
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 4

After entering the guild, Othatue begins looking and walking around it's lobby, taking in the sights and all for a few minutes before getting into the shortest line at the time. Othatue believing it's the shortest line because it's all guys who mostly look like they're about to make love confessions with absurdly hopeful expressions, surely whoever they're confessing to they'll be in a rush to do so and leave the guild immediately afterwards?

Wilhelm soon realizes that they were actually confessing to the receptionist, Rose Fannett, after hearing her voice and seeing her face once the line shortened up quite a bit due to her consistent rejections of each person.

Reaching the counter where Rose is stationed after a few minutes, Wilhelm speaks, "Greetings, i would like to register at the guild and I would like a list of recruiting familias as-well please."

"Very well." Rose states, responding with her usual distanced demeanor.

After taking the presented paper, Wilhelm begins filling out his personal information, along with stating that he specializes in CQC (close quaters combat) with swords and hands at the given moment, also adding that he's learning magic at the moment on the paper but claims to be slow with making progress. While Wilhelm does like the idea mildly of joining a familia, he would prefer a bond he can trust, rather then to be seen as a tool by the god or goddess he serves, so after finishing his profiled paper he trades it with the documents of recruiting familias Rose grabbed for him.

"Those documents also detail events that take place for more prestigious familias that have sorts of competitions to enter their groups if you're interested or believe you can succeed." Rose states calmly while giving a once over of the profiled paper he gave her before filing it away. "Is that all for today?"

"Yes ma'am, thank you." Wilhelm responds with a nod of his head and light polite bow before walking away with the familia related documents in hand as he starts walking to one of the residence related districts of Orario, looking for an inn to relax at while he reads the documents he was given.

Finding a nice sweet inn owned by an kind elderly beast-kin couple, managed by their few kids, Othatue pays 4,400 valis to stay two nights with no added benefits.

Going up to his designated room, he enters and sits down on the bed before beginning to read through the documents he's carried with him, starting by organizing the event entry related familias into one pile, the smaller related familias into another, familias he just doesn't wish to join he sets down in a pile furthest away from himself, which include Evilus related familias and familias like Hermes or Ganesha as he has no desire to be used as a pawn in some villain's game and no desire to play hero of justice.

He sighs once more at all the papers and work he's going through, but them shames himself because he should be happy that he has both a new life to live and essentially a prestigious one at that due to the powers he's been granted. According to the events he's seen thus far and noticed, it appears he's 11-12 years in Danmachi before the cannon, which allows him to change a lot of things if he wants.

Utilizing his computerized mind, he notes that he has about six-seven years to prep for taking down the juggernaut when it appears due to evilus and kills the Astrea familia. He only really wants to kill the juggernaut because Ryuu was a character he kind of liked, and he intends to help that familia be happy rather then ripped apart by a psychotic dog dude or whatever who wants to take monsters with his whip. He also believes he benefits as rather then putting in the work to summon a juggernaut himself, he can just use the one someone else summons.

He could also prevent Zanis Lustra from taking control of the soma family- but he decides to let Zanis and work with that familia later, planning for when he's developed his capabilities enough to use their familia as an brewery buisness.

"haaah~ so many ideas it would probably kill my brain if it wasn't for the regeneration..." Wilhelm sighs and states sarcastically with a vague emotional pain in his voice. "I guess I can also rob Evilus a bit when Loki, Freya, and Ganesha hit their bases..." Othatue sets the the piles of familias he is considering joining in his storage dimension, separately and tears up the remaining documents of familias that he has no wish to join. Othatue drops the paper scraps in his storage dimension and lays down on the bed in his temporary room before falling asleep while looking up at the celling.

The top floor of Babel tower-

"Mmm~" with a small hum there sits a woman on a chair overlooking the city of Orario from top floor of the Babel tower, a place she has all to her familia. "Dear Ottar~ have we gotten any information on the mysterious boy yet~?" giggling to herself in a seductive manner as she speaks and swirls her wine glass which rests in her hand around a little while in thought.

Ottar, the level six that the woman was speaking to responds, "My lady, we've gotten very little information from the guild, no familia, there is not much of interest my lady with the exception of lack of information concerning background and relations." Ottar states while handing Freya the report he gathered.

"Hmm~ what a peculiar boy don't you think so~?" Freya questions with the same tone she spoke with previously, while Ottar doesn't respond to the rhetorical question. "Well~ I suppose it would be interesting to observe the boy for a while~" After looking over the report a few times she lays it to the side and continues to take sips occasionally from her glass of wine.

(A/N: i don't know exactly where hephaestus's forge is, I'm assuming it's somewhere on the floors where her stores are)

Within an advanced forge, an immensely sweltering area-

"You said the person who made these blades used your forge during the dead of night and got in without anyone noticing their entry to the premise of your land?" A woman with red hair and an eye patch questions the dwarf that brought her some oddly very unique blades and a well finished sword.

"Yes." The dwarf responds, still angry with rather pronounced veins bulging in his forehead while thinking whichever brat entered his forge and had the gall to leave such a note after using some of his materials.

"How interesting, this seems notably like a few metals were merged together almost with something like a folding technique which gave the metal it's design... It seems like the two other blades you gave me were failures almost in an intentional sense, as the progression between the development between these three blades became significantly better- either that or this child has absurd learning potential... hmm-" Hephaestus goes quiet in thought for a few moments after her banter while continuing to observe the blades and it's qualities.

"Jorer- what an interesting alias to give yourself, I do wonder if it means something-... well no matter, I hope they intend to show up for our craftsman competition, as long as they're a quality person I'd like them in my family." Hephaestus mumbles quietly to herself, still not noticing how angry the dwarf still seems with such circumstances.