
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

chapter 13

(A/N: Over the past few weeks, both the amount of assignments I have in classes have increased leading to a torn up schedule from what I was trying to develop, and also an urge to 'create' different stories from different ideas I have, the impulse of making new fanfics happened to be amplified by anime I've recently chosen to watch. Currently right now I have drafts for a 'cyberpunk' fanfic, Mc reincarnates [probably into another anime world, I'm not intelligible enough to avoid contradicting the logic and rules I would create if making my 'own fictional world'] with their knowledge and a few cheats I personally can't live without emotionally if I'm to be honest. Thinking of a spin off of the cyberpunk fanfic where they remain in their futuristically advanced world and continue their notorious criminal life while being an avid researcher to improve their own tech and equipment. A universe/multiverse hopping empath who cried more easily than I do to all those depressing animes' and their worst moments I've watched for wish fulfillment. Something apocalyptic focused as well with monsters, zombies, etc. because I'll eventually need times to focus my desire for brutality and sadism Into something so said impulses don't affect my other works more than they have or should. All are going to officially be R18 writings because I'm not willing to predict another unlikely outcome where I somehow mentally keep myself from perverting the story or utilize extreme depictions of violence.)

Taking a while to cherish his hard work and all the things he's completed thus far for himself for a moment, Wilhelm completely ignores the fact that he didn't show up to the scheduled dungeon lessons he had with Rose, the money which he didn't care to pick up for the past three weeks from the god Miach who he's given many recipes for deodorants, shampoos, conditioners, cleaner chemicals, and medical recipes for things like anti-biotics, vitamins, and such. Also obviously ignoring the familia he's a part of and has been living on the land of for the past three weeks- he also comes to realize what that banging from time to time was on the door, suddenly he's surprised that the quick words stating his good wellbeing was enough to assuage his familia from breaking down the door after the first week or setting some ground rules.

He just assumes they decided against it out of a sort of trust for their new familia member. Having finished his personal underground farm with a artificial sun created with luminescence magic and runes, his own more advanced workshop but still a bit behind modern times of his old world, A lab of similar advanced level to his workshop, and the 'artificial mine' he planned to develop already starting to grow on it's 'assigned' floor. For the first time in 3 weeks the Hyperfocusing idiot stepped out of his growing personal base and started walking to the familia mansion from the shed like structure in what would be described as the mansion's backyard.

Rushing his greetings to the familia members and notifying them he'll be gone for a little and return at the end of the day, Wilhelm rushes out the mansion without caring for permission or response from he seemingly angered familia, likely due to his actions.

(A/N: they tried breaking down the door to his shed workshop Loki had made but couldn't due to the rune defenses he repeatedly put up and connected to his mana/mind, considering this is currently around the time when he familia is lower leveled, he managed to do It with the combination that is his cheat like abilities, their lack of true effort, and their lack of according power)

Wilhelm's first stop is the god Miach, which before meeting the god he dons his fake identity once more which he plans to do away with today. Though going through the conversation of revealing who he is and which family he's a part of takes less time then he expected, he also manages to negotiate Miach have the funds transported to the familia mansion every month instead of him having to come pick up his portion of profits from the agreed royalties. As usual Wilhelm also leaves a few more recipes for soaps, cleaner solutions and medicines.

Finishing the talks with Miach and having his profits instead to be transferred to the Loki familia, (while deciding that their new monthly income will be a conversation he has later, meaning a future problem for future him, not the now him) Wilhelm it wouldn't hurt to lie a bit more to his familia, well not really much of a lie, he's leaving a note with one of the guards at the front gates before wishing the man the best of luck and then dashes off to the dungeon.

Having left a note stating that he probably won't be home for a few days- or until he can potentially reach level 3- maybe 4, he states they shouldn't worry about him much to his own idiocy.

Having made his way into the dungeon, Wilhelm begins shredding through his opponents while descending through floors, thanking his own conscious intelligence that he's left the spark of divinity, he developed from Loki's blood and him joining her familia, in his future residency and warehouse of work he planned and started developing.

If he didn't leave it behind… the dungeon would probably try to begin eating him. How interesting that would be.

Having slowed down deeper into the dungeon, around the 12-14th floors in his massacring escapades of monsters due to their rise in strength, he begins to take longer and obtain wounds once more while fighting, causing his soul and body more growth as a sort of desperate situation is simulated while he continues to obtain and heal wounds with each fight. The increased growth rate an effect of his self-destructive fighting style which simulates a sort of desperation, that he technically doesn't have but something often replicated in those who are in life or death fights. Uncaring of the amount of time, wounds he obtains, or limbs he repeatedly looses, within the dungeon while he continues to fight monsters.

Having gotten a few hundred magic stones from the monsters he's killed within his storage inventory Wilhelm finally takes a break a little while, it's notably been around two weeks since he entered according to his mental computerized clock, how time passes so quickly when he feels like getting into his work or whatever it is at the moment. He decides to cut his dungeon dive here, the lowest he's gone to being the 16th floor this time around.

Swapping his set of clothes that he's been wearing, getting torn up, blood stains across the cloth for a fresh undamaged outfit. Wilhelm steps out into the city of Ontario once more with a deep inhale… only to have his progression towards the guild to deposit the magic stones he has, stopped by a guard of the dungeon, noticing his face as it's the one of the Loki's familia new guy who went missing for a period of time as and also now known through Ontario as the guy who 'developed Damascus metal' and helped the Miach family essentially soar to riches with the recipes for new products they had received.

Apparently his connection between the Alias and himself were leaked around the time he revealed himself In truth to god Miach… pretty simple connection though not all of it was confirmed as no one's seen the Jorer who dropped weapons off at the smith's workshop but there's no other records of a 'Jorer' existing with the exception of being an alias now; and the smith stops dropping weapons off at a subordinate smith of Hepheastus right as another mysterious man going by the same name reveals himself and states that 'he has a familia now' how… coincidental, though none of this was directly confirmed, nor was the source which suspicion came from revealed.

"Sir! Please halt for questioning!" The guard exclaims, hoping to stop the elusive man who's avoided authorities that intend to tax him along with both gods and goddess who wish to have discussions with him.

Wilhelm just turns around and sheepishly points to himself with a mild mischievous smile while looking back a the guard, "Little old me?"

Stepping closer with his spear resting to the side of his body the guard responds, "Yes, authorities are concerned over your having been missing for two weeks as according to your familia's report and there are others who wish to question you about your business dealings."

Developing a frown across his face, Wilhelm responds, "I've given my inventions to others for their own use on the market, for many I don't own the rights of, I'm not responsible in that… and I was jus going to the adventurers guild… to pay my taxes…"

The guard gives a thoughtful frown to each pause in the man's words before nodding his head and stating, "Then allow me to escort you as your matters have become one of much importance and concern to the city."

Wilhelm proceeds to sigh inwardly while lamenting his situation, having to answer interrogative questions that the guard has while being escorted to the guild with no stops permitted along the way… he can't even pick up some food from the street stalls.

Having answering most of the guard's questions and deciding it's not worth it to deny the possibility of his alias being connected to the smithing one, he honestly claims it's himself as they could just bring a god around and test if he's lying. Though he at least can assume who it's Freya given his circumstances, knowing he's likely already caught her interest in some manner and she deciding to test him or something. Honestly what a wrecker she is if she did that.

Once inside the guild the guard who's been following Wilhelm all the way and ensuring the man doesn't take detors, the guard tells Wilhelm to meet with his dungeon advisor as they were the only personnel in the guild assigned ot him.

Once again a sheepish appearance dons upon his face while he goes to Rose's booth, his facel appearance being more sheepish due to his guilt of probably upsetting the good looking wolf girl due to his lack of appearance at the dungeon lessons, him not being around the guild for 5 weeks nad being officially missing for another two while suddenly becoming the name behind some of the hygienic products from God Miach that she's come to enjoy. Her displeasure present likely due to what she sees as self destructive nature and an overconfident adventurer. So they go into another private room for their meeting as familia and personal matters usually can't be discussed in the guild's main service room, lessons usually take place in these other rooms as well so they aren't disturbed.

"Ah…" deciding now is the time in all his wisdom because he just wants to get it over with, he opens his inventory and all the magic crystals he has dump out beside the table along with most the items he got which areitems he won't need such as teeth, organs, cloths/hides. This causes Rose to be appalled and stare at him with a sort of disdain while Wilhelm chuckles, "Can I uh… use this all to pay for my taxes and such? I Don't really wanna mess with the money I have stored right now. Anything left over I'd like to open an account with the guild to hold."

Rose seems to scowl more at Wilhelm, seeing him avoid the topic of concern her annoyance grows while thinking to herself, ('what's with these new adventures and repeatedly going into the dungeon under such dangerous circumstances!! This man never once came to the guild wearing armor but rather civilian clothes, even if he has the inventory magic, no one's seen him go in or out of the dungeon wearing anything protective. Judging both by the amount of magic crystals he got along with items and the amount of time he was in there he's probably lying about being level two as well. What an idiot.')

Taking a deep breath to calm her growing blood pressure and annoyance pertaining to the amount of reckless adventures before speaking, "This should be enough… however, you've kept professional business dealings out of city management's eyes, as such you'll also be taxed for that, the general taxes we've had time to analyze based off the profits you should've made from said dealings, and handler fees."

Wilhelm gives her a bright grin while responding, "Have the paperwork sent to my goddess please, I'll have her…. Help sorting it out."

Wilhelm waves her off calmly with a bright smile while suddenly leaving the guild considering his business is now done, as he's expertly shoved it on to someone else. His response of course causing Rose who's SUPPOSED to be his dungeon advisor to become increasingly annoyed with this new reckless adventurer, the only thing she can see as a good quality that would make her time around him bearable would be his upbeat nature and cheerful attitude when she's seen him, everyone else with her job has cut themselves off emotionally from the adventurers which she came to understand when her first adventurer that she was in-charge of died, she had thought if she did enough, if she put enough effort in they'd succeed. After their death she managed to cope with it by shifting the blame unconsciously to the egotistical and misinformed knowledge many adventurers have, it makes her job easier because she has a social disconnect from most of the adventurers.

Having technically ran from the guild he returns to Loki's mansion doing his best to sneak past the people he can to further put off his return home interrogation as to why he's been gone from them for essentially 5 weeks with no notice.

Managing to avoid them by entering the mansion through a window he essentially dashes his way towards Loki's office, deciding it's best to speak with her first as he can annoy her and push her off topic somewhat easily if he's playful about it despite her presumably being much more intelligent then him according to his own thoughts.

"Hello, my goddess." He says in an affectionate manner to get Loki's attention when he arrives in her office.

"Tsk, damn brat, you hol' up in ya little workshop I gotcha for 3 weeks, vanish for another 2, and I find out ya been hidin some nice skills and deals ya made?" Loki speaks while looking up from the papers she's filling out with disdain, "ya think some sweet words are gonna save ya boy? You're part of my familia, I'll teach ya a lesson."

"Counter offers my goddess, I suggest listening first, then maybe beating me for adding more paperwork to your workload." He responds ever calmly.

While he speaks Loki's blood pressure rises while her face seems to redden with anger due to the sudden news he's managed to add MORE work to what he already has by being missing and transferring what she found out to be his means of profit to the familia.

"I'll show you what I've been working on through the workshop area you gave me if you don't try to bring harm upon me, and at least lower whatever punishment I'd get from the executives."

"How ya know I didn't already get inside?" Loki questions after a moment with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I have runes on the building that would notify me as such if the building was broken into." Wilhelm states with a smile.

"Huh… ya know runes boyo?" Loki questions while leaning forward a bit over her desk.

"Norse runes exclusively, part of the reason I chose them to start with is to see how my knowledge of runes affects me learning other runes and so I could get an idea of how being affiliated and having a connection to the group which those runes belong to with change my ability to use runes- essentially if I can use Norse runes better then other types because you're the goddess I'm affiliated with." Wilhelm states in a matter-o-factly manner, doing his best to be serious so his goddess doesn't find another thing to bash him for at the moment.

"… interesting, well ya got a deal boy, I'll help a little bit with the others so you can shimmy your way out of punishment, but I want to see what ya been making within the next 3 months, but you have to show me things before ya get them published, sold or use them in public."

Wilhelm nods his head respectfully and turns around preparing to leave the office before he's stopped as Loki continues. "Ah ah ah, wait, that's not all, now that I KNOW why you smell good all the time and I have an understanding as to that's never gonna change, you're gonna be my cuddle pillow, preferably make yourself a bit more to my tastes when we cuddle up, yeah~?"

Wilhelm turns back to look at Loki with somewhat of a deadpan face in return to her statement, "… if i'm turning into a woman even temporarily it's because I got drunk and I wanted to seduce an equally drunk woman who would otherwise not be with me, no I wouldn't be dropping the dick in any scenario, I'm proud of what I've got." Wilhelm finishes, deciding not to oppose being Loki's cuddle buddy because having one just makes sleep feel better for him to, that and she also currently has leverage on him. Ultimately decides however he's not gonna fulfill the other request Loki has and leaves the room while Loki remains behind her desk both happy and a little disappointed with the events, still ever curious about her somewhat enigmatic familia member.