
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 3

Meeting with the guards and receiving his turn to pass through their security, it takes around an hour for them to fully inspect this new visitor with no identification and to help the man set up a 'new' identity as he has no previous records on him or worth of mention, as for giving the man identification- his name is now 'Othatue' according to the identification that he had help with the guards from after paying a sizable and charitable fee.

Making his way into the city of Orario, Othatue wonders how he should begin his time in the city while beginning to walk through it's streets. 'Is there really a purpose in registering at the guild when I'm not part of a familia yet? Also should i really join a familia when I have my "powers" like these so to speak? Sigh~~ all so tiring to think about, I don't even know what time period in Danmachi that I'm in yet.'

During the night Othatue begins observing the forges of Orario so he may craft his own blades without concern. While what he may be doing is illegal as he wont be asking for permission, he plans to leave behind the blades that he fails to make properly, along with one of the blades he succeeds in creating as compensation, leaving a note behind aswell to explain his situation.

Knowing theoretical knowledge won't equal him experience in the trade he understands that failed creations are going to be in inevitable for himself. After searching with his computerized mind about methods for work with damascus steel, he utilizes the forge of an old-looking dwarf to make five damascus blades, he leaves two failures of his, one of his successes and puts his other two blades into his in storage dimension. After leaving a note with the blades he left behind, Othatue leaves the forge in his bird form and takes note of it being early morning by the time he does, so after pulling an all-nighter he decides to simply sleep on someone's roof while in his bird-like form and get food when he wakes up.

Waking up a bit after noon, Othatue reverts to his human forms and slides down into an alleyway off the building roof he was sleeping on, before converging into the city's foot-traffic and begins traveling in the direction he believes the hostess of fertility is, for his lunch. While arriving he took a few precautions in attempt to inhibit to conceal the true appearence of his soul so to as hopefully still not obtain Syr's or Freya's interest.

After entering the pub, Othatue is greated by Chloe Rollo and directed to his seat by the cute black haired cat girl before placing an order of soup and some roasted chicken for himself, leaning back in his seat and relaxing as the girl takes the order to the kitchen.

While waiting, Othatue hears the footsteps of someone approaching him, but doesn't open his eyes. "Most adventurers don't walk around the city with most of their clothes cut and torn up y'know, you should be especially careful around places like the pleasure district if you're gonna look like that~" the voice of a teasing syr resounds in his ears as the footsteps stop nearby him, as she appears to take the time to observe him.

"tsk-" clicking his tongue in a low tone, rather a bit annoyed with himself that he hasn't cared to get himself a functioning normal outfit yet during the time in the city.

"hmm, did you just click your tongue, a bit shy when it comes to others perhaps~? Or are you intentionally showing off parts of your body~?" she seems to continue this teasing idea by directing her gaze up and down his body, mostly across the cuts in his shirt.

"It's your imagination, I assure you." He states casually while keeping his eyes closed while still leaning back in his chair.

"hohoho-" before being able to continue her upcoming train of thought with the mysterious man, with what seems to be a somewhat deformed soul according to freya's discerning eyes; Mia Grand, the owner, cuts her off and demands she get back to her work with rush hour soon coming along.

Othatue lets out a sigh of relief as one of the banes towards men's rationality, steps away from him and is out of range to hear his sigh. A few minutes later chloe, returns with the food he had ordered- steaming hot and fresh and eats his food happily before paying the bill and leaving the pub soon after to again walk the streets of Orario, he decides he'll visit the guild before the day ends to look into available familias and see if any interest him.

(A/N: do you guys want him to join a familia or not? because it would serve as more of an alliance then means to level him up due to computerized mind, he can utilize the excelia to 'level up' how others would but do so without falna, getting into a familia would however help him do it more efficiently. And if he should join a familia, which one?)

At the forge of the old dwarf.

The old man enters his forge seemingly eager to begin and continue his creative work with metals. A hardworking man indeed as he does so throughout the day in the forge's sweltering heat. After finishing a few blades and weaponry to add to his shop's stock, he takes note of a few blades he did not craft, the surface of each blade holding a different pattern or design in the metal, and also appearing to have multiple metals mixed in. Two of the blades seem chipped a little and it's edge made a little to thin for functional use, regardless because of how they look they would seem to serve as possibly good cerimonial blades due to their unique appearence. According to the old dwarf's observations.

The third blade however seems to be a fine work of the bladesmith art that well utilized the weird metal that it had been made from. The Dwarf picks up the sword and swings it a few times to get a feel for it. Taking note of it's good balance and light weight despite being a long sword, he also takes note of it's well attuned sharp edges before seeing a piece of paper along the end of the sword. Taking the paper and unfolding it to observe it's content it says-

"Greetings, I used your forge the previous night to craft myself some weaponry for the dungeon as i wish to be self sustaining and rely on both myself and what I make, so in the meantime of me developing my skills to second nature and getting more wealth for my efforts, I gave you a few of the blades I tried to craft with my knowledge but lack of experience, I hope that you find them satisfactory.

While I may not disclose my true name due to the conditions of this event, if need be you can refer to me as- Jorer."

The Dwarf grips the paper tighter for a moment in annoyance at the brat the used his forge, before realizing he can do nothing to expose the brat to his wrath presently, so he decides to take the swords to his captain or forging goddess for further observation if possible and what to do about such a situation.