
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 6

(A/N: I know that I'm kind of putting out filler chapters already but I'm using them to establish connections as this guy literally just fell into the world having no one close to him, and i felt the need to do some filler while people put their votes for harem members, familia possibility, and whatever the next world should be- which will obviously be kind of far off.)

Wilhelm spent most of the following days in a similar manner to how he started in Orario, to avoid drawing attention while making his body grow stronger through his self destructive activities in the dungeon along with causing his mana capacity to grow at a similar rate to his body. Using his computerized like mind, Wilhelm continuously keeps his body's growth minimized to a more lean build, it's apparent he has muscle but it's much more densely packed rather then his body bulking out.

The days he spends in the same manner pass into weeks, weeks into months, and now it's been roughly three years since he came to Orario. While he hasn't yet joined a familia, he's started the routinely event of making his way into the dwarf of the hephaestus familia to make more damascus steel blades for himself, appreciating their cheap creation cost for materials compared to blades made from other minerals, but it's not like he pays for the materials he uses from the dwarf anyway most of the time, he just leaves one or two of his more finely crafted damascus blades as an 'apology' with a note, sometimes leaving valis that amount to half the material usage cost.

The alias he used when communicating with the dwarf through notes seemed to become a more renowned smithing name amongst the beginner and some older adventurers, as his weapons are of extremely good quality considering the amount the hephaestus familia puts them out for, they also have repeatedly claimed they don't have a direct affiliation with 'Jorer' but claim that the person just leaves behind weapons as compensation for using one of their forges.

Smiling to himself as he thinks about how kind and noble some gods can be, an example clearly being hephaestus here as she doesn't credit her family at all for the creation of the beautiful blades.

Details of his appreciation aside, being that it's been- a little more then three years since he came to danmachi and he arrived 12 years before the start of cannon, the notable events that happened during this time would be Ryuu and Bete traveling to Orario, Ryuu leaving her home forest and Bete after his clan died from an attack. Zanis taking control of the Soma family is happening if not already, Ais and Aki have joined the loki familia with Ais also having fought the black wyvern.

"huup-!" Wilhelm jumps up from his bed in the inn he's staying at with a smile, he's been progressing at a really good and steady pace with his tactics, techniques and practical knowledge. Wilhelm's also started to dable in sound magic to start with his computerized mind searching for info on from many different technologically advanced and magic involved societies.

He can do things like sound bursts where the sound barrier is intensely broken not by speed technically but just his mana and cause massive damage to internal parts of ones body based on the intensity he chooses, he can also opt to create sounds within the range of anywhere up to 100 or so feet away from himself as his control has gotten better. Also obviously he's able to amplify or hinder sounds as he pleases within a similar range that he's able to create them. Effectively he's able to use sound illusions without anyone being immune to it because he's making the sounds real, as for light magic, he's able to manipulate light to only change what others see by changing the light that reflects off one's eyes, he hasn't yet been able to concentrate light to do things like create beams or such. So as it is now, he's able to create near perfect illusions, their only flaw is one can 'see' through them when trying to touch or physically interact with the illusion he creates, where as regular illusion magic he would be able to alter the sense of touch, taste, and smell as-well.

Aside from his desire to utilize illusions, he decided to explore air magic, as he's able to do so much more with air then magics like sound and is also now able to control it's flow and principles to a similar extent as his sound magic.

"Mmm- two more years till I start interacting more with the characters and change their development, how exciting." while mumbling softly to himself, Wilhelm leaves the inn and walks the streets of Orario, taking time off from the dungeon for one of the first times in his three years here as he walks about the city before deciding the location for today's intents.

He begins walking towards Miach's familia, a familia known for their business as a pharmacy and their work with alchemy. After arriving he takes note of the sleepy and lethargic appearing Chienthrope girl at the sales counter, Naaza Erisuis.

Before greeting her or interacting with her he manipulates the light around his own body to make himself appear to have a much more tanned skin tone compaired to his white skin, emerald like eyes compared to his usual opal blue eyes, his skin appearing to have some acne due to his light manipulation while his actual face remain unblemished.

Only choosing this method of concealment because he wishes to not have his actual identity exposed just because of giving other ideas that would normally make people famous for their innovations and because he wanted to test the performance of his own light magic, and after looking at his own body a bit, he approved of it's function.

With a seemingly professional smile Othatue proceeds to speak with Naaza, "Greetings, I would like to speak with God Miach about a possible business partnership, as I do not have the proper facilities, materials, or brewery experience." Finishing with a polite bow and still maintaining his professional smile.

"mmm-" Naaza hums quietly for a moment while observing the person infront of her before coming to the belief they mean no harm or negativity. "Very well, please go inside and up to the second floor, you'll find him there."

Giving another polite bow to keep up the idea of his kind nature, Wilhelm steps inside before looking around the somewhat small familia home and goes up the stairs as told and finds Miach currently brewing. "God Miach, I have a business proposal for you if I may." Pulling out a few recipes for creations like deoderant, certain perfumes, shampoo and conditioner, all with detailed description of how they're supposed to be used and what they do.

"hmm- oh yes? My apologies I'm not normally expecting such offers." Miach turns around to face the man who's come before questioning. "What does this business offer hold?"

Rather then speaking about the products, Wilhelm hands Miach the prepped recipes with a smile before speaking about his idea of the business relationship. "I plan to come to your familia with all business ideas pertaining to alchemy, I would just like 10% of the profit for each sale, but rather then finishing or making the deal official now I would like you to make these products and test each one over the coming week so you can give me your opinion later, similarly, If our deal becomes official, I'll stop by once every week at it's end to pick up my share of the profits."

With a warm smile in return Miach speaks, "Very kind of you to offer such a deal, but- I'm curious as to why you came to me with this deal and why are the profits so much in my favor when it's your idea?"

"I'm aware of your kind and gentle reputation God Miach, I appreciate what your family does for adventurers and others, your familia is one I would like to prosper. Now, I do hope that our partnership will be fruitful and successful if you find the innovations to be satisfactory for sale. Also, if need be you can refer to me by Jorer." Finishing up the conversation with Miach, Wilhelm gives a respectful bow to the god.

Smiling at the seemingly kind young man before him, Miach responds with his own goodbye before turning back around to his brewery station and begins working on the new products which he holds recipes for while Wilhelm leaves the pharmacy with a smile (He has been sneaking looks at the people who have animal ears or tails internally wanting to pet them a lot, just forgot to add that detail most time :3). Happy with another fruitful day while he contemplates which god or goddess he should interact with next.