
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 12

(A/N: first part of this chapter is from a different pov, will switch

Also this chapter came out later then i anticipated because i was getting a new phone, my old one stopped charging properly, and didn't connect well to service anymore.)

Within the top floor of babel tower~

A beautiful woman, whose charm commands obedience and fealty to those who see her, overlooks Orario as if it's one of her usual activities or past-times to do so.

After taking a sip of wine from a glass she's holding in one hand, she speaks with a sensual tone to no one in particular and vocalizes her thoughts, "So he demonstrates inventory or the like magic in public without a care, but rather with an absurd level of confidence~? What could give a level 1 such an apathetic attitude when it comes to exposing such rare abilities for their own~?"

Taking another sip of her wine as she looks in the direction of the Twilight manor delving deeper into contemplation, "He just joined the familia according to records- and immediately afterwards the Loki familia pay a hefty sum for a quality and quickly made forge in their backyard~? What an interesting boy~" Freya steps back into her room with a sensual sigh matching the tone of her voice while setting her wine glass down and walking to her bed before laying down and splendorous naked appearence exposed as she prepares to rest while holding hopes that when her Odr appears, they'll have a similar confidence to steal her heart with-

Under the possibility this man isn't to be her destined one of course, she'll find out all in due time whether he is to be or isn't.

While across Orario the thoughts of the city's leading factions are in someway similar to Freya's, none of them are as perverse- with the exception of known villains hiding in the shadows, thinking greedily about the possibility of removing a valued asset from their enemies.

Meanwhile, unknowing mostly of the variable he's now viewed to be, Wilhelm sits in his forge thinking of the best ways presently for him a larger amount of the more valued metals from Orario's market, if he gets enough he could analyze the structure of the metal, he can repeatedly expend his energy capacities for the sake of transmutating different materials into the desired metal, or he can again do something more experimental and make a artificial high quality veins of both metals underground with the help of runes and earth related magic so the veins 'regenerate and expand' how he chooses- but doing so would likely lead him down a rabbit hole of more work to automate the work just so he could perform other tasks and ambitions he's hoping to accomplish.

With an irritated groan he leans his head back against a wall of the forge and looks up at the celling, part of him hoping for motivational support so he can get himself to work more for his plans and ideas that he likes significantly and wish to be fulfilled while he lacks the motivation that he needs.

Clapping the sides of his face as he looks back down Wilhelm expels such thoughts as he begins to forge more weaponry with a sort of augmented damscus metal, being of various different metals- most of which he'll be sneakily dropping off at the forge of the old dwarf he used for such an extended period time- which he plans to leave a note with, detailing that his crafts will likely stop traveling their way as they have been, and that he'll eventually reveal himself to them at some point or another. To ensure they know it's him, he plans to leave in the notes that he'll present a long chain of sorts and a bow with damascus metal involved through it's riser and where the arrow rests.

Writing the note first, he then proceeds to drop it in his storage dimension for the time being while deciding to enscript some heavy presence and aura sealing Norse runes on his forge as decides to begin exploring divinity and arcanum, as both principles he can now associate and make use of after Loki performed the ritual adding him to her familia. To think only a drop of blood would be enough to change so much and add so much potential because that was all he needed to begin exploring the 'DNA' of a god in practice rather then just the theories his computerized mind could give him.

While analyzing his present examples he comes along a theory or two of his own that seem to correspond with the little he's chosen to learn through his computerized mind, Divinity seems to alter one's mind and consciousness as it makes the person seemingly more align with their principles of divinity or their concepts.

'possibly the stronger the divinity or god, the more their personality is altered?' Wilhelm questions mentally.

Deciding not to make himself some sort of god yet and rather isolate the means of new energy or divinity within his body and soul, he then proceeds to start manipulating the sort of divinity Loki's blood gave him and experimenting to see if there's such a way to change or morph the concepts he would gain if he were to make such usage of the blood he got from Loki despite being so little in amount and quality due to the goddess being in a mortal coil and it being but a drop of blood.

While working on the divinity lying within using a portion of his attention, he begins to drive his remaining attention into hammering and forging his last drop off of free weapons to the hepheastus familia, knowing that if he manages to warp the divinity into matching with other concept, he's likely going to start the creation of the soul bound weapons he so desires- that along with the weapons he'd make from then on would probably be based on mythical events sort of weapons or variation of weapons from different lore that he can find or view with his computerized mind.

After moving a newly created damascus scimitar type sword onto a rack he thinks to himself mentally, 'sigh- what a struggle my life would be without these abilities, I rely on them so much- truly I'm living the life.' Stepping back to continue forging more damascus weaponry of extensive variants to further polish out his blacksmith skills and ensure diverse capabilities for himself- tending to things that require more effort and focus of him.

Finishing- hours later

With the new batch of weapons done, Wilhelm begins setting up runes throughout his personal base and forge which begin to light up vibrantly- and excavate the ground in levels under his forge. While making runes autonomously work to excavate further levels of area below his forge- leaving only extremely compacted dirt as supports in the soon to be created areas, he begins working on a personal artifact that he through about just recently. Creating the artifact with the intention of hiding energies within the forge from outside beings, including his soon to be divinity after he finishes messing whimsically with concepts, he also plans to temporarily bind the divinity he'll gain to the artifact so the dungeon will have no chance of freaking out against him in the case it would've sensed his energies.

Getting to work after setting up an amazing time dilation rune in the shop- (the rune essentially stops time outside comparitively to the inside of the forge- he incorprated a sacrifical rune that will begin to take his blood and 'wound' him when he runs out of mana to power the rune which is beyond his level- the sacrifice of blood will give him more mana and he'll consistently heal faster then the blood lost.)

After working for what should be almost three weeks inside his forge, he finished the artifact he wished to create along with two and a half excavated floors, the second floor below ground he intends to transform it into a farm (with an artificial sun that he plans to create, it obviously won't be as hot as the sun so his base doesn't burn away, but it'll essentially emit energy that will help plants/start up whatever ecosystem he plans to create)- as a result he's made the second floor into a space of ten total acres because he likes to work in multiples of five and generally hates numbers that don't which caused most of the three weeks with the runes working were spent on the second floor, as he adjusted the runes many times over the three weeks.

Aside from that he made the first floor 4 acres, a two by two because the shape of the area would be more pleasing then just making a row- to his mind at least then a row of five. Deciding to put plans for his technological personal haven on the first floor for later, he adjusts the excavation runes once more for the 3rd underground floor, the area he plans to terraform into a mine with regenerative veins of metals that he creates at some point. (Mc: I'm base building to have fun right now with this strike of inspiration, don't judge me)

(A/N: I don't apologize for my shitty upload schedule, this note is going to get even worse- no, i'm not going to drop the series, if I ever thought of dropping my stories suddenly I would delete said story because I don't wish the chance of baiting new readers into taking in a new story just to have it cut off so suddenly- this note is getting worse because... IM MENTIONING OTHER FANFICS IM WRITING- YEEEEEEEEEAHHHHH, what a guy I am right? Anyway- the other fanfic that I have a few chapters ready for as of right now might be posted soon- it is a multiversal fic, the mc is op, will be harem, and as with all my writings will eventually become R18+ because I'm a degenerate- it starts off in highschool dxd {kinda}, the other Fanfic I'm writing right now- i have to fill out a long ass character sheet for the first chapter because it's a gimic gag mc, an mc that i plan to do even more stupid shit with- though beware because there will also be smut eventually, probably more degenerate stuff especially in that fanfic- don't judge this poor author, k? {third fanfic's world will be remnant} and that's all, no i have no clue when i'm gonna upload stuffs again ;) love you all!)