
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 5

(A/N: Being completely honest, I started writing because I'm to impatient for new chapters of my favorite novels to come out, so I decided- 'shit... I'll make my own' and to keep updating I'm trying to challenge myself to keep the word count of the fanfic above the amount of views webnovel tells me it has. It hurts.

also BRO, people you need to comment on the question related stuff I have, like comon dude, i want input for which way my story should go when i ask for it=

Sincerly, your favorite gremlin writer :3)

Waking up, Wilhelm lazes in bed for awhile before finally choosing to actually get up and out of bed, he does some stretches to assist his rather stiff muscles and bones while letting out a yawn. "Maybe I should just break them every morning rather then stretching, muscles and bones grow back stronger anyway-..." After finishing his quick self monologue, he ensures he's dressed, with albeit still shredded clothes, and decides go out and start making his way back to the dungeon for some early morning earnings to get himself a new outfit, that one both fits in with what people in Orario actually wear, and two, clothes aren't shredded.

Perhaps he can even draw up and sell some designs to the tailors with the condition of getting some royalties or privileges with each article of clothing sold.

Changing to his while changing to his bird like form and flying in the direction of the dungeon again, Wilhelm 'trashes' so to speak, most the abilities he got from the fights that he held with the goblins and kobolds, the only exception being a challenging howl that if he uses with his mana he can impulsively make monsters present around him challenge him one on one, like a gauntlet run, or similiar to how animals fight amongst themselves to get priority or benefits by being the strongest in the group.

Wilhelm knows that such an ability only works for him due to his ability to change his own DNA, allowing the howl to afflict only the monsters he's killed as they're the only ones he's gotten DNA from, this wouldn't work on war shadows or killer ants yet because he hasn't killed or essentially absorbed any part of DNA from them yet. The other reasons this work include monster's obvious lack of intellect, and the fact that he can also infuse his energy or mana into his howl via his vocal cords, making his voice more powerful in the process.

Entering the dungeon, Wilhelm reverts to his human form and begins walking through the dungeon with a smile as he removes one of his damascus swords from his storage space and holds it in his right hand.

Making his way through the small groups of goblins on the first and second floor, making much quicker work of their groups then last time being that he has both a well forged sword and his improved fighting techniques that he researched during the last dungeon dive. Othatue makes it to the third floor where he decided to end his venture the previous time he was in the dungeon.

Deciding to not expend time looking for his opponents, he uses the howl ability he mentioned previously and hopes the events of him using the ability to draw monsters towards himself don't make to the guild's or the ears of other adventurers, as obviously he's still not in a familia yet doing something they would think of as so dangerous?

Pushing his worries away, he violently flicks his sword in a direction away from himself, causing the blood to fly off it's smooth and stainless surface while he awaits for the approaching monsters.

But a few moments later, dozens of groups of monsters approach him, Goblins and Kobolds only with some even having poorly handled weapons drawn. The scrawny and undeveloped figures of each monster glaring at him prepped for battle.

One goblin at a time begins approaching him for their battle almost like an honorable duel of sort, which caused Wilhelm laugh loudly at how absurdly amazing the ability he developed is, and while it does use a good amount of mana, Wilhelm's mana and energy of all sorts simply replenish with his capacity expanding every time he takes damage in his fights or hurts himself for the sake of regaining mana.

There were a few straggler monsters that during his duel attempted to join the fight to aggressively kill the invader of the dungeon that was infront of them, but another simple mana infused howl put down such thoughts and caused the monsters to wait there turn which they were to angry and excited for the sort of tribal challenge to realize they were just on a chopping block.

After finishing with multiple large groups on the third floor, he gathers the monster's magic crystals they each dropped, along with the few items they gave, and repeated the same process on the 4th floor before venturing back up to get out of the dungeon.

Having taken the same amount of time as the previous day in the dungeon but according to his calculations, he more then tripled his earnings with what should be 75,000-90,000 valis. He cheers himself on mentally for crafting his own sword and modifying the diluted racial ability he stole from the disturbing kobolds that look like half dog half man that he killed the previous day.

Flying his way through Orario, he sells the items he got from todays venture to the same merchant from the black market as last time while managing to bargain for 80,000 valis for his efforts. Now with roughly 94,000 valis total he begins making his way through Orario again this time searching for tailor and clothing shops.

Entering one that seemed to be of pretty good quality considering the building's condition looks quite new and rather developed considering the time period or era the world is in. Wilhelm began casually browsing, he picked up a few white tunics, few red ones and a couple others of random color that he liked, along with new pairs of tan, blue, black and white pants to go with the shirts. Finishing off his shopping he bought something that would pass for a suit for the off chance he may have to attend a more formal gathering.

After paying roughly 30,000 valis for his new attire Wilhelm leaves the store and manages to casually put all his new clothes away in his storage dimension with the exception of one outfit that he uses to replace his mostly shredded shirt and cut up pants. Now wearing one of his white tunics, white pants with a brown belt and the same brown trench coat, Wilhelm leaves the store behind with the peace of mind that his more rapidly developing body (due to his regeneration repairing and making his body stronger according to where it was previously damaged) won't be on display for everyone to see.

Happy with how his day went thus far, Wilhelm heads back to the inn he presently lives in and flops down on his bed before taking out some of the documents about recruiting familias and cross refrences them with information he obtains by searching with his 'computerized mind' before putting the documents back in his storage and falling asleep, still indecisive on if he should join a familia and which one he should pursue if joining one.

My head hurts the way you people don't answer my questions, I really want to know which way you guys want the story to go, familia or no familia? if familia, which one? like damn i'm getting no opinions from you guys on this and it makes me sad, least i got some votes on who some of you guys want for the harem.

GremlinWritercreators' thoughts