"Hah! I know right—" The rodent didn't get to finish his words as the young man had hung up on him.

Izō sighed, staring blankly over the edge. Mayōno Izō now officially exists in this world and… he almost had a slip up when his hero name was asked. He sighed again, this time, looking down at the wallpaper behind his phone's shattered screen.

It's a group photo of himself, Kacchan, Todoroki-kun, Aizawa-sensei and Miku-chan back when a moment of peace broke the fight between villains and heroes. He suddenly got chills after remembering how horribly wrong they were for assuming that the sudden peace would last for at least a few months, or even years.

He doesn't want to remember.

It would've been nice if he really lost his memories… because it's harder to pretend that he doesn't know anything that happened in his past.

He just hope that Mayōno Izō would save him from his past and help him create a new future for this world.

While his mind was clouded with his thoughts and memories, he didn't notice a pair of lazy eyes staring at him through the open door.

Aizawa wonders why the young man became like this.


Mistemuscreators' thoughts