
Going All Out

The next day signaled the start of combat class with All Might as teacher, and everyone was geared up in their costumes for the occasion.I was wearing my black swordsman clothes with my two swords strapped off my back, and gave off an imposing aura. As we walked out of the locker room suited up All Might started to explain the class. The premise of this class was to have a mock battle with students going against each other, 1 team will compose of heroes and the other team will compose of villains. The teams will be of 2 except for one match where both teams will be a team of 3 due there being 22 students in the class. The hero team has to assault the villain teams base and either detain the villains or secure the nuclear weapon, while the villain team have to detain the heroes, and protect the nuclear weapon. I was a part of team H along with Tsuyu and Tsukuyomi, and we were against team B which consisted of Todoroki, Shoji, and Asuna. I smirk to myself as I realize that this is a great chance to show off my power, Asuna and I have sparred before and she was able to almost keep up with my godspeed even before I upgraded her. Todoroki will be a pain to deal with because he can manipulate ice and fire although he only uses ice as a way of getting back at his father. Team B is the villain team while my team was the hero team. I send a smile over to Asuna as I walk up to my team, Tsukuyomi nods in my direction, while Tsuyu smiles as I approach. "So, whats the plan Haru?" Tsuyu asks when I am close enough. "I think that you and Tsukuyomi should take on Shoji while I take on Asuna and Todoroki." She responds with concern evident in her voice " Are you sure? I know that you're strong but Todoroki and Asuna seem really strong also." I smile at her and tell her not to worry about it and Tsukuyomi agrees to my plan. With that out of the way we wait for the OK from All Might to begin attacking. When we get the Ok we walk into the building to see the villains already waiting for us. I guess they figured that with my speed I would be able to take the nuclear weapon if they stayed close by to it so they opted to meet us head on. Fine by me. I turn to look at Todoroki and Asuna and decide to play with them for a little bit. I pull both off my swords off my back and start speeding toward them. Asuna whispers something to Todoroki and then rushes to meet me in the middle. After sparring with Asuna I already understand her battle style which takes advantage of her speed to make quick lunges that take the enemy off guard. As she goes in for a lunge I parry it and try to stagger her but she recovers quick enough to duck under my sword and slice toward my stomach. In response I attack her shoulder with one of my swords and try to parry her rapier with my second sword. Before my attack connects I feel a chill coming from my back and I instinctively activate godspeed and use hurricane swift thunder to augment my reaction speed only to see a pillar of ice approaching me from behind. Getting attacked from both sides I have no choice but to back off and make some distance but Asuna already expected that. She was already swinging her sword toward the escape path and I am reminded of how she was able to become the vice commander for the Knights of Blood, her strategies were second to none. Deciding against crossing swords with Asuna I decide to coat one of swords with electricity and blast apart the pillar of ice. Asuna is caught off guard by my decisiveness and is slow in her reaction giving me just enough time to back off and gather myself. Asuna seems to realize that I wont fall for the same trick twice as she transforms into her newly gained form in order to try to best me in speed. The battle stops for a second as everyone seems to be amazed by Asunas transformation, which is only broken by the smile on her face and the words that she spoke. "Time for round two." She races toward me at a speed faster than ever before and it takes me by surprise. I knew that she was faster but this is ridiculous, her speed matches my own in Godspeed. I held the advantage in speed by a tiny bit, but Todoroki kept sending ice toward me which threw me off. Looking at the fight from an outsider point of view all most people could see where sparks here and there from our swords crossing and the occasional ice from Todoroki. The stalemate held until Todoroki changed the entire floor into ice and I lost my footing causing me to slip and presenting Asuna an opportunity. She takes it and charges at me which causes me to smirk as I freeze in midair and do a circular sword slash causing her to have to jump back. I let my guard down for a second afterward because I forgot one thing, Asuna had wings. She stops midair and then swoops down to attack me. "Star Splash" She uses a sword skill that starts out with 3 short thrusts to my chest that I am barely able to block, she then does 2 jabs one high and one low which causes me to drop one of my swords, and as she goes for the finishing blow of the sword skill I say something that throws her off guard. "Spirit of Hunting and Nobility. I command thee...Be clad in my body. Dwell in my body. Change my body into a great Djinn, Barbatos!!!" There is a flash of light and then Asuna is pushed back. After the transformation my body underwent massive changes as I looked similar to a lion, my hair became silver and long, there was a third eye on my forehead, and I was holding a trident instead of a sword. "It is the first time that I have been pushed this far in a fight, be glad that you are able to witness such a form." After I said that I jumped and stopped midair as if I was stepping on a line of string before taking a crouching position. I pinpoint where the Nuclear weapon is through the walls and then say one final sentence before shooting forward and taking it. "You have grown Asuna, I'm proud of you. Keep growing and stay as an important asset by my side." If I had taken a second to look down at Asuna I would have noticed her face turning as red as a tomato as a response, and if I had looked toward Tsuyu I would have seen a twinkle in her eyes as she stared at me. After saying what I had to say my body flew forward and pierced straight through all the walls before stopping at the nuclear weapon and grabbing it. "Mock Battle over. Winner - Team H, MVP Haruhirou!"

Soooo... Thoughts on my first real action scene? Let me know in the comments if you prefer this type of action scene or a shorter one. I recommend reading the battle scene while listening to something like protectors of the earth by two steps from hell. Anyway any criticism is well appreciated, and so are any compliments! Thanks for reading.

Rivalcreators' thoughts