
Gamblers hand

After taking a deep breath and telling myself that the bloodline is worth it, I take a moment to try to remember other things I may have missed.

"Oh yeah, there was that one skill" Thinking to myself I remember the skill that allows me to upgrade a skill every 2 levels with a 50/50 chance. Since I am level 6 I should have 3 tries for reinforcement.

If I go for the upgrade in lightning dragons fall then I can have a really strong one hit kill move, but I don't think that it will be wise in the long run. There is a lingering fear of the speed of light skill because it can destroy my body.

The best choice would be Godspeed because it has the best utility and has no cooldown. Tapping on the Gamblers Hand skill I see all of my skills, including Gamblers hand itself are able to be upgraded.

Because I already decided to level up Godspeed I tap on it and the name starts to glow a light blue before stopping.

Skill Upgrade Failed

While lamenting my unluckiness I clench my fists and tap on it again. This time the Skill glows a pale yellow and the message this time is different.

Skill Upgrade Succesful

New SubSkill Gained- Thors Hammer

Thors Hammer- You can create a hammer made of pure electricity that deals high damage and a low chance of paralysis. Cooldown- 5 minutes

Even though the upgrade didn't allow me to use lightning to coat my body, I am still satisfied with expanding my arsenal with powerful moves.

Now that I'm finished with upgrading my abilities I leave the room and look for the kitchen. As I walk into the kitchen I see Asuna already standing there cooking food. Deciding that it is a good a time as ever to try out my new bloodline I move next to her and start to help her.

She jumps slightly in Surprise and has a questioning look on her face, her eyes widen in Surprise when she witnesses how natural and skilled my movements are.

"I didn't realize that you could cook"

I stop for a second,

"You learn something new everyday I guess".

I respond with a smug look on my face and she rolls her eyes in response. I would never tell her that this is my first time ever cooking anything other than cereal.

We continue cooking in silence and once we're finished we are greeted by a steaming plate of chicken parmesan that smells amazing. After sitting down Asuna and I say thanks for the food and start to dig into the masterpiece.

Congrats on gaining +3 Int

Nothing like gaining something for doing nothing. Asuna excuses herself to go to the bathroom and

I take this time to check out one thing that I've been neglecting.


Asuna-Respected and friendly

????- Respected and thankful

Looks like my relationship with Asuna was better than I thought. From what I remember UA doesn't start up until 6 months from now so I guess I'm going to have to train to improve my skills before I start school. Looking out a window I stare into the night sky filled with anticipation for the future.