
Character Upgrade

After my turn Aizawa gives out the results with myself in first place, Asuna in 6th place, and Midoriya in last place. Seeing Midoriya look like his soul left his body was pretty hilarious but that only lasted for a second before Aizawa said that he was lying about the person in last place being expelled.

After we are dispersed Asuna and myself start to walk away so that we can go home, only to be stopped by a few people.

" Wow Haru I didn't think that you would be so strong"

Midoriyas eyes practically sparkle as he is looking at me when he says this.

"I knew you were powerful, but not this much. To think that I was going to ask to have a race with you."

Tenya says in his usual uptight voice. As they are complimenting me I decide to play it cool and act as if I am wise.

" Strength derives from the will to protect. That's what make heroes so powerful."

Asuna practically scoffs when I say this but Tenya and Midoriya both have a pondering look on their face as Asuna and I continue to walk away.

When we make it back to the house I head straight toward my room to check the rewards that I earned.

Congrats on completing Story Mission and Side Mission

Rewards- Title : Dare to act cool?, 1 Character Upgrade Scroll.

Dare To Act Cool?- You give off an aura of coolness and peoples eyes are drawn to you.

Character Upgrade Scroll- You can rank up any character once with a 100% chance.

Wait... I can upgrade characters that I have summoned.

" Asuna come here real quick"

After a minute Asuna shows up with a questioning look on her face.

" Can you do me a favor and just stand right there for a second?"

She nods in approval and I tap on the upgrade scroll. Asuna starts to glow in a white light and after a few seconds she stops glowing and she looks different.

Character Upgraded to Ultra Super Rare Character (Berserk Healer) Asuna

Asunas hair changed to a light blue color, and she seemed to be slightly taller. Her ears were slightly longer and there seemed to be an aura of nature surrounding her.

After slipping out of my daze I ask her

"Do you feel any different?"

She takes a second to look at herself and responds

" I feel faster, and like I have the ability to perform simple healing spells. There is also..."

as she says this I look in mild Surprise as wings come out of her back.

It looks like she changed from SAO Asuna to Alfheim Online Asuna.

"Are you able to switch between this form and your other form?"

She nods her head in approval and I see a familiar white light start to surround her and she turns back into SAO Asuna.

" We can pass the transformation off as your quirk since you haven't show anything about it yet. " That would work, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

I respond to her

"I can cook if you want me to?"

She appreciates my gesture and nods her head in response.

As she walks away I try to remember what happens next in the plot of MHA and I'm filled with anticipation for the fights that are going to happen tomorrow.