
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 10

(A/N: I previously had the hope of keeping my word count statistically above my view count on webnovel, but I apparently underestimated people as that hope and means to motivate myself further to write were destroyed in but a few days. I'm really happy with the possibility of people actually reading the content I've been dipping my hands into, while i know it's not that great especially since this is my first work, I hope to have others join me on this undoubtably perilous journey of writing and I hope there are many more people who come to enjoy what I write aswell.)

Reaching the training grounds of the Loki familia, Wilhelm begins to stretch a bit before applying a few punches through the air to get a feel for his movements and lets out a content sigh as others begin walking into the training area, presumably to watch the spar or to spar with him.

"eh-? so this is the guy that's making dear captain Finn do more work?!" Turning his head to the group Wilhelm sees Tione was the one who spoke, under his own assumption she's probably heard about him joining as a level two and not being properly registered with the guild under any familia or such.

Wilhelm turns away covering his own mouth to keep from laughing loudly as he sees the Amazoness struggle with trying to get closer to her love interest while he seems to anxiously avoid her to not give her any ground on which to place such a relationship.

"HEY! are you laughing?!" Tione yells aggressively after seeing his reaction as blood vessels bulge along her face as she grows more angry trying to calm herself down while awaiting a response.

"n-no." Wilhelm responds with underlying laughter as his voice cracks while still looking away in the same manner.

In response to his apparent lie, Tione suddenly dashes at him aggressively with two knives unsheathed, somewhat aware of his healing capabilities as she's been told a bit about them so she starts by trying to slash through the left side of his torso while using her movement speed with the attacking lunge to get behind him.

Wilhelm however shifts his body so her knife's attack lands as a stab in the middle of his gut while he grunts and remains with his feet planted as he takes the stab, effectively stopping her momentum entirely and stunning her mentally as she didn't see such a self destructive possibility.

Wilhelm takes the moment before her feet can reach the ground and she can shift to make her next move, he sends a swift knee up into her chin while using the same leg to kick one of Tione's back and grabs the woman's ankle from the leg he's kicked back while she's still unresponsive and stunned from his knee to the chin half a second earlier. Wilhelm whips Tione by her ankle over his own body causing her to slam face first roughly into the ground with the momentum he created.

While waiting for her to get up, Wilhelm grins to himself while pulling out the knife embedded into his stomach, causing the flesh to knit itself back together with only an ever-fading scar in place of the deep stab wound in-front of the others.

Sighing in exasperation again Wilhelm drops holds the dagger to the neck of the Amazoness woman who's begun getting up with a groan of pain, she clearly was not at all prepared for how he fights nor did she put herself in a place which she could adapt to it.

"Good match, yeah?" Wilhelm questions her before she groans in disdain at his cheerful attitude while getting up and takes her knife back from his hand and shoots him a glare before going back to the group.

Finn and Riveria are stunned by the quality and speed of his regeneration as within two minutes the scar that was even created by the stab has completely faded leaving no way to realize the wound even existed.

Ais however holds a different reaction, her visual appeasement and desire to fight the man apparent and clear which is to be understood as she's never seen someone with the capability to fight like that and do so without hesitation. Others present are simply dumbfounded by his regeneration.

"No I'm not going to be a training dummy, I'm not a masochist." Wilhelm states with a scowl at their analyzing expressions. "Also yes i can regenerate lost limbs, organs, any part of my body really- to my knowledge my body heals from where ever my soul or conciousness is which seems to be moved to where ever the biggest remaining portion of my body is if my brain or head is not connected to the biggest remaining portion of my body- I found this out previously after loosing my head in the dungeon to some rather villainous people who found me during these last two years."

The familia is mostly baffled after such a statement with some of the familia's younger and newer members relatively horrified at the concept, While Finn questions, "Are those people who assulted you still around?"

"hmm-? ah- I didn't have any memory manipulation at the time so I played dead for a moment while my head regrew with me maintaining an illusion with light magic that I was dead before surprising and killing them- No I still do not have memory manipulation or hypnosis magic- both things that I've been avoiding because I don't like the type of person such magics could make me become." Wilhelm responds with a deep and thoughtful explanation.

Riveria speaks in response to his words with an inquisitive tone, "You speak as if you could obtain such magics or had the chance to obtain them- what type of person would you become that makes you avoid becoming stronger in such a way?"

Wilhelm sits down on the ground with his legs crossed as he thinks for a moment, "How do you think someone with constantly growing arrogance and an absurd plethora of possible magics at their fingertips is going to act when they have a high libido and also gain the ability to manipulate others as they please? Isn't there a saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely? I'm just setting boundaries for myself so I can be a person can look at in the mirror without disdain and so I can look at my romantic partners- whoever they may be in the future- without having to think of the wrongs I might've done to them or others."

Most of the familia momentarily stunned by his straight forward honesty on the topic, while the older members of the familia nod a few moments later, appreciating the man's morals and his thoughts alike. Riveria questions next, "What do you mean by 'absurd plethora of possible magics at their fingertips...' elaborate please."

Thinking of how to word it before stating, "Well I'd prefer if less people were here for this, I'd like people to not know about this one..." Finn and Riveria raise an eyebrow respectively at the man's statement before agreeing with his consensus- the four of them including Loki exit the familia's training grounds and travel to something of an familia executive meeting room where they sit instead.

"I think it'd be best to compare this ability to a sort of library that's connected to any and all civilizations so to speak, if I am to 'search' for something in said library, the 'library' brings me anything of relevance on the topic- I can then choose to save, analyze the information according to what I want to my mind or soul. For example I suppose..." pulling a sort of writing utensil and paper from his space storage, he begins writing a recipe for soju from earth as it's a hard and popular alcohol he believes Loki will quite like the example and proceeds to hand it to them before speaking, "For example this is an alcohol called Soju with around 50% alcohol content- it's pretty popular from the place that I'm from but I never knew how to make it before today because I've never cared for alcohol."

Loki's eyes seem to light up at his words and she snatches the paper from Finn and Riveria earning a scowl from the strict high elf as the phallum just sighs, "Alright, are you fine with being officially only level one according to the guild for a month or two, after that we'll report due to some circumstances like helping in a fight against the goliath you made it to level two- *sigh* it might not be believable but according to what you showed us in the spar you're very close to Tione do to teqnique and such so Imagine you'll be level three soon meaning this needs to be rushed..."

Wilhelm just nods in response, "Sure, whatever works for you, also I hope the recipe helps pay for my workshop- now if that's all I'll be going to take a nap for the day~" Getting up with a beaming smile he quickly leaves the room not caring for where his official room is he exits the interior of the mansion and proceeds to swiftly climb, with the help of wind/air magic, up to the roof of the mansion with a smile where he decides to laze about and make his sleeping area until tomorrow so he won't be disturbed nor found during his lazy resting time.