
Class Representative

Letting go of the nuclear weapon after I hear the announcement I leave the transformation and almost faint when hit by a wave of drowsiness. Luckily I was able to keep myself standing. "Young Haruhirou are you OK?" All Might comes out of nowhere and asks me. He is giving me a look that is hard to identify, partly respectful, and also full of concern, along with another emotion that is hard to discern. I tell him that I am fine and start to walk back toward where everyone else is. On the way back to the control room I meet up with Asuna seems to be avoiding eye contact, and also Tsuyu that starts bombarding me with questions about what the last transformation was, how did I get so strong, and what my relationship with Asuna was. Somehow being able to pass off the transformation as a part of my quirk, the answer to the second question was slightly harder to answer. After thinking for a moment, I decide on a story. "Ever since I was young I wanted to be the fastest. If you are fast you cant be hurt, you can save more people, I decided that my strength was going to be my speed. So I subjected myself to a training regime that many people would consider suicide all in order to be able to become the fastest hero." Thankfully she seems to accept my answer and because she is pondering my words I am able to dodge the last question that she threw out there. As we enter the control room I see my peers and All Might already standing there waiting for us. " So I put Young Haruhirou as MVP of this match can anyone explain why?" The class seems reluctant to answer until a girl with long black hair with the name Momo raises her hand. "Even though Haru seemed to be holding back in the beginning, he did so in order to do less damage to the building that he was in, and also because the power seemed to take a toll on his body. He was able to effectively detain two enemy villains by himself allowing for his teammates to have an easier time detaining the last villain. The main point though is that he was able to secure the nuclear weapon with a speed that the villains couldnt respond allowing for his team to win the match." All Might responds "Absolutely correct Young Momo" She seems to hold an air of happiness at being correct. I send her a look of appreciation but she looks away the moment that we lock eyes, which disappoints me a little but I get over it. My match was the first one but most of the others were unimportant so I don't pay attention to them. After the matches end we head back for the classroom in order for us to pick a class representative. After talking about it as a class we decide to hold a secret ballot for class representative. I ended up with the most votes, but I resigned because I thought it would be a drag. Due to this the runner up became the class representative who is Tenya. At the end of the day while walking home with Asuna I sigh due to my tiredness from the long day that I had. Deciding that I would get a ton of rest in order to prepare for the next big thing, which is the league of villains attack, I go straight into my room and rest. Before entering my room I tell Asuna that I'm not hungry and that I dont need dinner. She humphs in response and stomps away, girls are so hard to understand sometimes.

So quick question, Would you guys prefer if for the skill name I put them in brackets so that you know it is a skill?For example

In this life or death moment I whisper the word [Godspeed] and feeling that its not enough I also activate [Hurricane Swift Thunder].

Rivalcreators' thoughts