
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 2

(A/N: Heyo! I'm back because I'm hyperfocusing the novel right now as my friends in vc talk about pokemon variations mashed together- there was one named like 'pinblade' or something bro i was so goddam confused. Anyway, hyperfocusing the novel and trying to put out as much as I can to make a remedy for my upcoming lack of an update schedule.)

During the man's flight towards Orario, he comes to the realization that he requires money to enter the city, also to pay for identification, so he decides to fly over the wall like a simple bird, holding the belief that no one will notice or care about him, the only worry he holds really is if he catches the ire of a being like Freya who holds the ability to see souls; as he thinks going through and remembering his own death, even if to a vague extent, would massively change what his soul would look like.

Regardless of such concerns, after flying past the boarders of the city, he makes his way to the dungeon because he realized while traveling to the city he required money and as he had none; he chose to make some quick money through the dungeon illegally by selling the magic crystals he obtains from his kills through the black market.

Letting his mind space out as he travels, he also comes to the realization that he requires a name, a factor he strangely only noticed while reviewing what he knows about Danmachi. (A/N: both information from online via 'computerized mind' and his past memories) This is clear as the memories he had about connections in his previous life seem to be faded, non-existent, including the association of his own name!

'Mmmm- not like i know anyone quite yet, I'll think about it later...' with the passing thought, he enters the dungeon still in his previous bird form and chuckles mentally to himself at both how easy he's having due to the speed he has to bolt past most people present in the area, while those who do notice him, don't seem to care about the bird's antics. Beginning to search through the dungeon's 1st floor for his opponents, he also reverts himself to his human form, his clothes appearing on his shifting body in the same instance from his storage space, with the exception of his trench coat as he may not be able to wash all the blood off from his body when he leaves the dungeon, he plans to have his coat in mint condtition to make the likely upcoming bloodstains more obscure and hidden.

Soon running up on a small band of goblins, The man throws a few of his previously gathered rocks to get their attention as it lands in the opposite direction of himself, the sound alerting the group of goblins and making them focus their attention in the same direction as he makes his way closer to them as quietly as he can like it's some sort of stealth game.

After coming up on the closest one goblin that was facing away from himself he proceeds to swiftly cover it's mouth from behind and use sharp claws of it's right hand to make the goblin stab itself in the throat while keeping it muffled. The goblin quickly turning to black dust in the man's face as the magic crystal of the goblin drops to the ground from it's body, it's sound alerting the remaining goblins to his presence as they heard the sound, earning a sigh from the man as crouches down a bit, lowering his center of gravity a bit while he raises his forearms in-front of himself, assuming a boxing like stance as the remaining three goblins of the group rush at him with their claws respectively.

The man thinking quickly, due to his forced rational state with the help of computerized mind, he quickly uses the same skill alter his bodily function and force himself into a state of adrenaline. With enhanced vigor due to his rush of adrenaline the man side steps a goblin that was lunging at him with it's claws extended and brings his knee up hard to it's lower abdomen. While opting to take a slash to the side of his gut from the second goblin that leaves a deep gash in his lower abdomen, the man takes the stunted goblin he disabled with his knee and swiftly moves to use it both as a shield and weapon due to the third goblin's action of rushing at him soon after the second, causing the third goblin to impale itself on the claws of the first goblin and also fatally wound the first goblin which the man used well to function as his shield.

With both goblins turning to dust and leaving behind their magic stones, the man turns to the 2nd goblin, that's already rushing at him again with clear intent of landing a second attack on him. The man proceeds to catch the goblins claw like nails in his forearm and does well to keep them there as grips the goblin's other arm and forces the goblin to stab itself with it's own claws.

After his seemingly rough fight, the main collected his few magic stones from the dead goblins before going off to find more while he also downloads and starts watching multiple videos and teqniques for him to utilize between each brawl he takes.

Many hours later in the day, around late evening or so, the man stretches with a seemingly tired groan after finishing his last brawl with the goblins and kobolds alike on floors 1-4, he starts making his way back through to the entrance of the dungeon with roughly 180-200 magic crystals now in his storage dimension. The man flies out of the dungeon after he switched back to his bird shifted form from before and begins looking around Orario for the black market to sell the crystals. While it may be illegal and at a lower profit for him, he doesn't require identification or to be in a familia to sell to the black market.

After selling all his possessed magic crystals, and scoring roughly 23,000 valis for his work through most of the day, the man travels over the wall a bit of distance away where he reverts to his human like form and washes his mostly shredded shirt and partly cut pants of all the blood he can before drying them as swiftly as he can and proceeds to put on his trench coat along with taking his satchel out of his storage and putting it on aswell, lining his satchel with his earnings for the day so he doesn't expose his storage magic to the guards when he pays them the fee for helping with his official identification and entry into Orario.

The man begins to make his way back to Orario's line of entry and begins patiently waiting for his turn as he gets progressively closer to the entrance.

(A/N: Obviously I have not named the Mc yet, as if I name the Mc tonight while I'm dying from an eye burning sensation and mentally crippling league games- I'll end up naming the guy stupid between 'Dwight' and 'Fredrick Finnagin the 3rd' so help out a poor author hear and leave some name suggestions for the Mc :] also don't forget to recomend harem members in the previous chapter!)