

Staring out through the windows and looking through the cityscape is still very unusual for Izō. Seeing the world even alive is something that he has to get used to again. The 10-year long war once brought the world he knew down… and it wasn't pretty.

The door creaked open, and Aizawa-san entered. He didn't need to turn around to know. "You're back," Aizawa worded out his lazy tone, "Where were you?"

Izō remained silent. He could tell him that he went out and about. He could tell him that he visited the principal in a short amount of time. He could tell him anything, really. Aizawa hummed at his silence, walking at his side and came looking through the windows with him. "You're quite interested with the view… you've never seen one?" He asked quite genuinely.

Of course Izō has seen one, Eraser Head… it just… it had been ages since.

The young man simply smiled, falling back at the white and cold hospital bed, starting to stare at the blank ceiling. He remained silent then, until a knock was heard coming from the single door leading to his hospital room.

Aizawa came over, opening it and unexpectedly received something from an errand boy, telling him that it was something for "Izō-san". He assumed that the Izō the boy was pertaining to is the young man in the room, turning his head to look at the green-haired lad.


Earlier, I had asked for the list of applicants of the world's famous U.A from Nezu-san after finding out that it's only a few months away before the school's entrance exam. After also checking the date and time, I was thoroughly convinced that my "past" self is training hard for the said exam—I'm pretty sure the Izuku of this time is working his ass off with All Might.

Two Izuku's in one world? Yeah, that's not new anymore in my perspective, really. It had happened before in the duration of my life, but with a different person. I mean, I just travelled through time in order to get back. Time didn't reverse for me to get here. That's how the Time Bearer's, much well known as Miku, quirk, works—the Kronos.

Miku-chan can't reverse time. If she could, knowing her, whatever the backlash could've been, she would've done it already to prevent the disaster to happen. I could see myself in her, really—but she's more cunning and has more guts to dive into the war to try and save anyone—and everyone. She even had the guts to sacrifice herself in order to save mine. Because of her, I need to cherish this one chance to save this world's future.

I could make everyone here stronger.

I could make everyone prepared.

I could even save All Might.

And, most of all, I could prevent All for One from escaping the damned prison—which started everything in the dwelling future.

I could do all of those things…

I can do all of those things.

I'm glad I had taken the decision to take her in as my supposedly successor… but I never got to pass her the power she needed to keep. Had I passed onto her the responsibility to keep the world in balance much earlier on, the world I grew up on could've survived.

I sighed. Reminiscing in the past will just pull me down further. I'm already in hell. There's no use getting dragged down further. I snapped back after Aizawa-san waved something in front of me. "Something for you, Izō-san." He said in a lazy tone, emphasising my "name".

I casually took the papers from his hands, flashing a soft smile before going through the pages of the given files. I ignored his stares and continued to flip through, getting to the files closer in the middle. My hands stopped as soon as I came across a familiar image.

It was Kacchan… his application form.

I smiled before continuing to go through the files, coming across several more familiar faces. All from this timeline's future class in the hero course. Of course, I saw mine—well, Izuku's since I'm Izō now, I guess, but I just casually went past it to check on the other applicants.

When I deemed that nothing had changed for now, I placed the files onto my bed. Upon placing it next to me, I noticed that there was actually another separated file under the brown envelop Aizawa-san gave me. I picked it up and realised that it's actually something for "my identity" and for "my personal files" to be used to get into the school faculty.

The principal snuck this in real good, like, woah—

Not taking a glance at the pro hero sitting across from my bed, I asked him for a pen. "Uh, sir…? Do you… have a pen on… um… you?" My voice came out a bit hoarser than normal but I still gotta play it safe here, now. I don't want to raise more suspicions than I've already done—disappearing without a warning and appearing again without a single word.

"Here." He handed me a pen using his Hobaku Buki, the thing around his neck.

I uncapped the pen and started fill out the form on my lap, such as my name, surname, relatives (mother, father, etc.) date of birth, yadda, yadda, yadda. Basically "my information". Would you look at that, I could fake anything. My quirk's name too, I guess.

While filling out the form, Aizawa-san just stared at me boredly and started to ask some questions. "Now that I think of it, this is actually the first time I've heard your voice—except for the scream earlier. I just kind of casually responded to your voice like you're an acquaintance—or more than that. Who are you, really?" His tone was bored, but it gave me a bit of pressure.

"Hm…" I hummed, "Izō… Mayōno Izō… that's… my name, I guess." I wrote down "my name" as I said it to him. "I… that's all I know about myself…" It's easier to dodge questions if you pretend that you don't know anything about yourself—ha!

Now, I think I'm passing down the responsibility of filling out "who I am" to Nezu-san. I sighed, writing down a note at the corner of the form to let the principal know what on earth I've done. Aside from that, everything's blank except for the space for my name... I think. I then swiftly tuck in the file into the brown envelop along with the other files in order to hide it from the man in front of me.


"So what are those?" Aizawa asked, his head tilted to the side while his eyes are fixed on to the envelope in my hands, "If you really don't know anything about yourself, that is."

When did he—

"They… they were sent by someone named… Nezu-san? I think the files are confidential… uh… sir." I pointed at the name and signature behind the envelope.

Thank heavens the principal placed his name and paw print on the damned envelope.

"The principal?" Aizawa-san mumbled to himself, falling out and sitting back down onto the chair across from the bed.

Whew. Safe.

Someone then knocked, and Aizawa came for the door. The pro hero then looked at me, "He's asking if you're done with the files. It seems like he's in a hurry too."

"Uh, yeah, sure… I think…" I quickly closed the envelope and lifted my hand. Aizawa-san then took the thing using his Hobaku Buki and handed to the person, which I think is an errand boy sent by the principal himself.

After that, the room fell in silence. We had nothing to do, after all… but I'm really itching to do something to take my mind off of things. The scars from my yesterday is still fresh and is still inflicting deep damage into my soul. I want to take a break, really.

I sighed, leaning back at my pillow.

I feel trapped when confined in a small room, knowing that I cannot do anything about it. I also feel like I'm on the verge of exploding, like I'm hanging on a piece of thread, slowly but surely falling into the darkness. I want to vent out my feelings, but I have no one to talk to…

Training would do the trick, but… I have someone watching over me right now, and I really can't sneak out. I would've already if I could but, judging by the look of Aizawa-san's face, I think he's going to definitely drag me back into this room when I try to "sneak out"… again.

Actually, I could sneak out using one of my abilities but…

I looked down at my scarred and bandaged hands, releasing another heavy sigh. This time, I'm sure Aizawa-san caught on. He even raised a brow at me. "What is it… that you want?" He asked rather casually.

I blinked at him, laughing embarrassedly, "I… uh… I'm a bit… bored."

"Me, too." He yawned, "Just sleep it in, kid." He got up, pulling out his yellow sleeping bag out of nowhere and getting in it before turning his back to me.

I deadpanned at him. Even in this timeline, he's still the same old Aizawa I know.


Aizawa never really raised his guard towards this mysterious young man, and he felt rather comfortable around the said young man without any real reason—which would usually raise some red flags in his mind but those said flags are not doing their jobs properly because… Izō seems trustable enough to be around with.

Of course, the possibility of the young man being a villain is still there, but seeing that the young man himself received something from the school principal is pushing that theory far, far away.

The only alarming thing right now is the fact that Aizawa's scent, his blood, specifically, has been found on the young man's scent back when the Hound Hero found him. He's pretty sure he hadn't made any contact with Izō before, let alone dumped his own blood to the young man's clothes—who on earth would do that?!

That sure is a mystery that totally needs to be solved like, woah.

For now though, Aizawa can rest assured, lay low, and be at ease around the boy. He doesn't want to make the young man feel a bit uneasy around him. He can't wait to question the principal about Izō too.


Author-san's back.

I'm gonna disappear again for a short while though. I have commissions on top of commissions to finish soooo---

Imma just leave these two chapters here ^~^

Thank you for reading QwQ~~~

Mistemuscreators' thoughts