
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 11

(A/N: let me know in the comments by the way what type of weapons you'd prefer to see mc create and use, I'm likely not going to touch sword class weapons unless they're require or incite something vastly different from the standard sword.

Also for people Wilhelm will first pursue for his harem eventually as I write more: Hepheastus, Riveria, Ais, Rose Fannett. The most likely after those four are in this order- Freya/Syr, Tiona, Naaza, Tsubaki, Loki, Astraea, Aphrodite, Demerter- followed by others from different worlds that he would have to travel to, Grayfia and Esdeath.

Keep in mind most of these are possibilities, their position and likelihood will change based on votes towards or against them, also- anyone character not present within the list above can also be voted for and they will likely be added based on how many people voted for them.

As of right now this list also results in Highschool DxD or AGK being the next worlds Mc visits and interacts with, which notably will not be soon- as I have nine years essentially of content to cover be for Mc even touches cannon start in Danmachi.)

Waking up with a large grin on the Loki familia roof, Wilhelm sits up slowly and looks around the Familia grounds, after taking note it's almost two days (according to his internal clock) after the little spar he had and sighing contentedly at the fact he lazed around and slept for almost a full 48 hours- 'oh how good it feels to do nothing sometimes' he ponders internally.

While looking around he's rather surprised to see what looks like a construction familia working on a small new building swiftly a bit away from the mansion, grinning a bit to himself as he developed the sudden hope that giving the alcohol recipe to Loki enticed his goddess to hurry up on the construction of his standardized forge.

Upon a more intense inspection with his eyes, he can see the building has no windows, a few chimneys and is made mostly of stone and mortar with few metal alterations added to the building's framework. Most if not all the building's outer-structure is clearly finished but leaving the inside's state a mystery as a result.

He slides off the roof of the mansion and enters through it's front doors, beginning to sneak about the mansion (using his sound magic to nullify any sound he might make and light magic to warp the light around him so it just doesn't appear he is there) with the intention of startling his goddess before walking with her to the guild to get his official documentation within the familia done.

After finding she's in an office like room handling paperwork and groaning in exasperation due to her situation, Wilhelm walks in still maintaining his magics, and having placed a light illusion on the door to make it appear as though it doesn't move as he steps into the room, he makes his way behind the sitting Loki and stops using his light and sound magics to apply illusions of sorts and begins massaging her shoulders suddenly with a gentle intensity.

Startling Loki with both his touch and his sudden words as she believed herself to be alone, "How unbecoming of my goddess, to procrastinate and avoid the work right in-front of her."

Loki after coming out of her applied stupor speaks with disdain in her voice, "Tsk- says the one who was sleeping on my roof after essentially tossing all this work to me! You didn't even go with me to the guild yet for your familia registration ya' brat!"

"Ah- I claim that with all my innocence that I've forgotten to do as such." Wilhelm states in a mimicked shy tone while looking away and releasing her of his massage.

Loki sighs which gradually turns into a low growl of annoyance as he speaks his defense before responding, "Ya shameless brat! You're lucky that the alcohol recipe ya gave me good otherwise I'd have sweet Riveria beat you up!"

"Oh? I'm glad to hear that it was enjoyed my dear goddess, so shall we venture to the guild now? I get my registration done- and you get an excuse to get away from this work specifically." Wilhelm offers diplomacy to the goddess and offers a hand to Loki.

Reluctantly deciding to play along with the act, else she continue the paperwork which brought her to such a deplorable state, Loki stands up and motions for him to lead the way.

"Very well, shall I take you in the same form of carry I did last time we walked the streets goddess?" Wilhelm questions playfully while walking to the door with a following Loki who developed a light flush on her cheeks due to embarrassment at the memory before it fades essentially in the same instance.

"No, ya goddess not such a fragile being ya know?" Loki responds with a scoff towards his words.

"Sure." Wilhelm only gives a one word answer with a smile while leaving the mansion causing Loki to grumble quietly, annoyed that she cant seem to win anywhere yet when it comes to this mortal.

After registering officially at the guild and getting Rose Fannett as his dungeon advisor Wilhelm proceeds to question, "Is there anything else we should do while out or no?"

Loki hums for a moment and and taps her chin with a sort of smirk, "Perhaps you can pay for my food and d-"

Rather letting her continue with the same suggestion Wilhelm states sternly, "I'm not paying for your alcoholic addiction until I get more money, I may presently have a lot but I don't have that money with the purpose of just handing it out. However, I'll give you some because you got my workshop done quickly and I still haven't paid you back." Reaching into his storage dimension, Wilhelm hands over a large sack of valis pressumably according to the sound of coins hitting each other in the bag as Loki takes the bag from him which she proceeds to hold with two hands after taking notice of it's weight.

"Now let us go back to the manor, it's not a good idea to venture around with such a large sum of money you know?" Wilhelm states completely ignoring and not caring about the fact that he demonstrated an inventory like ability within the public eye.

Loki groans in annoyance both knowing he's right and having no comeback to his statement, also appearing to visibly upset due to his public execution of abilities.

Reaching the manor once more they separate to go for their own activities, Loki to count the money she just got with sort of greedy and mischevious eyes, hoping it amounts to more then what she paid for the workshop of sorts while Wilhelm goes to the finished forge purposed building.

Once inside his new shop of sorts he takes a minute to observe his new place of work, clearly having everything he needs it all appears new and in peak condition if not close as it should. Deciding to work on forging later however, Wilhelm first decides to experiment with runes- specifically Norse derived runes as he has a connection to Loki he believes they'll be the best rune language for him.

First starting with silence inscripted runes so his activities outside the forge cannot be heard, he puts reinforcement sort of runes on most of his equipment, before starting on a more strenuous project of connecting the temperature of fire within the forges to dials that he made with transmutation magic through his experimental Norse runes. While he may have spent a few hours hard focusing on such details and the act of trying to perfectly inscribe the runes, he still didn't have any practical knowledge of dealing with them yet, only his theoretical knowledge due to his computerized mind- similar to how he started out blacksmithing.

Infusing mana and energy into the runes he sees most of them glow and come to life in a way with different colors glowing through the inscriptions presently based on what they're associated with and their purpose, the silence related inscriptions purposed with keeping his activities inside unable to be heard from outside glow with a dark purple, the reinforcement inscriptions on the equipment seem to glow with an icy blue while the inscriptions that connect the dials to fires within the forge glow with a deep red radiating heat as if it holds the fire. Deciding it's easiest to test the dial related runes as it doesn't require the help of others or him intentionally trying to break his equipment, he turns a dial and sees a fire within the forge come to life gradually growing hotter and bigger the more he turns the dial before turning it back, and the fire extinguishes a moment later.

A grin beginning to develop on his face while reveling in yet another experimental success as he steps back and decides his next project. Building a sort of personal bunker under his workshop where he can work on more modern things for himself without disturbance or a place to relax if he ever wishes to sort of get away. But that's a project to begin after he begins developing magic relating to 'earth' or nature so he can expedite the process and set up a more stable place according to his own creative wishes.