
Acting Cool In School

Standing in front of UA were a lot of interesting people but 2 among them stood out. One of them was a girl donned in red and white armor that had chestnut colored hair and eyes. The things that made her stand out were the rapier strapped to her, and the gaze of someone who has witnessed the abyss and came back. Standing next to her was another person who stood out, even more so than the girl next to him. A tall, lean boy with white hair that contrasted with the black clothes that he wore which gave off an aura of nobility. If you were to look at him from the front you would see his blood red eyes that seemed to contain a spark of electricity every now and then. Another thing that stood out about this boy were the two swords strapped to his back. One of them was a sword with a black hilt that seemed to glow blue slightly everytime the boys eyes sparked. The other weapon was a sword in a black scabbard that gave off an ominous aura of strength and pulsed with life. These two people were Haruhirou and Asuna after their 6 month training period. Haruhirou seemed to be looking at something in front of him and smirking.

Name- Haruhirou



Bloodlines-Fate Breaker Rank 1/??, The Soma Bloodline

Abilities-GodSpeed(+2),Gamblers hand,Chainbreaker, Speed Of Light(Sealed),Lightning Dragons Fall,

Thors Hammer, Sword Mastery(5/10), Dual Wield(1/5),Hurricane Swift Thunder

Items-Sword Of Kusanagi, Black Swordsman Clothes, Barbatos(Sealed),

Lvl-9 Exp(65/90)








Free Points-0

Sword Mastery(5/10) - Able to wield the sword with proficiency equal to an elite sword practitioner

Dual Wield (1/5) - Gained at sword master level 5 allows for the user to equip 2 swords at once and wield them with ease

Hurricane Swift Thunder- During Godspeed use this skill to gain increased reaction speed at the cost of slightly lower speed Cooldown- 30 seconds

Barbatos(Sealed)- A sword used by Mu Alexious that holds within the Djinn Barbatos that holds power over strength, nobility, and magic. This sword can be unsealed by using djinn equip, and the sword will transform into a javelin with piercing power almost unrivaled. During the djinn equip state the user will transform and gain a third eye and long silver air. This state can only be held for a minute.

During the six month period, I focused more on training to get used to my abilities rather than gaining new ones so that I am able to use the abilities that I do have to their full potential. I obtained Barbatos from a summon that I got when stopping a bank robbery. With this much I should be able to act cool as much as I like and hopefully advance further with story missions. I havent gained any story missions ever since the very first one so I am hoping that by going to school I am able to gain more. Thankfully both myself and asuna were assigned to class 1-A with most of the main characters in MHA. Walking into the room I see all of the familiar faces that I saw on the screen when I watched the anime. While walking to our seats it seemed as though most of the classes attention were on Asuna and I and they were slightly scared to come over and talk to us. While feeling disappointed I was just going to sit down, but then a familiar face came over to us. "Thanks for saving me during the entance exam! My name is Tsuyu Asui but you can just call me Tsu." With her introduction the class seemed to freeze at the boldness of the girl, but I just respond "Not a problem at all Tsuyu. My Name is Haruhirou but you can also just call me Haru." She seems to brighten up at my response and the stifled atmosphere that came when I walked in shattered as others came up and greeted me. The only exceptions were Bakugo who was standing in the corner glaring at me and Mineta who instead went over to Asuna to talk with her. The end result was her just ignoring him and him walking away dejectedly. When everyone settled down Aizawa came in and he tells us to get into our P.E clothes and meet out in the P.E field. Everyone else was confused except for Asuna and Myself, as we go out to the field. As we are heading out I hear the familiar sound of the system.

Story Mission

Obtain first place in the Quirk Apprehension Test

Side Mission

Look Cool While Doing It

Smirking to myself at the mission that seems like a piece of cake Aizawa finishes talking about whoever is in last place will be expelled. The first test is the 50 meter dash and I volunteer to go first. Everyone seems surprised at my eagerness while some of them felt contempt toward my confidence. Right before Aizawa starts the timer I say "Godspeed" My body gets surrounded with light blue electricity with a couple of yellow strands of electricity here and there. As he says go my body blurs and I'm already at the end. My time was 1.02 seconds and I smile at the astonished faces of all of the students. As everyone else goes I end up with the fastest time, 2 seconds faster then Tenya whose quirk is based on speed. Asuna was 3rd after Tenya which was kind of surpising. This pattern continued all the way until the ball throw test. I decided to go last this time since I knew it is impossible to beat Uraraka since she will get Infinity. As everyone else was going my mind was whirling trying to figure out what would be the best way to finish out. After a flash of inspiration I know what to do. When it was my turn to go I turn to ask Aizawa "So I can do anything as long as I can launch this ball as far as possible?" Aizawa had a questioning look as he says "As long as it is within your quirk." After getting confirmation i throw the ball in the air a tiny amount, as everyone was confused at my actions I pulled my arms back "Thors Hammer" A pure blue hammer appeared in my hands as I used all my strength to launch the ball as far as possible with the hammer. By the time the hammer dissipated the ball landed 715 meters surprising everyone. I turn and walk back to Asuna while holding a confident look, it feels good to be cool. The only sound that could be heard was the system notifying me of my completion of the missions.